hi i have build a monk with splash of cleric im now lvl 7 anddont have woleness of body feet im i scrued or i can get it later ??
hi i have build a monk with splash of cleric im now lvl 7 anddont have woleness of body feet im i scrued or i can get it later ??
You'll get it when you have 7 monk levels, not just 7 levels total.
just becose i use to be a cleric and love the soloing that give me and 2 buff sheild of faith and divine favor
thank you for anser
Last edited by vangau; 01-27-2010 at 04:07 PM.
If you're going with Path of Light, you won't need either of these. I understand the synergistic nature of Cl/Monk, but trust me when I say a pure monk with fist of light is all you'll need to solo. It's almost too farking easy.
You don't need mana, you heal yourself by punching things in the face, and you get ridiculous saves. I don't see why you'd want to gimp yourself out of the capstone by splashing cleric. Anything you get as a lvl1 cleric can be gotten with simple clickie items, especially when you consider your SP pool will be abysmally small and you'll get very, VERY little mileage out of the buffs. What seems like a great idea at character creation becomes a ball-and-chain at lvl 5.
I don't mean to criticize your build, I believe people should play what they find fun. I just don't know if you're aware of the benefits of a full monk.
As a newbie monk, I've gone path of light and, well, FoL just doesn't cut it. Oddly, I kill things TO fast.
Takes time to build up ki for FoL, by the time I get that ki I finish off a mob, lead with FoL on the next mob, get 3-4 hp and the new mob is dead, in the meantime I've taken that much or more from him and his buddies. Now I have to build up Ki again, it's a net loss.
Fight bigger things? Tried that, I go down even faster.
I suspect it's an AC issue, I'm level 7 (6 Monk, 1 Cleric as well) with a max AC of about 25. I'm a newbie so no twink gear, started this character in korthos at level 1 so I didnt get the BwB to start off with like you get from the Vet status and never saw them drop the three times I ran through WW. I did manage to buy a set of +3 AC bracers off the AH and I did get the Protector's set from Korthos so I should be about right there, it's the OTHER stuff that I suspect I'm missing.
The buffs are actually NOT why I went with Cle (though if I run across something I know uses MM I will cast nightsheld), occasional CLW spells in combat and CMW wands inbetween fights are the reasons for the multiclass.
Take a look at 'Ralthis' on MyDDO and make suggestions, I'm more than willing to listen...
Your level 1 Shield of Faith that you'll be able to cast with your 1 level of cleric will only be +2, and will be overridden by a pure cleric's spell which will be +5 at level 18. That and it'll only be 1 minute long if you only take 1 level of cleric, so you will be refreshing it constantly. Not to mention you can buy Shield of Faith +3 potions that last 6 minutes, so they will be better than your Shield of Faith spell. Divine Favor you can get on clickies if you want it. It also lasts only a minute so it will need constant refreshing.
Personally when it comes to healing and DPS, I feel that the Monk class is gimped. Even in Dragon stance I don't generate enough KI. Then to use the finishing move for heal only heals 10-12 HP, at lvl 6 anyways takes 25 Ki. Since you have to use it 3 use the normal attack that only hurts undead and heals 1 HP. Then the dps attack is only a 2d10 when my elemental attacks do 2d6. I am really hoping in update 3 they fix all of this. I love the Monk class but does not give you enough survivability or dps to make up for it. Maybe I am doing something wrong by the way I play them, I am open to suggestion. I can understand taking a healing class but yeah in the end game won't be worth it. Taking a lvl of Rogue for sneak attack and UMD would be a better idea.
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