Well, a number of great points, even one that went contrary to my post, but that's cool... haha
1. This run I was on had a few people from DARPA, so I knew Alter would try to put enough people on the team that we could get through it, even if the rest of the team was sub par and didn't carry pots and barely knew what they were doing. This is why I joined the run and yes, end up having to look in the WHO tab normally to see if I recognize the guild name of the person leading before I join anything nowadays. Mostly I just rely on my friends list and other secret channels.
2. Passing out the buffs to avoid arguments / 10 minute discussions is good and bad, so I see that side of the argument to avoid *****, but at the same time, if we keep doing this and no one stands up, these lazy f's just keep getting off easy. So, a few of us get branded as the "bad" guys because we won't put up with their lethargy and cheap ass behaviour. Ya know what... Brand me the bad guy, but maybe the next run that tard I tore into will look before pouring water before the puzzle is solved or will have some pots on them. No guarantees, but who knows.
3. Not carrying the basic potions at any level is silly, but at the upper levels, it's just rude. When you are a newer player to the game or server, I COMPLETELY understand, it's not easy to amasse the plat required to have ALL the pots, ALL the time, so this message is NOT at all directed at these players. This message is directed at the players who have higher alts or are on a character at the level of a Shroud run. How in the freak do Rogues and other Melees not have TONNES of plat in the upper levels? It's virtually impossible. Sell a large, buy your pots, be respectful... Seriously.
4. But, the worst is when people argue about this. Yes, I get so tired of the sub par players in the upper levels who don't admit they don't know what they are doing in a quest or come ill prepared. If you don't know what you are doing or what gear you need, send a tell to the team leader before you get accepted, or join and tell everyone IMMEDIATELY that you are new to the quest and need to quickly know what you need and you will get it. Being at part 5 of the shroud and not knowing what weapons to use on Harry or what pots to have is just flat out IGNORANT in so many ways.
5. Jiipster... Yup, Americans and us Canadians prolly do some ***** that does look innane to ya all, especially after running with a number of the EU players in my time. It's funny, but I have yet to be disappointed by a EU player or guild and as a matter of fact, have been extremely impressed overall. I don't know what it is about y'all, but I've been on only 3 TOD runs (was gone for 7 months, so been catching up), but the Erebus run was so simple... Leader states... "You do this and you guys do that and so on..." Part 1 instructions and buffs done in a minute and completed. Part 2 instructions and buffs done in a minute and done in a minute and completed. Part 3 the same. Clockwork, simple. Everyone knew their role, no deaths, easy. Maybe you guys have some certain levels of expectation, training schools, or something else... and if you do... sign me up.
In conclusion... We are all different, all have different levels of skills and understanding, but honestly I believe it comes down to a certain level of regard and respect for your fellow players to be honest with your knowledge of the game and each quest. If you don't know, ask.... If you don't have, borrow or at least let people know. And in the end... when you chose not to have the requisite gear and knowledge and don't tell people till it's too late... expect that I and many others will either tear into you or make fun of you and that's that. If you think I was hard on ya, you should see me on a bad day. Heaven help those tards if Ren or Wizzly was on that run. You would have ended up dropping group because the tears would have been welling up so large in your eyes that you couldn't play again.