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  1. #1
    Community Member -Satureon-'s Avatar
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    Aug 2009

    Default Devil Assault Elite Solo (tank)

    Maybe it's not the biggest thing, but a nice 1st trial for every decent tank...

    Used 30 recon scrolls, 120 rep seroious dmg pots, and 20 swing on the repair crit wand.

    Satureon, Ranged (Pal x1, Mnk x3, Ran x3, Rog x1 8/8 lives),
    Betelgeuseon, Multitank (Ftr 2x, Barb 1x 3/10 lives),
    Androgun, Arcane (Wiz 3x, Sorc 3x, Fvs 1x 7/10 lives)
    [Saturus, 8 years old toon (Pal 1x, Ftr 1x, Mnk 3x, Rog 1x), Exterminus (Wiz 1x, Fvs 2x, Sorc 1x): on Thelanis.]
    Improvisative play preferred. No VC, because i just don't care by different reasons + honestly sometimes just need to focus anywhere else too, as i'm not the 'gnome at the basement' type 24/7-er.
    2006-2009 EU Aureon-Keeper; 2009-2013 US Thelanis; 2013- US Ghallanda;
    Founder/Namegiver: formerly Eternal Infinity (Thelanis), presently
    Older melee 'fame': Zawabi raid solo (mod6)+(a 'bit later' in US), old Elite DA solo, VoD solo (2011), Titan raid 4 mins shortman (2011?), ToD melee duo (2012)
    Some growing Solo Achievements (EE/Raids/Max lv. Challenges; no death/no reenter/no hire/little resources)
    My DDO True AC Calculator

  2. #2
    Stormreach Advisor

    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Never ran this on elite myself but... did you go afk or is it that long? (I remember only running normal a long while ago and it was a rather short quest - I know higher difficulties bring significantly tougher monsters but I thought their number would be somewhat equivalent)

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by tihocan View Post
    Never ran this on elite myself but... did you go afk or is it that long? (I remember only running normal a long while ago and it was a rather short quest - I know higher difficulties bring significantly tougher monsters but I thought their number would be somewhat equivalent)
    well, annihilating 196 elite mobs while doing around 30-40 damage/hit can take quite a while. i assume satureon used a holy acid burst insight iv mintu.

  4. #4
    Community Member Zenako's Avatar
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    Aug 2006


    A lot of the quest is on a staged timer, more mobs as you get rid of current ones, so very little you can do to speed that up, but you can slow it down if you want, like for a chance to use some healing. Leave an enemy archer or two left alive and find a column to block their Line of Sight. You also want to avoid big clusters in the higher levels, too easy to get pinned or even tripped perhaps, so you need to keep moving a bit and pick them off either one at a time of a few at a time.

    A group can divide and conquer and speed thing ups significantly, as well as perhaps have access to damage over time spells as well.

    Most solo attempts on challenging quests will take longer, often a lot longer, to accomplish, just due to having only one source of DPS output.
    Sarlona - The Ko Brotherhood :Jareko-Elf Ranger12Rogue8+4E; Hennako-Human Cleric22; Rukio-Human Paladin18; Taellya-Halfling Rogue16; Zenako-Dwarf Fighter10Cleric1; Daniko-Drow Bard20; Kerriganko-Human Cleric18; Buket-WF Fighter6; Xenophilia-Human Wiz20; Zenakotwo-Dwarf Cleric16; Yadnomko-Halfling Ftr12; Gabiko-Human Bard15; lots more

  5. #5
    Community Member -Satureon-'s Avatar
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    Aug 2009


    If i remember well:
    Part1: some bats, scorps, and vermin keepers (cr14) usually 4-5 on each
    Part2: Bearded devils, trog archers with some frenzied bezekira 4-5 each (usually 9-10 together)
    Part3: Bearded devils, thiefling archers and fire elemental (4-5 each except elemental rate: 1-1 fire elemental here: endboss Hell Fire (red fire elemental)
    Part4: Elite Barbazu captains (cr21? they can penetrate 70 ac) and skirmishers, casters, archers (4-5 each): endboss Razor Blade (red tiefling warrior)
    Part5: Elite Orthon Defenders(cr23?), casters, and fire elementals (4-5 each): endboss General Yagora (orthon, cr27, 60ac, 50atk, stun etc.).

