After logging in and getting to the toon retrieval page all i get is the grey screen say please wait for content to download...Unfortunately the wait is over an no avail as nothing ends up dwldng...At first is was only my old toon that i haven't used for awhile,but it also does this to my new toon which i played for hours when i created...This happens on the Argo' world...So i made a new toon on the Thentis world...On this server my toon loads but i cant get to Korthos for the same reason...'content is downloading please try again in a few moments'... after an hour the content still hasn't finished downloading...i know its not my connection speed as i have played on the server problem free for hours without problems(this started about 2 days ago...Yes i checked my firewall and added DDO to my exceptions...I have good pings and a decent connection speed (yes i run speedtests to check my connection)...I am somewhat pc savvy but have run out of ideas as to what the issue might be...Any other ideas would be appreciated...thanx