I am not really sure what your end goal is for this build. But if you wish to melee you would be far better off making this a warforged favor soul and stay pure which would outcast and out damage this toon.
I am not really sure what your end goal is for this build. But if you wish to melee you would be far better off making this a warforged favor soul and stay pure which would outcast and out damage this toon.
Code:Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.10 DDO Character Planner Home Page Blades Level 20 Lawful Good Warforged Female (20 Favored Soul) Hit Points: 260 Spell Points: 1783 BAB: 15\15\20\25\25 Fortitude: 16 Reflex: 12 Will: 14 Starting Feat/Enhancement Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats (32 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20) Strength 15 18 Dexterity 10 10 Constitution 17 18 Intelligence 8 8 Wisdom 13 14 Charisma 12 14 Tomes Used +1 Tome of Strength used at level 8 +1 Tome of Wisdom used at level 20 +1 Tome of Charisma used at level 20 Starting Feat/Enhancement Base Skills Modified Skills Skills (Level 1) (Level 20) Balance 0 -5 Bluff 1 2 Concentration 5 17 Diplomacy 1 2 Disable Device n/a n/a Haggle 1 2 Heal 1 2 Hide 0 -5 Intimidate 1 2 Jump 2 -1 Listen 1 2 Move Silently 0 -5 Open Lock n/a n/a Perform n/a n/a Repair -1 -1 Search -1 -1 Spot 1 2 Swim 2 -6 Tumble 0.5 -4.5 Use Magic Device 1.5 3 Level 1 (Favored Soul) Feat: (Selected) Adamantine Body Feat: (Diety) Favored by the Lord of Blades Level 2 (Favored Soul) Level 3 (Favored Soul) Feat: (Selected) Extend Spell Level 4 (Favored Soul) Ability Raise: STR Level 5 (Favored Soul) Feat: (Favored Soul Bonus) Energy Resistance: Fire Level 6 (Favored Soul) Feat: (Selected) Maximize Spell Level 7 (Favored Soul) Level 8 (Favored Soul) Ability Raise: CON Level 9 (Favored Soul) Feat: (Selected) Quicken Spell Level 10 (Favored Soul) Feat: (Favored Soul Bonus) Energy Resistance: Acid Level 11 (Favored Soul) Level 12 (Favored Soul) Feat: (Selected) Two Handed Fighting Level 13 (Favored Soul) Level 14 (Favored Soul) Level 15 (Favored Soul) Feat: (Favored Soul Bonus) Energy Resistance: Cold Feat: (Selected) Improved Two Handed Fighting Level 16 (Favored Soul) Ability Raise: CHA Level 17 (Favored Soul) Level 18 (Favored Soul) Feat: (Selected) Empower Spell Level 19 (Favored Soul) Level 20 (Favored Soul) Ability Raise: CHA
Current TR project -- Anshel life 8 of 20 ending up FVS
Side TR project -- Daciana (life 8 of 14 maybe)(Will be completionist druid)
Khyber main server
Originally Posted by MeliCat:
I don't like strawberry ice cream. You can offer all the strawberry ice cream that you like and I won't eat it. Offer me chocolate and I'll ask for second helpings.
The biggest issue when multiclassing is synergy.
Barbarians are a melee class whose power comes from raging
Clerics, being a caster class, can't cast when raged.
These have little synergy, and in fact, are counterproductive in general. When raged you levels in are a detriment, and when not raged you Barb levels are mostly useless.
Rogues have some synergy with Clerics.
Monks have great synergy with Clerics.
The best use of rogue splash on a Cleric is UMD and trapsmithing. UMD isn't as helpful to a casting class because they already can use scrolls/wands of their class. Speccing in trapsmithing on a Cleric requires a moderate investment in stats, enhancements, items, and even spells. It can be done, it can be done well. Do you have the knowledge of what you need to make the character an effective trapsmith? If you don't, don't try to become one and then fail traps in quest. Trapsmithing is harder on newer characters because they don't have the twink items. I don't recommend going this route to a newer player.
If going for evasion, monk is the better option. If no access to monk, then 2 rogue for evasion is fine, just know you still need a good dex to have a good reflex save, else evasion won't help you.
3 rogue for sneak attack on a Cleric isn't that helpful. You lose more then that in spells and spell damage.
Melee Clerics, or Battleclerics, can be a asset to a party. They can also easily be the worst player in the party. There will be times when you need to not fight at all and just heal. Most players never grasp when to do that.
When you request to join a group, they won't know what your role is. Are you a gimp melee? A battlecleric who can heal and fight at the same time? Most raid leaders will just decline you, because better options will be available.
I prefer not to tweak the build, I say continue researching and trying to find something that sounds fun to you. This build is trying to do too much.
cause unless you are running with guildies who dont care about your build.you will be soloing a lot with your original build.btw there is a big differnce between the planner and actually running it
thanks guys. I definitely concur with the favored soul class idea as well as the talk of synergy. Sadly I dont have favored soul open to me at this time. someday soon hopefully! gotta keep on keepin on with the favor points
Xy, i have monk, WF and 32 point build open, nothing else as of yet.
Paladin has such a draw for fitting my needs and wants but after reading the comprehensive "how to build and play paladin" guide I am honestly not sure if my combat skills are up to par on juggling all the very short term buffs and attacks effectively. and it plainly states, if you cant do this, you will be a crappy paladin. Sure sounds bling bling damage wise if you can keep the paladin on top his game.
I would just go pure fighter, and for my first (28 point build) char I did. but the serious lack of will saves even with feats taken to try and rectify that made it a very hit or seriously miss character for any solo work or small group work where I was the main/only source of consistent damage. I am now exploring a WF fighter 14 pal 6, or fighter 12 pal 8 build. I am leaning now towards the 12/8 spread for the gain of lay hands power and the aura II enhancements, unless somebody has a suggestion as to a class I could splash that would be worthy of losing the 1 feat and extra haste from the two fighter levels or the extra lay power and aura buffs of the extra 2 paladin levels. Im realistic in the fact I can't keep a pure paladin in tip top, but I cant get past the want for fear immunity as well as increased saves (and fear/other saves for friends)..am i barking up the wrong tree again and should just go pure paladin and warn people I might not be all the paladin they are banking on in regards to DPS?
I dont absolutely dislike this idea-but I think there is some overlap. Resist energy would be granted by your Cleric Class as a spell-thuss not needed.
While I do see some Rog/Cleric mixes out there-the more potent combo may be Monk/Cleric as you would receive your WIS bonus for A/C-you could eliminate your ADM Body and just go pure docent +WIS/DEX and also receive you Evasion (after 2 levels of Monk). I think you would eventually have a higher A/C than if you went the other way. I think you would also get better saves using the Water stance and splashing Monk. The big issue with doing the whole Monk Vs. Rog. thing is that it requires you to be Lawful-something that would prevent you from splashing Barbarian-but it may not be the end of the world to use a Fighter level vs. the Barbarian? Good luck-keeps us informed how things go for ya!![]()