sold out .. thanx
sold out .. thanx
Last edited by Thoradin; 03-08-2010 at 04:20 PM.
+5 mithril tower shield ml 6 rr human
Interested in this for my lowbie intim, but am afraid to make an offer due to the silly prices these are on AH.
Interested in cakes/cookies from the x-mas event(got lots. LOTS and I need the bank space back)
Lol i understand totally.. i dont need any cookies but feel free to make offers.. im not someone that goes off the auctioneer prices because i realize they are ********.. im just looking for fair offers
sorry chked the post after i logged into my account... shield sold alrdy at 250kpp on auctioneer
updated and bumped
yet again
Last edited by Thoradin; 02-12-2010 at 11:56 AM.
top of the pile once more!!! lol
appreciate all the PM's ive been getting as well![]()
*drum roll*
all new stuff YAY BUMPAGE!
some sold some added.. mostly weapons
top o' the list yet again lol