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  1. #1
    Community Member Galacticus's Avatar
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    Default Revise Dungeon Alert System

    This is not a rant for those WHO DO NOT RUN THROUGH DUNGEONS. I just wanted to point out my observation that has become a boil on some of if not all of my buds.


    There are some quests that cause the dungeon alert system to go off without you actually zerging through the dungeon. THis usually happens when more than a "x" amount of monsters spawn. I've noticed that in some dungeons that number is around
    10 in others 15 or so.
    Now you might say then stand and fight. Great would love to but part of fighting is MOBILITY. If my movement is hindered than the affectiveness of combat is lost.
    To note I love to zerg, but in some cases especially when I'm helping friends I will clear ahead to make sure they come through without experiencing any resistance. I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT ZERGING just spawns and respawns which cause the D.A.S. to trigger. I wasn't running through the dungeon dragging everything and causing the server to crash, just more than "x" amount of creatures spawned and all of a sudden I hindered can't fight or run cause I'm skulled.
    Respawns also have the same affect on the D.A.S. and in some dungeons it takes the fun out of ever doing that run again, or severely limits the amount of times one actually runs that quest i.e Coal Chamber...Shadow King.
    Try doing Shadow King without triggering the can bake bread faster. I think the Shadow King was buried and forgotten when the D.A.S. was thought up.


    1. Take away the D.A.S. (My favorite solution).
    2. Modify the D.A.S. so it doesn't get triggered under an "x" of creatures.
    3. No Re-Spawns! We've killed them...they're dead.

  2. #2
    Community Member Letrii's Avatar
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    I like 1 and 3, especially together.

  3. #3
    Community Member Tin_Dragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Galacticus View Post
    This is not a rant for those WHO DO NOT RUN THROUGH DUNGEONS. I just wanted to point out my observation that has become a boil on some of if not all of my buds.


    1. Take away the D.A.S. (the only favorite solution).
    people don't get what they want by coming out and offering compromise 1st thing, thats a fact, you'll get more disappointment by allowing room for compromise in something so heinous.

    Did we compromise the end of WW2? no, we starting nuking (atomicing?) the enemy.

    Did we compromise the end of Vietnam? yes, and look at that mess.

    see the difference?

    Where DA is concerned, there can be no compromise, I am tired of having 1 and only 1 way to run quests, BULLDOZER style, SLOW and absolute. It's quickly killing my will to be here.
    It makes better players of all of us.
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  4. #4
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tin_Dragon View Post
    Did we compromise the end of WW2? no, we starting nuking (atomicing?) the enemy.

    Did we compromise the end of Vietnam? yes, and look at that mess.

    see the difference?

    Do you are saying that if in Vietnam instead of just defeating the Americans they had nuked them the world would be a better place? Hmm...ok, got it.

  5. #5
    Community Member Visty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien_the_First_One View Post
    Do you are saying that if in Vietnam instead of just defeating the Americans they had nuked them the world would be a better place? Hmm...ok, got it.
    whats so bad about getting the americans nuked?

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  6. #6
    Community Member Josh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien_the_First_One View Post
    Do you are saying that if in Vietnam instead of just defeating the Americans they had nuked them the world would be a better place? Hmm...ok, got it.

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  7. #7
    Community Member Galacticus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tin_Dragon View Post
    people don't get what they want by coming out and offering compromise 1st thing, thats a fact, you'll get more disappointment by allowing room for compromise in something so heinous.

    Did we compromise the end of WW2? no, we starting nuking (atomicing?) the enemy.

    Did we compromise the end of Vietnam? yes, and look at that mess.

    see the difference?

    Where DA is concerned, there can be no compromise, I am tired of having 1 and only 1 way to run quests, BULLDOZER style, SLOW and absolute. It's quickly killing my will to be here.
    what I've learned about turbine is that they don't compromise.
    I believe that D.A.S. is here to stay. I HATE it and don't run turbine
    to force the change, but I do think it needs to be revised.

  8. #8
    Community Member dv8maker123's Avatar
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    This isn't nam Smokey, this is DDO, there are rules. You mark that DA a Yellow, and you're entering a world of pain
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  9. #9
    Foe of Gharet
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    Dungeon Alert going off simply because of a mass-spawn isn't the intended functionality of the system, so sorry about that! Whenever this happens please bug report it so we can adjust it.

  10. #10
    Community Member The_Phenx's Avatar
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    There are places where DA + Respawn just do not work.

    My favorite example is Blood of the Vulkoorim Epic.

    With the amount of HP those guys have coupled with the respawn rate it makes its **** near impossible to do without "cheating" (kiting and hopping on a few safe spots and firewalling).

    Its scummy that that is one of the few tactics that make it possible, or your hindered and die.

    This quest was designed for zerging fast attack rush rush rush... and now you cant.

