what exactly gives more ki when meditating?
what exactly gives more ki when meditating?
the meditation feat gives you the ki
0Love Life of an Ooze: One ooze. Idiot hits ooze. Two oozes.
*insert axe*
o o
yes but if i increase concentration or somethin dont i get more ki when i meditate?
the higher your concentration, the more ki you can store
how much ki you get is fixed afaik
0Love Life of an Ooze: One ooze. Idiot hits ooze. Two oozes.
*insert axe*
o o
Remember that your Constitution modifier affects your Concentration score, so if you primarily use Wind Stance, change to something else before meditating.
The -2 Con in Wind Stance lowers your Concentration, thus lowering your Ki regained when meditating.
Switch to.... say.... Water, and you'll get more Ki.
interesting.....well while we are here:
what do you guys think of my build...........
1 rogue/4m monk/6 pally/9 monk
in that order......
Impossible to answer without seeing the entire build, but I'm a little confused as to what the 6 Pally levels are for at first glance.
well by 6th lvl a pally has immunity to diseases and fear, can remove diseases on other characters, has lay on hands, Divine grace and a few other auras that i think would actually help a good amount.....at 6th lvl they can also memorize 2 spells (tiny bit of healing and simple buffs probly) which will be supplied with decent sp count do to the high wisdom....Unyielding Sovereignty could help a little as well
by the way this design is a experiment designed to be extremely well rounded....good at everything great at nothing
A monk is already extremely thin on ability points, having 4 important abilities.
Int and Cha are dump stats.
Adding 1 level of rogue means Int is no longer a dump (assuming you wanted trap skills).
Adding pally means that Cha is no longer a dump either.
I doubt this would work very well. Maybe you've found some way to overcome these obstacles that I haven't thought of because I haven't seen the build.... but somehow I doubt it.
Unless that's the case, you're right, he won't be great at anything. Unfortunately I don't think he'll be as well rounded as you envision either.
Prove me wrong and I'll be impressed. That's a challenge.![]()
lol alright man your on.....by the way what server do you play?
I'm on Kyber & Thelanis mostly.
Oh, and I have plenty of goofy non-optimized builds myself. They're *just for fun*.
This is one of those IMO.
Last edited by Calebro; 01-21-2010 at 04:14 AM.
**** i am on cannith only....well with rise of the pheonix i should be able to raise dead....which is a big part of my roundness......plus improved evasion and the stances and a high umd....i should be useful in the crowd i play with anyway
Rule #1: Have fun! It's just a game, after all.
Good luck with him.![]()
thx fer the advice man...i will see what i can do with him
The max possible ki from meditation is based on concentration. It will go up to 2 or 3 times concentration score (forget which) and possibly 1 tick over. Now as to what stat increases amount of ki gained per tick, I don't know.