ok, I have been working with the planner, and forums to knock out a toon to play in a duo with a friend. I've pretty much boiled down most of what I THINK will work, but have gotten stuck right before character creation day. Please look over these things I am stuck on. (I can post the planner(s) if needed, but hate seeing them when not a must on a post.)
17Ceric/3 rogue (at 1/10/20)
I have kept Concentration and DD maxxed, and kept Spot/search each getting a 1 point/lvl (16 INT)
I got no UMD and let balance fall off after the lvl 1 points festival. ( I know, I'm sorry)
SO..This is what I'm stuck on....
Quicken vs Concentration ??
IF quicken can really replace it, put the concentration points on...
Balance or UMD ??
He has, after changing his mind many times, decided to go with a paladin. Both characters are drow.
Anyway, I know this post is all mixed up, but I am at work, and the Alt+Tab monster keeps attacking.
Thanks for looking.