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  1. #1
    Community Member Calebro's Avatar
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    Sep 2006

    Default Bard 1 / Rogue 2 / Wiz 18 ?!? Planning your LR

    Intentionally plan for lesser reincarnate?

    In another thread the question was posed whether splashing bard onto wiz for CLW was worth it.
    Obviously it isn't.
    But it got me to thinking.

    Take the standard 18/2 wiz/rogue build.
    Throw a level of bard into the mix early on.
    With the bard bug about ASF, this would turn the early levels of a feeble weak toon into something useful.

    1. Rogue 1. Starting like a standard build.

    2. Wiz 1. Continuing the standard build.

    3. Bard 1. You now have songs, equal to a BaB +1 for all purposes. More skills. Better saves. Wand usage. Better AC via no ASF in light armor. More survivable.
    Throw on some armor, sing a song, cast shield, grab a sword and jump in the fray. Wand whip if needed. Save your SP for when you need them.

    4. Wiz 2. Continue the path, but act more like a casting rogue.... or a bard with more SP. Buffs and the occasional CC.

    5. Wiz 3. Still playing the "bard's" role at this point, but with a better spell selection.
    6. Wiz 4. Same deal, although your song is lacking.
    7. Wiz 5. But that's OK, because your buffs just got a whole lot better.
    8. Wiz 6. And your offense is improving as well.
    9. Wiz 7. You now have sufficient power via FW/Stoneskin, and your UMD is raising enough that you probably don't need that wand usage (or the armor, or the song) quite as much anymore.

    10. Rogue 2 / Lesser Reincarnate that Bard level into Wiz 8. Fall into the caster role now.

    11+ Continue the regular path.

    I can see this working VERY well in the right hands.
    If the ASF issue gets fixed before you get to level 10 it's no big deal. Just do the LR then and you're no worse off than any other 18/2 build is at that point.
    But if it doesn't get fixed in time, you're a whole lot better for it in the leveling process.

    Obviously this would be geared more toward the casual player, not those of us who get a toon to 10th level in as many hours.
    Last edited by Calebro; 01-24-2010 at 09:35 AM.

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