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  1. #1
    Community Member RynElectra's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Bard with Summon Nature's Ally

    Right now I'm a level 2 Bard (that can go to level 3) and I've noticed that Rangers can learn Summon Nature's Ally I - IV. I really love summoning/pets and I was wondering if there is a way for me to use Bard songs along with some Bard Spells and the Ranger spells Summon Nature's Ally. Will I need to start over or can I do it with this character? How exactly do I do this?


  2. #2
    Community Member hydra_ex's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    You wouldn't want to;
    Not only are summoning spells weakish, but ranger ones only go up to IV. Furthermore, you can have your own pets from bard spells, and UMD scrolls up to lvl 9 (even though 7 are the only ones which are sold)
    Last edited by hydra_ex; 01-28-2010 at 05:59 PM.
    THELANIS - Chief Scientist of DARPA
    Ravinex: Bard 18/Fighter 2 - Krotus: 20 Fighter - Hemium: Ranger 18/Fighter 2 - Stema: Favoured Soul 11 - Hemios: Ranger 15/Fighter 1/Monk 1

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