Have several of each of the above for trade and am wanting to knw what they go for large wise. Any thoughts?
Edit: LIst
Bloodstone x2 (A,Shake)
Greaves x2 (Bank,G)
Cloak of Ice x4 (A,L,G,S)
Spectral Gloves x2(L- one minor dmg one new)
Planar girds x4 (G)
+2 dex tomes(P)
2x +2 wis tomes
+2 Cha tome
2x+2 int tomes
Ethereal Bracers (L)
Scourge Choker (L)
Spellstoring rings x1
Thats what i got for Trade atm make me an offer either pm or in thread if u like - il get a better idea on worth and then trade it all away.