Ghallanda: Neatoelf15wiz/1rgr, Neetoelf17wiz, NeatoManhuman13rog/6pal/1mnk, NeatoHombrehuman12ftr/6pal/2rog, Kneetoedwarf17clr, Kneedoughdrow18clr/2mnk
Minimize expectations and you'll never be disappointed
For normal trash mobs, I start off with Cursespewing of Improved Destruction paired with a Paralyzer of Enfeebling. Then I'll switch to whichever combo works best depending on the situation (vorpal, elemental, stat, bane, etc.)
Does offhand seeker bonuses apply to your main hand while TWF?
Looted a +10 seeker kukri last night and have not tested it yet
ive run with this combination too, and it seems to work well when in groups as you implied. if its a full group, and there's hitters + casters (hitters take advantage of your para, casters the curse) then this does work quite well for me too.
when running with a group thats not as mixed up, it tends to not work as well (for me at least, ymmv). if your role is to be the DPS/tank, this can suck depending on the mobs. high saves + not landing curse or para + its your job to be making big numbers = not good.
like everybody else, i keep my hot-button things loaded with general dps, ghost touch, metalline, etc as the situation requires.
Last edited by goresplasher; 02-09-2010 at 03:38 PM.
I use holy burst + paralyzing in one hand and shocking burst + destruction in the other when I solo mobs suceptible to paralyzing. Essentially, either they are paralyzed all the time after a destruction hits. This helps when soloing or I'm otherwise without a healer.
One annoying thing to note: regnerating mobs (trolls) still regen while paralyzed and cannot die while paralized. So you have to switch to a different weapon to make the killing blow.
i carry 2 sunblades just for undead....that extra damage is nice
Icy Burst Paralyzing Scimitar of Maiming & Icy Burst Vorpal Scimitar of Maiming
(can you say auto-crit...great for mobs that can be both paralyzed and vorpaled, doubly good if 2nd melee is running dual vorps)
Cursespewing Scimitar of Shattermantle & Icy Burst Paralyzing Scimitar of Maiming
(SoD spell support)
Holy Burst Cold Iron Scimitar of True Law & Axiomatic Burst Transmuting Scimitar of Pure Good
(will replace with GEO Bane and GCO Bane at some point - good for unbanishable devils/demons)
Last edited by jstroud; 02-18-2010 at 11:44 PM.
Optimal at endgame, IMO, is the following sets:
1) DPS vs foes with little or no DR: Lightning 2 crafted weapons for toons without Sneak Attack, Radiance 2 for toons with Sneak Attack.
Budget alternative: Use the same weapons you use for 2.
Alternative: Use carefully-chosen Greater Bane weapons.
2) DPS vs foes with significant traditional DR (mostly devils/demons), 20 or higher: Mineral 2 crafted weapons.
Budget alternative: +3 metalline of pure good or better. If you use these, look for a +5 holy of (useful modifier) for your budget alternative to 1.
3) DPS vs foes with significant DR/blunt (such as Epic Raiyum): Crafted triple positive blunt weapons.
Budget alternative: Crafted double positive blunt weapons (these are almost as good as the 'perfect' option).
Alternative: Mineral 2 blunt weapons (these are incredible all-around weapons).
4) Trash mob killers: Weighted 5% weapons in Epics. Vorpals are slightly superior to Weighted 5% weapons in most non-epic content (although both work), mix and match them as you see fit.
Budget alternative: Weighted 4% weapons
Alternative: Wounding (optimally also of Puncturing) weapons - I'm quite partial to +3 or better WoP heavy picks with Force Critical ritual presently, they stun a 20 Con mob on average in 13 hits, then slaughter it with automatic quadruple damage crits. These do not work in Epics.
Alternative: Just keep to DPS weapons. This works well in all areas save the trash in the Subterrane explorer zone, much of which has >5000 hp, and hard/elite Shroud trash, and one or two other places.
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
I'm a weapon packrat XD
+5 shocking scimitar of maiming (X2)
+2 Improved Cursespewing Scimitar w/ +2 paralyzing scimitar, +1 crippling scimitar of disruption or +1 Scimitar of smiting.
+2 Holyburst Scimitar of Righteousness w/ +2 Holyburst Scimitar of Maiming
+5 Fireburst Longsword of Vertigo w/ +5 Fireburst Scimitar of Deception
+4 Iceyburst Scimitar of Righteousness / (currently looking for 2nd Icy weapon)
+2 Superior Potency IV dagger w/ +3 Major Kenetic Energy Lore dagger (for missle slinging :3)
of course Muckbanes (X2 :P)
and one of them acid dragon sword thingies
I wish you could dual wield throwing D:
I only dual wield halflings. Grab the first two you see by the ankle and swing them till they are too soft to inflict damage any longer. Drop. Grab two more. Rinse. Repeat!
(Since I don't use bloodstone, usually my off hand is a +1 seeker 10 silver heavy pick of pure good.)![]()
Amazingly enough more than 1/2 the time the stuff gets cursed before it gets destroyed or paralyzed. This is surprising because the save on the curse is lower than the save on the other effect. Of course you could double up the other effect but its alot easier to get a cursespewer then it is to get a second smiter, banisher, or disruptor although its not hard to come by two paralyzers. Then of course there's greensteel.
A weighted + vertigo combo can be nice on a tactical fighter or a barbarian with stunning blow.
With (improved) trip, stunning blow and 5% from weighted, most single mobs pose barely any threat.
Its sort of situational tho.
Devourer: Anneliese, 20 Drow Sorc
I have a set that works really well for me on most trash:
+3 shocking burst of weighted
+1 paralyzing of weighted
The combination of weighted and paralyzing means most mobs are helpless within 3-4 hits, and the shocking burst helps bring them down while they're helpless.
My DPS set is a +4 frost of PG and a +5 metalline of PG. I'd like to switch the frost to metalline, but haven't found one yet.
"And you ate an apple, and I ate a pear,
From a dozen of each we had bought somewhere;
And the sky went wan, and the wind came cold,
And the sun rose dripping, a bucketful of gold. " - Millay