I have recently treid to upgrade to VIP status, only I cannot.
I put in my card details (this time they stayed unlike about a month ago when the details reset) and clicked the "Get Unlimited Access" button.
The payment appeared to go through and I had VIP status and all the benefits that go with VIP status.
However less than 24 hours later my VIP status was suspended due to 'Non payment due to insufficient funds in account.'
However I know I have enough money in my account, in fact I have more than enough money in my account.
My two housemates are also having exactly the same problem, and we did use the same card for the payments.
We had problems setting up the third account, and had to get turbine to send us a free-to-play key via email.
How can I deal with this problem? Do I need to ring turbine customer services, or can I sort it out some other way?