A little background: I tend to play with a small group of friends (2 others, plus a third sometimes). We play as a group almost exclusively, we like doing elite content we probably shouldn't be able to. Currently we're approaching 20 with a fighter, ranger/rogue, and cleric. We're looking at true reinc and I'm thinking about rolling up a Paladin to be our tank. Right now our fighter is an intimitank build and it seems to work pretty good for us overall.
So the question for me is hatetank or intimitank? I've got a rogue 1/fighter 1/paladin 18 sword&board intimitank build I'm pretty happy with. I haven't tried too put together a DPS + ac build, which seems to be a bother. I'd like to keep UMD so even going to hatetank I'm likely to keep the rogue level.
Some other factors: we're new players since Mod9. We have good gear but not huge gear (no greensteels, only one or two +2 tomes available per person, etc). Our goal is to enjoy playing together and be successful at elites when shortmanned without hirelings (too stupid to tolerate), hit 20 and reroll again.
So I guess in a way the question is can a possibly under-geared paladin (pure or not) pull off hate tanking on elite on their way up to 20? I know I can do intim, there's enough gear I've already got stocked to keep my intim score competitive or better than what our fighter has had this go-round. Given that I could always build for DPS and fall back to intim+sword&board I suppose. Am I really going to generate enough hate like that in DoS stance + possibly divine righteousness? If not it seems S&B would be the much better plan from the start.