I have started an Elf that will be FvS 18/ Mnk 2. Currently 4/2. What I am having trouble wrapping my head around is the fact that I kill stuff WAY faster with hand wraps in fires stance than I do with my Schimmies. When will this change? Here are my stats unbuffed in current gear)
Fists in Fire stance (alternating between purify and void using fire finishing move everytime it's up and I have 10 ki)
+12 1d6 +7 20/x2 (1d6 fire)
abilities 22/18/14/8/14/12
Nicked Schimies (all elf Valenar +1 dmg and attack plus child of undying court for +1 atack. I have TWF and OTWF)
+11 1d8+7 18-20/x2 (1d6 acid +1 attack)
+11 1d8+7 18-20/x2 (1d6 acid ) the +1 attack as you all know won't stack
abilities 20/18/14/8/16/12