Ocala, FL and it's 75 degrees fahrenheit today...
75 degrees Fahrenheit = 23.9 degrees Celsius
Ocala, FL and it's 75 degrees fahrenheit today...
75 degrees Fahrenheit = 23.9 degrees Celsius
Robi's Free to Play Guide
I play as: Nagasnake, Olmanjenkins, Tyrogan, Chicobo, Torriin, Kensaito, Koruna, and Goldenac.
You can shut right up with that. I got some tea plants for Christmas, and live in an agricultural zone which they SHOULD thrive in. However, this was the coldest past few months in recorded history for us, so they're not looking too good. Now I have to go buy some more, give me your global warming. (northern alabama)
Jealous~! In New England it's well below freezing + significant wind chill.
Check out my: My Index of Builds / My Capped Characters on Khyber: Krythan II / Velkro Sorcerer / Krythen 13/6/1 Rogue
Need Some XP? / AFK for a bit: School. / See WF Body Feat Appearances
Two days ago it was sunny and 50 in Great Falls Montuckey. Today it's 20, with freezing fog, and snow. We should have 8-10 inches by tommorow afternoon.
Drink Old Sully's, after a couple pints even Orcs look good!
Proud member of The order of the Silver Dragons
Storm here in sunny California.... so it's been pretty darn cloudy and raining cats and dogs these past few days. Strange weather. >_<
We all have our crosses to bear. I expect it's especially cruel that everyone is paying attention to Haiti just because of the bodies piling up in the streets and the rampant chaos and misery where as no one is doing any news stories on Ocala with its gallows' march of UNSEASONABLY PLEASANT WEATHER! WHAT ABOUT OCALA, huh! WE CAN'T EVEN WEAR OUR NEW SWEATERS WITHOUT TURNING THE AC ON REALLY, REALLY LOW AND THAT IS VERY EXPENSIVE!
Although really, it's not the heat, it's the humanity.