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Thread: Guilds... Why?

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Question Guilds... Why?

    Most guilds here are nothing but a shared friendlist... but why should we need such thing in this game... We dont need leaders or officials to make a group of freinds. In fact in the real life leadership exists but you dont put a banner over his head and it changes all the time acording to what we are doing... so..

    WHY should we do such thing?

    I meant if you have reason like some among them: thats ok, but... If you are willing to put together a group of friends, thouse "leader" and "official" titles are going to do nothing but be in the middle.

    I wish there were less wolves and more humans around.

  2. #2
    Community Member Atenhotep's Avatar
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    It's the Hivemind mentality. Its Us vs Them. The trouble is that familiarity breeds mediocrity and those in the hive will ultimately insulate themselves to such a degree that they begin to believe their own press releases. We see this with politicians, celebrities, any tight nit group and this results in the ultimate decline of said group until one day they realize Rome has burnt to the ground.

    I also like tacos but not the crunchy shells, the soft shells. Mmmm. Tacos.

  3. #3
    Community Member Lawrence_V._Sullivan's Avatar
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    well, if your guild is such that the Leader is just the one that promotes others, and is basically another person to hang out with then you shouldnt have a problem. its when a leader is trying to over promote, and over lead a guild that it goes bad. a group of friends that you can keep track of is a good thing, and if you dont like the guild mentality.....create a channel where all of your friends can get in touch with youand go for groups.

  4. #4
    Community Member MissErres's Avatar
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    Chat channel A has 10 people on from 6 different guilds.
    Chat channel B has 30 people on from 10 different guilds.

    Advertise in both channels and guild chat: Anyone wanna Shroud.

    6 people reply: PSI Shroud.
    5 spots open

    PUG?? I'd rather /wrists

    Players 1-7 are part of 4 different guilds. They all ask guildmates if anyone wants to join. Raid group fills, all players that know someone in group. No pugging, usually means a nice smooth run.

    Guilds make for a better gaming experience in my opinion. Add them to the use of chat channels and your "friend" resource is multiplied 10 fold (or better).
    Quote Originally Posted by Jay203 View Post
    ~locks Erres in the ancient cage~

  5. #5
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    I started my (one man) guild to try to attract other players that wanted to play my very niche type of permadeath. Mostly to be able to party up with people when doing harder or higher difficulty quests. Not that that has worked, so it still exists but with just me.

    I have to agree that any guild in any game that I have ever played is usually about preening and reinforcing their own lack of self esteem. In an online FPS a lot are ruined by stacking of one side with a clan.

    What does irritate me are the pointless public posts in MyDDO. One is spamming with 'guild structure' posts at the moment and it can have no interest to anyone but the guild members. Who then give the posts 5 stars. ??

    My guild is a chaotic one, it would have a structure of sorts but few rules and only then regarding resurrection, shrines, dying and buying items. What the other players did when I wasn't around is not my concern nor mine theirs. It is why I couldn't join a normal guild, far too anal with their rules and regulations.

    But then if this menatility wasn't prevalent in the human race then Facebook and Twitter wouldn't exist, even though I have no idea why they actually do.

  6. #6
    Community Member Lleren's Avatar
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    Guilds have many purposes.
    Most of these purposes do boil down to social reasons, this is a mmorpg, it is a social game.

    A sense of belonging to something greater to oneself.
    Something to give loyalty to.
    A sorting device by type of play, and types of social interaction enjoyed.
    A statement that I have agreed to work with this group of people for mutual advancement.
    Team name helps with group identification
    Advertisement for your group of players to find likeminded players.
    Scheduling purposes
    Training of new recruits to the groups standards

    Many of these do boil down to 'my gang" or "pack" or "tribe" ...but so does pretty much any form of social interaction.

    With thought out guidelines, policies and screening of applicants. A guild can last till the end of the game it was created in, and beyond. Many do exist that long, quite a few move from game to game with each other.
    Occasionally playing on Cannith

    Llyren, Kelda and some others.

  7. #7
    Community Member Quietstorm's Avatar
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    I think you are missing the point, or have been soured....

    I belong to a guild of 6 people, and have been in the largest guild on the server as an officer, the truth is the guild really just allows you to connect quickly with like-minded people.

