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Thread: Drow Multiclass

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Drow Multiclass

    Hey guys im fairly new
    i just bought a 32-point build and was thinking about making a drow wizard/rouge build
    wut u guys think?
    i would appreciate the best build for this type of character
    also best gear to have at wut levels would also help
    along with points per lvl, wut spells, wut feats, that kinda thing
    the whole sha-bang
    plz and ty

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    While I cannot vouch for a reincarnated Drow, I do know i've read/seen that you cannot combine the purchased 32pt build with the Drow class. In a sense, Drow are already 32pt builds but with the points predetermined. On another note, i'm thoroughly enjoying my Drow Arcane Mechanic (12Rogue/8Wizard estimated). I expect it will have absolutely no purpose late game, but that is not why I play.

    Double barrel to the end game min/max players.

  3. #3
    Community Member Impatiens's Avatar
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    Doganpc is correct, Drow are already 32 point builds with some points spent already so they do not benefit from 32 points builds. If you want to take advantage of having access to 32 point builds you might want to try another race.

    Drow will, however, get 34 points on TR and 36 points on a second TR.

  4. #4
    Founder SneakThief's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trev2pack View Post
    Hey guys im fairly new
    i just bought a 32-point build and was thinking about making a drow wizard/rouge build
    wut u guys think?
    i would appreciate the best build for this type of character
    also best gear to have at wut levels would also help
    along with points per lvl, wut spells, wut feats, that kinda thing
    the whole sha-bang
    plz and ty
    A quick search through the Wizard forum for Wizard/Rogue should give you want you want.

    The standard short version: 18/2 wiz rog
    max INT
    at least 14 con
    the rest as you see fit

    take feat: Insightful reflexes for reflex save
    take the rest as you would a wizard

    1 rogue level 1st
    11 or 13 wizard levels
    1 rogue level
    rest wizard levels

    skills (ranked in order)
    concentration maxed
    search (if you cant find it you cant disable it)
    open lock

    1st level you can put the skills in almost everything and still have some left over ... the wizard levels you will have to put 2 points in rogue skill to keep them maxed. on the 2nd rogue level, backfill any rogue skills you think you neglected.

    That should give you a general idea. See the wizard forum for more detail and variations.
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  5. #5
    Founder & Hero
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    32pt builds wont help you with drow you will only get 28pts to spend, that being said drow are basicly 32pt builds or even slightly better with presepent points but others have pointed that out already.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  6. #6
    Founder & Hero
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    Quote Originally Posted by Impatiens View Post
    Doganpc is correct, Drow are already 32 point builds with some points spent already so they do not benefit from 32 points builds. If you want to take advantage of having access to 32 point builds you might want to try another race.

    Drow will, however, get 34 points on TR and 36 points on a second TR.
    Umm not quite drow get 30 and 32 points on TR if they stay drow and 34 and 36 if they change races.

    Beware the Sleepeater

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