I've spent a lot of time recently trying to farm these apparently ultra-rare handwraps with zero luck. Now, I've never leveled a monk past 9, but this go around I'm having a lot more fun and getting a much better feel for the class. Of course I would have even more fun if I could round out my pitiful handwrap collection with something unique. Sonic handwraps? Sounds great. Too bad it is looking well-nigh impossible to actually score a pair.
I've read all the recent threads about monks and their lack of named wraps and the extreme rarity of the few that do exist, but are these things really that rare? I must've done this quest 30 times in the last two days with a couple of character and zip, nada, nilch. I'm starting to wonder if they even exist. I dread running Necro 2 for the Devouts if the rarity of named handwraps is this bad. I understand the new update is including some new named wraps, but I'm wondering now if they are going to be equally rare, requiring umpteen dozen grinds just for something different to hit things with.
I'm still gonna make a go at capping this monk, because the class is just too much fun to play. But it is pretty frustrating to be stuck with the same old wraps for level after level.