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  1. #21
    Community Member Bolo_Grubb's Avatar
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    Last night I watched carefully as we were doing shroud, and with all the right buffs (bards, cleric,wizard, paladin, ranger etc) and with CE turned on, shield in place I could get to 65 AC.

    I know I can get that a few points higher with some better equipment (the right add-ons to Dragon touch for example).

    Since my current build is very similar to the second build at the top, I may go with that.

    Also I have now played the first build on the Laminia server and I am just not that impressed with the difference max str makes.

  2. #22
    Community Member
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    18 vs 16 or 20 vs 18 STRARTING strength matters, but it matters very little.
    Wherever you went - here you are.

  3. #23
    Founder & Super Hero Arkat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir_Chonas View Post

    WF khopesh wielders get a natural bonus to STR...

    -1 Rep

    Please check your facts before posting stuff like this.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The release notes themselves are essentially the same as was seen on Lamannia most recently.
    This^, in so many words, is how you say time and feedback on Lamannia are wasted.

  4. #24
    Community Member Bolo_Grubb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dartwick View Post
    18 vs 16 or 20 vs 18 STRARTING strength matters, but it matters very little.
    It really is more of a cost vs benefit thing. I did notice an increase in damage, but it was a very small increase and compared to the loss of skills (due to lower starting INT) and no CE and improved trip, I do not think it is worth it for me and my play style.

  5. #25
    Community Member Auran82's Avatar
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    As a general statement, the only character I would take 18 starting str on is a barbarian (might be some other characters, but as a general statement)

    65 ac can be quite useful in some higher level quests on normal, but you would need to get somewhat higher for it to be of use on elite (and forget epic) but having the option to turtle up is always useful if things go pear shaped.

    It's also worth considering putting a couple more points into Cha seeing you have taken feats to bump up intimidate and also putting skill points into UMD as it's more than possible to get it to a point where you can use things like RR items/weapons and have a semi decent chance on landing a raise dead scroll if required (not 100%, but a chance)

    I would definitely take the second build option though as it sounds like you are more wanting to be able to swap between TWFing, S&B tanking and using improved trip etc.

    You will also have the option to swap between Kensai and Stalwart defender if you so wish.
    Last edited by Tarrant; 01-28-2010 at 09:55 AM.

  6. #26
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    Please explain to me why OTWF should be taken at level 18? It's super nice to have at lower levels because the best damaging weapons are oversized, and the sooner you start swinging one in each hand, the better.

    So I was wrong about WF getting a str bonus, they still make better DPS fighters than humans.

    Please explain how what I said about human fighters is not true. Do they not take extra feats to allow for more clickables (action boost: haste and attack)? Does CE not give higher AC?

    I was wrong about WF racial bonuses, but the rest of what I said is still true. The healing bonus is less of an issue the further along you get unless you plan to main tank sully something (which humans would be better for because of their possibility for higher ac as mentioned above).
    Last edited by Tarrant; 01-28-2010 at 11:30 AM.

  7. #27
    Community Member Bolo_Grubb's Avatar
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    I still see no need for UMD. I played with UMD on the test server and could not get it up to a point where I thought it was worth it.

    I do not want to have to switch out several items just to have a 50% chance on a heal wand or raise dead scroll. As for raise dead I have GS clickie to take care that.

    Potions do not fail and are faster.

    Honestly I see haggle as a more worth while skill for a fighter then UMD.

    And I do not have any points left over to bump CHA, that is the main reason I am taking some feats to raise Intimidate. My intimidate will be in the low 50s, that should be good enough for most things and certainly good enough to be a secondary tank when needed.

  8. #28
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    Yeah, UMD is pretty hard to raise on a fighter (unless you DO go the 13 int route then you should have some extra skill points to throw around, but you'd have to put 13 points in at creation).

    Other skills that most people do are
    Intim: If you plan on tanking/drawing aggro, put points here first.
    Jump: 14 is the number most people shoot for since it enables you to reach most places in game.
    Balance: As high as possible, but still won't keep you on your feet against air eles :\.
    Tumble: Is nice in that you can fall from higher places and take less damage, but it'll be as hard to level as UMD.

    Haggle is nice in theory, but it's easy enough to find a +13 item at level 13 on the AH, and cha items + pots get you higher than you could get by using skill points. Or you could just roll up a level 4 bard with jumpstart and turn it into your hagglebot (it'll be better at level 4 than a fighter probably at level 20).

  9. #29
    Community Member Emili's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrFister View Post

    What's so bad about a human anyway?

    All dps melee have and use differing options when comes to race ... Humans - although are actually well suited for high DPS builds.

    NO - they bloody have no racial bonus on a given weapon nor anything close to the WF PA or bladesworn, Halfling Guile etc... They are however pretty easy to reach top strength - mind you max'd str human melee often sits two points higher in prime stat then many of it's counterparts via the swing point (adaptability), is easy to marry with but a +3 exceptional (18 start + 5 levels + 4 tome + 1 adaptability) = 28 before gear lets say is a fighter +3 enhancement more + 6 item +3 exceptional = 12 for total 40 standing without any profane bonus... prior to buffing up not too shabby for farming but two things.

    Khopesh be her extra feat (Often I consider this so) as even many dps WF and even Dwarf looks to the Khopesh ... Why, well when it comes to criticals and such... they're a nice beating weapon, some weapons hit higher crits, others crit more often yet the khopesh manages the go between and runs out ahead in one handers especially as the strength stat flairs up... kensai + (rage spell, double madstoned, blooded, Yugoloth, overly raged .... )

    ... I know a good dear friend told me he's tight on feats on his versitile twf DPS/Intimitank human to boot and I agree with him afterall there are plenty of feats I wish I still had 19 are not enough and I quite agree ... luv ya Shug.

    Con and HP on human are middle of the road... one racial toughness and 3 stat points behind WF or Dwarf places them at 20-30 hp lighter in average.

    Healing amp... 30% actually is quite nice... I keep bout 50% on mine with gear but I do know people go for 100%+

    ... case in point is not what's best or better - people will argue that day in and out - fact is what one gives one takes, what is top dog today is in the middle tomorow, seen that bloody quite enough - fair exchange - DPS melee varies in this game and thank goodness it does.
    Last edited by Emili; 02-01-2010 at 05:42 PM.
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