Definitely a common problem pitching up.
It seems the game has gone from party play to all for themself.
Healers getting accused of being rubbish because they don't heal someone who ran off by themselves is still my favourite.
All of my melees carries at any time, nuetralise poison, remove curse, remove disease, remove blindness, restoration, cure serious or repair serious & major pots (for casters who use up their own).
And anyone who says that it's not cost effective for new players, I'm a new player. I may be a vet from Europe but that means diddly on a US server. I started from scratch to and it's easy to have those items, even easier is if you have rogue, bard (with UMD) or ranger in you because then you get to use a wand which is even cheaper than pots.
Maybe I'm a bit sensitive recently from wiping on bread & butter quests because people expect certain classes to do everything for them.
A buffed party is a party that doesn't need as much healing. That poison spell from a cleric could have been a cure spell that saved you dying but no we going the incompetent approach generally now in PUGs :/
It seems if you aren't self sufficient enough to survive the party wipe then you doomed to repeat quests more than the once you intended to. And yes, poor play and underequipped characters cause party wipes, don't ever doubt it.
You pull 3 mobs that you can't kill and they will snuff you out