    Solo or not, 9-10 opponent dancing usually on the dancing area on each tier when they swarm.
    Borders on kill:
    Wave1: 40
    Wave2: 75
    Wave3: 115(?)
    Wave4: 160
    Wave5: 196

    Usually they come together in each tier, and you need to be well prepared.
    You can use higher dps against them, but i dont think so that your survival granted...

    Who found the time too much: let's try you too with your tank if you don't believe; instead of ranting...
    (i could speed up a bit if i want: the completion was my 3rd attemption. Dc-ed at the 5th wave on the 2nd try.
    Otherwise speed doesnt matter if you cant survive and complete the quest. If you survived/completed as tank screenie or never happened.)
    A ranger or caster or offensive cle or fvs could do this one apr. in 40-60mins i know, but quite different view from fighter aspect.

    Not used Min2 GS, i used mixed weapons as you can see on my bars too.
    Used a +5 metalline pg DA on the endboss. My base damage could be definitely higher with min2 GS, and as you seen on the screen i was in CE mode...
    Sometimes need to use brain for optimized damage to survive instead of just hitting stuff with a healer on your back.^^

    with Zenako
    Last edited by -Satureon-; 01-29-2010 at 11:30 AM.
    Satureon, Ranged (Pal x1, Mnk x3, Ran x3, Rog x1 8/8 lives),
    Betelgeuseon, Multitank (Ftr 2x, Barb 1x 3/10 lives),
    Androgun, Arcane (Wiz 3x, Sorc 3x, Fvs 1x 7/10 lives)
    [Saturus, 8 years old toon (Pal 1x, Ftr 1x, Mnk 3x, Rog 1x), Exterminus (Wiz 1x, Fvs 2x, Sorc 1x): on Thelanis.]
    Improvisative play preferred. No VC, because i just don't care by different reasons + honestly sometimes just need to focus anywhere else too, as i'm not the 'gnome at the basement' type 24/7-er.
    2006-2009 EU Aureon-Keeper; 2009-2013 US Thelanis; 2013- US Ghallanda;
    Founder/Namegiver: formerly Eternal Infinity (Thelanis), presently
    Older melee 'fame': Zawabi raid solo (mod6)+(a 'bit later' in US), old Elite DA solo, VoD solo (2011), Titan raid 4 mins shortman (2011?), ToD melee duo (2012)
    Some growing Solo Achievements (EE/Raids/Max lv. Challenges; no death/no reenter/no hire/little resources)
    My DDO True AC Calculator

  6. #6
    Brains and other spare parts! DeltaBravo's Avatar
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    Dec 2009

    Default :)

    I know Sat in the game And want to make a lil comment.. after he said he made it trough there i went in Solo elite as well.. And i must say that its not a easy task just to solo it.. i solo alot of stuff. ( some other stuff i soloed Queen , All vale quests , all amrath quests , stealer of souls. and some others.. mostly on normal though) But the point is . i have soloed some quests.. before.. never tried this 1 before. It was pretty hard actully.. I did not use any pots. and i dont have bauble. but i used about 100 heal scrolls. and 20 haste pots.. and a few other stuff.
    It is alot eaiser to solo stuff as a cleric then a tank.. So iam pretty impressed Sat.. GOOD JOB
    Deltabravo I have come here to FROG things up!

  7. #7
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  8. #8
    Stormreach Advisor

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    Jan 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by -Satureon- View Post
    Who found the time too much: let's try you too with your tank if you don't believe; instead of ranting...
    Just in case: I didn't mean to imply you didn't do well. I really wanted to know if it took that long or if you had just gone afk at some point. I still need it on elite on my characters and wanted to know if I'd try to solo it or just make a group for it. Now I'll know I'll make a group, so thanks for the detailed information

  9. #9
    Community Member EddieB_TBC's Avatar
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    Jul 2007


    very cool achievement. congrats.

  10. #10
    Community Member -Satureon-'s Avatar
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    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by tihocan View Post
    Just in case: I didn't mean to imply you didn't do well. I really wanted to know if it took that long or if you had just gone afk at some point. I still need it on elite on my characters and wanted to know if I'd try to solo it or just make a group for it. Now I'll know I'll make a group, so thanks for the detailed information
    You're welcome, and have fun there, pls don't take my reply too harsh also.