    We use a series of 3 chat channels and have associations with several others guilds in order to raid. The main purpose is to run with people that play the way we like to play. We have the advantage of always having experienced players and friends that we have played with for years. We know that if people join one of the guilds we run with that they are probably like minded people with similar play styles.

    A guild also allows to express yourself freely. We can say ANYTHING in guild chat. We are all friends and we are all officers. We rarely if ever recruit unless it is someone we know REALLY well and have run with A LOT.

    The truth is you dont NEED a guild but its a nice benefit. Getting on at night and BS'ing with friends without the constraints of politics makes the game great.

    Can you create this environment for yourself? Yes. Will you? doubtful. You need to change the way you look at guilds and join a guild that has similar values to you. We never really have a problem accomplishing anything in game and we always have a good time doing it. We open spots for pugs if we need to fill spots, so we're not really elitists. People that can play abd bust balls are always welcome back.

    Just my 2 cp. Guilds really make this game worth playing over a long period of time but you need to cultivate your own culture.

  8. #8
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atenhotep View Post
    It's the Hivemind mentality. Its Us vs Them. The trouble is that familiarity breeds mediocrity and those in the hive will ultimately insulate themselves to such a degree that they begin to believe their own press releases. We see this with politicians, celebrities, any tight nit group and this results in the ultimate decline of said group until one day they realize Rome has burnt to the ground.

    I also like tacos but not the crunchy shells, the soft shells. Mmmm. Tacos.
    I recommend this model of tinfoil hat:

    Its more modern than its predecessors and can even be considered in style.

  9. #9
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lleren View Post
    A Statement That I Have Agreed To Work With This Group Of People For Mutual Advancement.
    Quote Originally Posted by lleren View Post
    A Statement That I Have Agreed To Work With This Group Of People For Mutual Advancement.
    Quote Originally Posted by lleren View Post
    A Statement That I Have Agreed To Work With This Group Of People For Mutual Advancement.
    Quote Originally Posted by lleren View Post
    A Statement That I Have Agreed To Work With This Group Of People For Mutual Advancement.
    Quote Originally Posted by lleren View Post
    A Statement That I Have Agreed To Work With This Group Of People For Mutual Advancement.
    Quote Originally Posted by lleren View Post
    A Statement That I Have Agreed To Work With This Group Of People For Mutual Advancement.
    Quote Originally Posted by lleren View Post
    A Statement That I Have Agreed To Work With This Group Of People For Mutual Advancement.
    Quote Originally Posted by lleren View Post
    A Statement That I Have Agreed To Work With This Group Of People For Mutual Advancement.

  10. #10
    Community Member Atenhotep's Avatar
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  11. #11
    Community Member Mr_Ed7's Avatar
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    Default Perhaps..

    Quote Originally Posted by Magitu View Post
    Most guilds here are nothing but a shared friendlist... but why should we need such thing in this game... We dont need leaders or officials to make a group of freinds. In fact in the real life leadership exists but you dont put a banner over his head and it changes all the time acording to what we are doing... so..

    WHY should we do such thing?

    I meant if you have reason like some among them: thats ok, but... If you are willing to put together a group of friends, thouse "leader" and "official" titles are going to do nothing but be in the middle.

    I wish there were less wolves and more humans around.
    Perhaps the titles are throwing you off and you are missing the benefits. The titles are mostly symbolic.

    You do not "need" facebook either, but it is a social network that strengthens does a guild.

    I happen to wish their were more wolves...whatever you meant by that.
    The One True Fighter/Wizard Father of the Alliance General Orcneas of ORC

  12. #12
    Founder Donnie's Avatar
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    Its often hard to see the value in DDO guilds unless you have experienced what it is like to be a part of a quality guild. Since DDO tends to be fast paced with a high turnover, and since it does not afford pleothra of options when it comes to guilds, longevity and practicality can be rough unless real bonds are made between members and efforts are made for continuity.
    Dahnee (Clr) - Ro Shambo (Brb) - Donnie (TR FvS) - Selector (Brd/Rog) - Synthe (Wiz)
    Order of the Silver Dragons ( Argonnessen

  13. #13
    Community Member Wren666's Avatar
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    Prefer "themed" Guilds myself.
    Please check out and help build on ideas for a new Quest Type, a Jester Class, and a Xachosian Caster Class!
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  14. #14
    Community Member unionyes's Avatar
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    Couple of reasons why I like being in a guild, although one is sort of pessimistic....

