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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default lvl4 ranger/lvl1 rogue

    started playing a week ago and need suggestions

    started with tempest ranger till lvl 4. then i got lvl1 rogue. and have put some points on disabling traps and opening locks.
    i wonder how should i continue leveling
    which way would be best for the next levels

  2. #2
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    well you already went a little backwards. Rogue MCs should almost always take rogue at level 1.

    As for where you go from here... what is it you are trying to accomplish? That is the most important question before you MC at all.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    honestly dunno why is it better to start as a rogue

    started the game as a ranger but then it turned out that there are shortage of rogues in most parties. so ive decided to give it a shot, after lvl4/getting ranger spells(tho it prolly didnt work as i thought it would) ive had a level of rogue. my intellegence is a obviously low, its 10. but other necessary stats are ok, wis14 dex18. and as i mentioned before, started giving points on disabling and unlocking skills.

    i just like to have both ranger and rogue skills on a decent level, not a serial-killar or a trap monkey. just a decent level. im already ok with dealing some melee or ranged dmg but kinda die very easily. and ofc, comparatively weak at disabling and unlocking skills. so, those are the things id like to fix with my elf.

  4. #4
    Community Member African-Grey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raum-- View Post
    honestly dunno why is it better to start as a rogue
    Rogues get a metric ton of starting points for skills, so when you multiclass rogue at level 1 it is much easier to keep your rogue skills useful. By taking your first level of rogue at level 5, you've not only missed out on that huge influx of skill points at level 1, but also 4 levels' worth of skill points that could have gone towards your rogue skills.

    Basically you start late and behind in the rogue department, and now you'll be playing catch-up for a good long while (made even longer by having a lowish intelligence).

  5. #5
    Community Member Anderei's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raum-- View Post
    started playing a week ago and need suggestions

    started with tempest ranger till lvl 4. then i got lvl1 rogue. and have put some points on disabling traps and opening locks.
    i wonder how should i continue leveling
    which way would be best for the next levels
    restart at lvl 1

    Anyway, multilevels are not for newbs If you *do* want to multilevel nevertheless, follow a popular build from the boards.

  6. #6
    Community Member LordMond's Avatar
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    I'm in a similar situation with my latest alt.

    Right now, she's a Drow Rogue2/Ranger2 with enough xp to be about halfway to level 6. From reading the forums, I knew to take Rogue levels first for all the skill points. I don't have a bow user so the Ranger was something new to play with.

    But now, I'm not sure where I want to go with her. I keep reading that even a minimal Rogue splash will allow you to defeat most traps in the game and that at higher levels concentrating on locks and traps is not a productive nor necessary thing to do. It seems that there is much more emphasis placed on Assassin builds for high-burst dps if I want to continue to advance as a Rogue (say 2GRG/18ROG). I've not read much on what I'd bring to a group if I went, say, 18 RGR/2ROG.

    So which one is more welcomed into groups?

  7. #7
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Both 18rog/2ranger and 18rgr/2rog can fill out a roll in any group. Both can delivery DPS. The only thing that scares me is you said "ranged". Ranged is suboptimal...ok, suckie. While ranged is helpful situationally, do not build a ranged ranger, rangers (and rogues) both do best as TWF melees.

    That advice may change a bit with the improvements being made to the ranger PrE in update 3, but the jury is still out. At this point you certainly won't be as welcomed as a ranged anything.

  8. #8
    Community Member LordMond's Avatar
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    Thanks for the honest reply. Lorien.

    Not what I wanted to hear but others seem to echo what you said so there's obviously truth to it. It seems to be that very few games make much of an effort to get ranged combat "right". EQ and EQ2 sure didn't (at least not when I played). WoW's Hunter wasn't too bad but I found it to be more of a pet class with traps and melee than anything else. DAoC's various bow users were probably the best of the lot but you had to so focus on your bow skills that you could do little else.

    I'm thinking I'll go ahead and go 18Rogue/2Ranger, as I already have a Paladin and a Barbarian if I want to get my tanking on.

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