    Edit: Oh, and almost forgot: there is no time to just go afk, maybe just 1min when you rest at the shrine/loot.
    (you get loot/shrine after 3rd wave, then 4th, then 5th)
    Last edited by -Satureon-; 01-29-2010 at 01:17 PM.
    Satureon, Ranged (Pal x1, Mnk x3, Ran x3, Rog x1 8/8 lives),
    Betelgeuseon, Multitank (Ftr 2x, Barb 1x 3/10 lives),
    Androgun, Arcane (Wiz 3x, Sorc 3x, Fvs 1x 7/10 lives)
    [Saturus, 8 years old toon (Pal 1x, Ftr 1x, Mnk 3x, Rog 1x), Exterminus (Wiz 1x, Fvs 2x, Sorc 1x): on Thelanis.]
    Improvisative play preferred. No VC, because i just don't care by different reasons + honestly sometimes just need to focus anywhere else too, as i'm not the 'gnome at the basement' type 24/7-er.
    2006-2009 EU Aureon-Keeper; 2009-2013 US Thelanis; 2013- US Ghallanda;
    Founder/Namegiver: formerly Eternal Infinity (Thelanis), presently
    Older melee 'fame': Zawabi raid solo (mod6)+(a 'bit later' in US), old Elite DA solo, VoD solo (2011), Titan raid 4 mins shortman (2011?), ToD melee duo (2012)
    Some growing Solo Achievements (EE/Raids/Max lv. Challenges; no death/no reenter/no hire/little resources)
    My DDO True AC Calculator

  11. #11
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by tihocan View Post
    Never ran this on elite myself but... did you go afk or is it that long? (I remember only running normal a long while ago and it was a rather short quest - I know higher difficulties bring significantly tougher monsters but I thought their number would be somewhat equivalent)
    It is very short. In a full group you should expect to complete it in 15-20 minuits. The long completion time just goes to show the desparity in damage dealing capabilities of 1 low-dps melee vs a team of players.

  12. #12
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009

    Default Wizard Pale Master

    I've done it once with my wizard pale master level 19 (with summons but no pots). It took me about 50 minutes.
    I would have like to post a screen shot, but I don't see how I can do it.

    Great job, big tank!

  13. #13
    Community Member -Satureon-'s Avatar
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    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Bertyboy33 View Post
    I've done it once with my wizard pale master level 19 (with summons but no pots). It took me about 50 minutes.
    I would have like to post a screen shot, but I don't see how I can do it.

    Great job, big tank!
    Ok, you wanted it.
    Was devil assault with my wiz in comfy pace. No pots etc.
    25mins no hassle no danger.

    Reminder: with the dungeon scale (except raids/ maybe epics), soloing quests are much easier since one of the latest upgrades! Prolly.
    The OP achivement been done 1 year before the change.
    Last edited by -Satureon-; 01-20-2011 at 08:41 AM.
    Satureon, Ranged (Pal x1, Mnk x3, Ran x3, Rog x1 8/8 lives),
    Betelgeuseon, Multitank (Ftr 2x, Barb 1x 3/10 lives),
    Androgun, Arcane (Wiz 3x, Sorc 3x, Fvs 1x 7/10 lives)
    [Saturus, 8 years old toon (Pal 1x, Ftr 1x, Mnk 3x, Rog 1x), Exterminus (Wiz 1x, Fvs 2x, Sorc 1x): on Thelanis.]
    Improvisative play preferred. No VC, because i just don't care by different reasons + honestly sometimes just need to focus anywhere else too, as i'm not the 'gnome at the basement' type 24/7-er.
    2006-2009 EU Aureon-Keeper; 2009-2013 US Thelanis; 2013- US Ghallanda;
    Founder/Namegiver: formerly Eternal Infinity (Thelanis), presently
    Older melee 'fame': Zawabi raid solo (mod6)+(a 'bit later' in US), old Elite DA solo, VoD solo (2011), Titan raid 4 mins shortman (2011?), ToD melee duo (2012)
    Some growing Solo Achievements (EE/Raids/Max lv. Challenges; no death/no reenter/no hire/little resources)
    My DDO True AC Calculator

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