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  1. #1
    Community Member arminius's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Best Remedial XP for Veteran Status?

    I was about to try my first Veteran Status character. I was wondering if any best practices have been discovered regarding what to do with the quests that were skipped, and the most efficient way to get XP out of them. Is it best to:

    1. Go back and do all the quests you skipped to elite where possible, since the favor is good to have anyway and you may as well get XP for it in the meantime, so better to do it at level 4 than level 8 or 12. The XP you get will still add up to a lot, though it will take a (relatively) longer amount of time.

    2. Just hit the highlights for best XP per minute. This means Osgood's Basement, Kobold Ringleader, Waterworks, maybe Dirk's or Garrison's, maybe Misery's which is a lot of XP/level (though it seems so slow to me waiting for all the spawns and animation and wandering up ramp after ramp, etc), (and/or what else?), at n-n-n-h-e, then proceed as normal with level appropriate quests for a level 4+ and don't look back.

    3. Don't look back at all. Just forge ahead with level appropriate quests and their higher xp will get you leveled the fastest with no need to pad in extras.

    What think ye? Thanks!

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  2. #2
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Coin lord favor is way to important to skip for me, and the XP/min isn't bad at all. A L4 char takes no XP penalty running a L1 dungeon on elite and BURNS through them at high speed.

    With my last vet I went through Korthos quickly on hard/elite (I set up a Korthos L1-4 "hard/elite come and go as you please" group and managed to pick up elite openers for much of the stuff). I then proceeded throught the harbor the same way, skipping quests I hate (stealthy, Baudry's, etc). I then moved on to the marketplace and burned through the key quests there, once again skipping ones I don't like (catacombs, proof, etc). I held off on levelling as much as I could. By the time I was done I was L7ish and had my 150 coinlord favor. The XP at this level is of course very rich and the houses are still untapped, continue through Delaras, and then your other favorite quests, holding off on levelling when you can, so you don't outlevel the quests by more than 1 level on elite. I can't believe the speed at which this is working, and I'm not bothering to grind anything more than n/h/e for those very select high xp quests like delaras, gwen, etc.

  3. #3
    Founder Temet's Avatar
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    I'm somewhere in between the first two. I run the quests which have favor I want/items I want (I.E. I like having a couple sets of those exp ret clickies) to elite (usually only a few quests) then I run Kobolds/Info into the ground and do WW a few times before heading for TR to get my Visors followed by STK then onwards to Delera's.

    That said, "most efficient" for EXP alone would just be Kobolds/Info completely into the ground then head straight for Delera's.
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  4. #4
    Community Member Valiance's Avatar
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    For what it's worth stealthy repo is one of the BEST xp/minute quests in the game.

    If you grab yourself an invisiblility clickie or two this is one of the few quests where you can easily exceed 1,000 xp per minute on any character.


  5. #5
    Community Member Nott's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Are there invis clickies that don't have a minlevel high enough to discount most or all xp from stealthy repossession?

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