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  1. #1
    Community Member Martdon's Avatar
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    Nov 2009

    Post A Few Halfling Monk Questions.

    With update 3, I have heard a lot of complaining about how Monk's are going to have to put action points into useless Enhancements. I went through, and figured out I needed 3 ap spent to be able to build my Monk the way I wanted to.
    I am just wondering if anyone had a better suggestion then putting 1 point into each of the halfling's luck resistances. I know Monk's resist are extremely high, but it seems having 1 more in each is the best use of ap.

    Second question. I took the three dragonmark feats, as the healing seems really beneficial to me as I solo a whole lot more then not. With this I took all 4 Extra uses enhancement, and don't have enough for both the Wis line and the Improved Recovery line. I will be able to take one of one and all of the second. The two extra points of Wis will give me +1ac +1dc to monk skills and +1 Will save. (I don't think I am missing anything, but please let me know if I am.) The extra two points in Improved Healing gives me +20% healing from all sources. I am leaning toward the Improved Healing line, and am just hoping for some feedback.

    Third, and last for now. I noticed on another Monk thread, that a Quarterstaff is used for high dps build, due to it having a x3 crit damage. All the QS's I see have only a x2. Is the x3 one you get near level 20 or was that misinformation? And even with that, do QS's actually do more damage endgame? 2d20 (Level 20 unarmed damage??) x2 seems like it would still do more then 1d6 x3.

    That's all I can think of right now. Thanks for the help everyone.

  2. #2
    Community Member lyeman's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Complaining about wasted AP because they are giving us abilities for free? Talk about #%^@#ing because your ice cream is cold.

    The luck resistances are certainly no worse than anywhere else you could put them.

    I don't really play hobbits, but I would think that if the wis line gives you an even score, then it is a better buy than the recovery line.

    Rahl's Might: 1d10 20x3, high level, but it's not that hard to get.

    The reason the extra critical multiplier is so important is that the primary source of damage does not come from the base weapon damage, but from bonus damage. That being the case, the difference between one weapon and another is less important than the number of hits, and the extra critical multiplier is like a 10% speed boost: A critical is effectively two extra "hits".

    It's not that simple, due to weapon effects, glancing blows, the extra power attack and strength bonus with two handed weapons, the extra attack hooks with handwraps, the extra effects you can get with kamas, etc. If you're that worried about it, put a blindfold on and pick someone to believe, or study up on excel and work it out yourself

  3. #3
    Community Member DarkFlash's Avatar
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    Aug 2009


    Remember that dream edge kamas are also 1d6 20/x3

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