2 questions
1) Approximately what level jump is Abundant Step?
2) With Abundant Step, does it pay to put any points in Jump Skill?
Basically curious about how they interract/stack etc.
2 questions
1) Approximately what level jump is Abundant Step?
2) With Abundant Step, does it pay to put any points in Jump Skill?
Basically curious about how they interract/stack etc.
Abundant Step is independant of jump. Jump is vertical movement. Abundant step is horizontal movement.
Does it pay to put points into jump? Hell yes! When you have some archers on a ledge and you're hopping impotently trying to get up there crying "What is this ********?" you'll wish you had some. Abundant step makes it more important because the 'hang time' allows you to cross more impossible spans.
Can Abundant Step/Leap of Faith be used in the air (at the top of a jump, or while falling, etc)?
@ OP
Regarding Jump skill points, there is a spell that boosts Jump by up to 30 (at caster level 9th, lower caster levels offer +10 or +20 Jump) and of course up to +15 Jump from items.
The spell is an enhancement bonus whereas items are competence, so they will stack.
The maximum Jump skill that actually changes how high you can hop is 40, anything above this is wasted for now.
So you really do not need many ranks in Jump at all except if you want your Jump to operate in antimagic fields at full capacity.
Jump potions are ultra cheap and provide 10 enhancement to Jump for 1 minute.
With some Phiarlan favor you can pick up a 30 minute Jump buff which persists through most events short of death/dispelling which grants +30 (doesn't stack with regular arcane caster's Jump).
At high levels it's not too difficult to pick up an exclusive belt in Bastion of Power (an Amrath quest) with a 3/day clicky of caster level 15 Jump.
Yeah. I jump off ledges and at the peak, abundant step to the other side. Sometimes my feather fall was off and i made like Wiley E. Coyote.
Never bothered with points in Jump since the spell gives +30. Now I have the Acrobat belt and have three charges of that for myself.