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Number one does similar damage to existing weapons and builds on trash, if anything it just justifies one build line for that purpose.
Number two can do upwards of 15k dps to a joint group of mobs if played well and is insanely boring while doing so.
Comparing the two issues isn't really realistic; they're flat up entirely different. Elemental substitution is the last thing we need.
keep in mind, by the way, that I don't want to nerf nuking casters into the ground; rather, I'd prefer to keep fw the way it is (maybe do something that reduces its extremity over very large areas by making it crit per tick instead of per cast, or something), and instead drastically improve the mana efficiency of single-cast nukes like chain, delayed blast and meteor swarm, so that outside of situations where you need truly massive damage per mana spent, those spells are viable and effective. I would like to be able to do my moderately useful nuking dps for more than halfway per shrine, and do so in a way that involves a variety of spells (and specs) instead of wof wof wof unless stuff is fire immune. My favorite example here is from recently soloing my tr as a lv 10 through elite stormcleave. I threw 1 firewall per mob pack because it was the most effective way to kill stuff. It took 2-3 firewall ticks to kill mobs, as they have around 300-350 hp. If acid blast or fire ball were just more mana efficient, I coudl have instead had the somewhat more engaging experience of casting it twice (and, for example, hoping my investment in crit lines got me a crit that made me only cast them once for added benefit!) or casting one of each, etc, instead of just casting one fw per fight. Other spells dont need to truly match fw's dpm output as long as they provide enough dpm to run the quest without casting fw exclusively. But since fw is literally 40-50 times better than other nukes when it works, we get balanced around it and our other spells are just bad. If we could just make them almost as good, their own perks (working on non-immunes, doing damage faster) would give them their own situations to be used, and we would actually carry and use a lot more spells and have a more engaging experience.
I don't want to nerf casters, I want to make them cast more than one spell to succeed cause I would enjoy mine way more then, and I play him all the time. It's kind of silly when you refill on haste and wof components about 5x as often as any other spell component :P
I just don't see all the fire about the epic SoS. Its actual impact on the game will be minimal. It brings thf trashmob damage up to where great dual wielders are, and it doesn't really help them significantly make up the gap in raid fights. Its not very good item design, but its actual gameplay consequence is just so minor. Why does it have 10 threads? It confuses me.
Item is good, item is not that good. Epic spectral gloves are a more significant upgrade for most builds. Using Epic SoS as something to cite re: caster upgrades is silly. The problem is that while they appear to have tried to give us some useful effects (and i think you are not giving enough credit to greater sp 8 on the torc, and the regular spell pen 9 necklace w/ potential for good luck +2 in a socket), many of them are poorly designed or incredibly hard to use for good effect (like the int 7 staff).