Hi guys, i just had this message come up. Ive looked through the threads here and the only advice is to check/ reset the daqte and time. I have done that, and changed the time zone then put it back. Ive tried restared and all that.... Im all out of ideas. Does anyone have any clue about this issue? pleeeeease help
Certificate Information:
Problem: 0x800B0101 (CERT_E_EXPIRED: A required certificate is not within its validity period when verifying against the current system clock or the timestamp in the signed file.)
Service Point:
Address: ................ https://gls-auth.ddo.com/GLS.AuthServer/Service.asmx
Connection Limit: ....... 2
Connection Name: ........ https
Current Connections: .... 1
Idle Since: ............. 27/01/2010 16:54:05
Max Idle Time: .......... 100000
X509 Certificate:
Cert Hash: .............. 66FEF0435A05A507DC2AE2A6AA88CF6336AE36ED
Effective Date: ......... 04/01/2009 16:00:00
Expiration Date: ........ 05/01/2010 15:59:59
Format: ................. X509
Issuer Name: ............ C=US, O=Network Solutions L.L.C., CN=Network Solutions Certificate Authority
Key Algorithm: .......... 1.2.840.113549.1.1.1
Key Algorithm Parameters: 0500
Name: ................... C=US, PostalCode=02090, S=MA, L=Westwood, STREET=60 Glacier Drive, O="Turbine, INC", OU=Secure Link SSL Wildcard, CN=*.ddo.com
Public Key: ............. 30818902818100DC28EB124FE5453548288F95BE...
Raw Cert Data: .......... 308204F3308203DBA003020102021100AB318CA6...
Serial Number: .......... F9B9EABE321367EAF9E856D8A68C31AB00
Web Request:
Connection Group Name: ..
Content Length: ......... -1
Content Type: ........... text/xml; charset=utf-8
Method: ................. POST
Request Uri: ............ https://gls-auth.ddo.com/GLS.AuthServer/Service.asmx
User-Agent = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; MS Web Services Client Protocol 1.1.4322.2443)
Content-Type = text/xml; charset=utf-8
SOAPAction = "http://www.turbine.com/SE/GLS/LoginAccount"