    You get to know the playstyles of the people you run with, also with some of them you start to get a feel for when they will be on, what they like to run, that sort of thing.

    It also makes for easier grouping, in that you can discuss in guild chat who wants to run what, and people can switch to a different class or level of character.

    Also, you make friends, and it is always better to run with friends. You can weed out or even just identify the idiots and avoid them, so you are usually assured of a relatively noob free run.

    The pessimistic sort of advantage is that you know the people you are running with, and will run with them again, so there is a lot lower chance that they will bail right before an end fight, leave you hanging, or otherwise botch up a quest if the going gets a little tough.
    Thelanis; Strngrdanger, Likkerpig, Byrnt, Obgynkenobi, Severancepay, Buffystmarie.

  15. #15
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    My guild is why I'm still playing. A friends list doesn't do the same thing. A friends list doesn't give you the shared chat. A friends list doesn't create community. A friends list is built a person at a time, and to be effective you both need to maintain it on all characters, even as you add your 12th, 13th, 14th alt (good luck with that). A friends list doesn't introduce you to friends of friends who might have similar playstyle. A friends list doesn't show others your style of play (guilds tend to get know rather quickly if they are good/bad/fun/boring/stupid/drunks/etc). Join a guild you have enjoyed running with before you put them down.

  16. #16
    Community Member Ragemage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magitu View Post
    Most guilds here are nothing but a shared friendlist...

    I had to form a guild cause my friendslist is actually my s.h.i.t.list.
    Founder of Epic failure
    Evasion Mechanics

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr_Ed7 View Post
    Yes, I would say that guild level is some indicater of a guilds "top" ranking.

  17. #17
    Community Member Atenhotep's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ragemage View Post
    I had to form a guild cause my friendslist is actually my s.h.i.t.list.

    Hey! I resemble that remark!

  18. #18
    Community Member Noctus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ragemage View Post
    I had to form a guild cause my friendslist is actually my s.h.i.t.list.
    Im way past that. Since F2P started you really have to weed out the bad apples or they taint your whole groups.

    I have an Excel spreadsheet where i can enter the names, guilds and reason why i dont want a certain character or even player in my groups.

    168 HP rogue at 16th level? --> ultra-squishy. Not really worth trying to keep him alive.
    13th level sorc without Haste? --- yeah, sure. Perhaps in a month he learned what spells are necessary. Then i remove his entry from my list again.
    11th level ranger who insulted me when i asked him to switch to TWF once the monsters are in melee range and stop kiting monsters all over the place, dieing repeatedly because he ran away from the group? ---> this and all his other characters. This Player is DNG forever.

    and so on. much better than using the "friends" list.
    Erzskalde (Warchanter) / Erzassassin (just passing through - ignore me) / Erzsoldat (waiting for TR-time) / Erzschmied (ranged Artificer)

  19. #19
    Community Member Noctus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magitu View Post
    Most guilds here are nothing but a shared friendlist... but why should we need such thing in this game... We dont need leaders or officials to make a group of freinds. In fact in the real life leadership exists but you dont put a banner over his head and it changes all the time acording to what we are doing... so..

    WHY should we do such thing?

    I meant if you have reason like some among them: thats ok, but... If you are willing to put together a group of friends, thouse "leader" and "official" titles are going to do nothing but be in the middle.

    I wish there were less wolves and more humans around.

    Guilds are there to make it easy to find like-minded people. Those who enjoy playing DDO the same way you do enjoy it.

    Some like speedruns, some like flowersniffing, some like raiding all the time, some like Roleplaying, and so on. PUGs are like a box of choclate, you never know what you get. (playstyle and competence level)
    Erzskalde (Warchanter) / Erzassassin (just passing through - ignore me) / Erzsoldat (waiting for TR-time) / Erzschmied (ranged Artificer)

  20. #20
    Hamfather totmacher's Avatar
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    zerg tested, hivemind approved
    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    The "" emoticon typically suggests that humor is intended.

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