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Thread: Guilds... Why?

  1. #41
    Community Member
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    May 2006


    Since I said this the game happened to change... Exactly how I like... And now there is a complete undenyable reason.

  2. #42
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Noctus View Post
    We, you see, some people get fun out of sitting in a quest, neglectable contributing, leeching effort away from others who do the actual questing. Some even intentionally aggravating other players.

    While i have fun if everybody contributes something to the groups success, is a worthy member to the party and we all complete the quest, while working as a real team.

    Without anybody willfully running away from the group repeatedly, without anybody repeatedly disrupting the tactics for a given encounter 10secs after they were explained , without anybody surprise-dropping group mid-raid because "i was in here for the part 4 chest here anyway, kk bb", without people lying about what their character can perform if a given ability is searched for and it´s the last spot to fill and explicitly mentioned in the LFM (attribute runes, being a healer, having trapskills skilled, having Haste as a spell, having Ooze Puppet as a spell), without anybody deceitfully concealing the fact that he is new to the quest after the general question was raised if anybody is new or unfamiliar with the quest and than screwing up the quest leading to a fail.

    Generally i dont like grouping with people who dont pull their weight in the slightest and wont work as a team. Either through abysmally bad builds, abysmally bad playing skills or simple antisocial behavior. And i mean abysmally bad, not simply low performance.

    I simply do not want to group with such persons. While others just take everything that can hit an accept button, and then wonder why some groups fail so much more than other people´s groups / how a guild can acquire an exemplary bad reputation......

    P.S. (edit added just for Mr. Ed7)
    Spreadsheet because i like to keep everything orderly. I dont need a critical mass of chaos before i start an organized administration. Or stick with inferior tools for a job if i can easily have the proper ones.
    The number is 3 guilds, after constantly, repeatedly, personally experienced (no hearsay) extremely poor contribution and/or bad behavior happening roughly half the time i grouped with a member of said guilds. And im not in the mood any more to take chances. Bad for the 20% of the members who are actually decent players, but very good for my fun in-game.
    As well as 14 individual character names.
    Actually... it seems more to me like you have fun being a control freak. Did you fail the first time in any quest? now that you're experienced (not skilled, there's no real skill in this game) you take it on yourself to order people around, because you like everything orderly.

    What do you really get if you succeed, a cookie?

  3. #43
    Community Member PopeJual's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tom318 View Post
    Actually... it seems more to me like you have fun being a control freak. Did you fail the first time in any quest? now that you're experienced (not skilled, there's no real skill in this game) you take it on yourself to order people around, because you like everything orderly.

    What do you really get if you succeed, a cookie?
    This is a pretty significant necro, but I do have to ask, why do you care?

    If he chooses to not group with somene who acts like an ass or a moron, why would you have a problem with that?

  4. #44
    Hatchery Hero BOgre's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MissErres View Post

    Chat channel A has 10 people on from 6 different guilds.
    Chat channel B has 30 people on from 10 different guilds.

    Advertise in both channels and guild chat: Anyone wanna Shroud.

    6 people reply: PSI Shroud.
    5 spots open

    PUG?? I'd rather /wrists

    Players 1-7 are part of 4 different guilds. They all ask guildmates if anyone wants to join. Raid group fills, all players that know someone in group. No pugging, usually means a nice smooth run.

    Guilds make for a better gaming experience in my opinion. Add them to the use of chat channels and your "friend" resource is multiplied 10 fold (or better).
    this^ is exactly why guilds exist. Who wants to pug all the time? Nothing more frustrating than looking for ppl to quest with and finding lame strangers.

    And another obvious reason is that in a micro-purchase business model, adding a level of buyable content makes great sense. Be glad guilds exist and they are well populated. They help to pay for the development of the game.

    Find yourself in a crummy guild? Make your own and recruit the type of people you enjoy playing with.
    Quote Originally Posted by Towrn
    ...when the worst thing that happens when you make a mistake at your job is someone complains on the internet, you probably care a little less!

  5. #45
    Community Member Falco_Easts's Avatar
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    I hated the update that was Rise of the Guilds. Be all means encourage people to join guilds but people should not feel like they are at a disadvantage by not being in one. (Please note I said feel like they are at a disadvantage not are at a disadvantage).

    I know that rubbish guilds were always out there but with Rise of RotG they multiplied and became a vacuum sucking up all new players in the Harbour/Korthos.
    The problem with this
    • These players get a bad first experience of guilds.
    • If new to MMO's they know no better.
    • They are fed bad advice through guild chat.
    • If they run in guild they are likely to have bad experiences with other players.
    • They will not get a chance to run with a lot of better players because of their guild tag.
    • They will never get invited to better guilds because of their guild tag.

    These players will have a subpar DDO experience because they joined a guild. A lot of the guilds out there aren't what I would consider the right type of guild.
    A friend will bail you out of jail.
    A mate will be sitting in there beside you saying "**** that was awsome!!!"

    Unguilded of Orien

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