    Perhaps adjusting the respawn rate for epic would mitigate things.
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  11. #11
    Community Member Nott's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tarrant View Post
    Dungeon Alert going off simply because of a mass-spawn isn't the intended functionality of the system, so sorry about that! Whenever this happens please bug report it so we can adjust it.
    While we all know you mean well Tarrant, it's very difficult to take what you say at face value when people have been submitting bug reports about things such as Eastern Threnal 3 since day one of DA, and these reports have seemingly been ignored. I don't think there's a single person within Turbine that feels a DA immediately upon entering a specific quest is intended behavior, and yet the fix for this issue remains outstanding. I won't go as far as to say DA can't be made to work, but frankly, being broken since day one and not having any real fix applied (with the exception of the few days that it didn't exist at all) is justification to completely remove it until its fixed, but instead Turbine has decided to leave it in its broken form, presumably on the "to do" list.

    I have a "to do" list at work. Many items on it will remain there, lower priority, until they're forgotten about or no longer relevant. This works in some cases, but it doesn't work when trying to build good relations with customers.

  12. #12
    Community Member Samadhi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tarrant View Post
    Dungeon Alert going off simply because of a mass-spawn isn't the intended functionality of the system, so sorry about that! Whenever this happens please bug report it so we can adjust it.
    To be honest, I gave up on bug reporting this, because it happens so much. Sorry, I realize this isn't helping the situation; but there is only so much time I want to spend filling out bug reports.
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  13. #13
    Community Member Cyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tarrant View Post
    Dungeon Alert going off simply because of a mass-spawn isn't the intended functionality of the system, so sorry about that! Whenever this happens please bug report it so we can adjust it.
    Come on. This has been known behavior from day 1 of DA.
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  14. #14
    Community Member Kemoc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tarrant View Post
    Dungeon Alert going off simply because of a mass-spawn isn't the intended functionality of the system, so sorry about that! Whenever this happens please bug report it so we can adjust it.
    Spawn of Vulkoor tripped dungeon alert due to scorpion spawning during normal play.

  15. #15
    Founder Gol's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tarrant View Post
    Dungeon Alert going off simply because of a mass-spawn isn't the intended functionality of the system, so sorry about that! Whenever this happens please bug report it so we can adjust it.
    Intention of DA: Slow down players
    Consequence of instant alert: Slow down players
    Result: working as intended

    I don't see a problem here, let alone something worth bug reporting. You could argue that the consequence is that is slows down non-zergers, but that's just BS because they're going to take the time to kill it all anyway.

    This has been a problem with DA since day 1, and it's been around for months now without being addressed. Bug reports have gone ignored (or at least unaddressed/fixed - this is not debatable) so the only conclusion players can make with even the smallest shred of logic is that the system is working as intended.

    Turbine wants to make people play by their rules rather than fix their AI code.
    Last edited by Tolero; 01-20-2010 at 03:38 PM.

  16. #16
    Community Member Letrii's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tarrant View Post
    Dungeon Alert going off simply because of a mass-spawn isn't the intended functionality of the system, so sorry about that! Whenever this happens please bug report it so we can adjust it.
    How about just removing it entirely, it against the core of what a game is. A way to entertain ourselves and have fun, DA is the anti-thesis of fun and we are here despite DA, not because of it. I can't say how much longer I will stick around with the un-fun mess that DA makes the game into.

  17. #17
    Community Member Philam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tarrant View Post
    Dungeon Alert going off simply because of a mass-spawn isn't the intended functionality of the system, so sorry about that! Whenever this happens please bug report it so we can adjust it.
    Its a busted idea! Best solution is to do away with it-PERIOD!!

    Example: Col Cham-LFM-In progress-you are in one part someone else joins and enters quest-DING DA!!


  18. #18
    Founder Arlith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dv8maker123 View Post
    This isn't nam Smokey, this is DDO, there are rules. You mark that DA a Yellow, and you're entering a world of pain
    That was kind of what he was getting at...... nvm.

    Yes DA can put you in a world of pain. The problem is, it is supposed to put you in a world of pain for gathering up too many enemies at a time. Meaning you are running through the quest instead of doing what they want - step, kill, step, kill, step, kill. Well, we are getting yellow (and orange, and red) for running the quest EXACTLY AS TURBINE INTENDED. Bastion, Offering, PoP, etc. You go into a room, and do exactly what they want you to do, as they want you to do it and BAM, DA pokes its ugly head out.

    What is even worse is they implement a "feature" they KNOW is broken and then when it smahses parts of the game all to hell say, "yeah, go find all those quests we messed up with DA and tell us about it". People HAVE been telling them about it. It is just that no one is listening.

    As far as it fixing lag? I call shenanigans there. I see NO DIFFERENCE in lag between DA and non-DA DDO. Meaning the same lag is always there in the same places. it doesn't do what they said it would do. If they flipped the switch on DA and I actually saw some decrease in LAG, I wouldn't be so ****ed. But throwing something that irritating out there, with no apparent improvement, and then saying, "yeah its broke in places, tell us about it."

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  19. #19
    Community Member Mockduck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dv8maker123 View Post
    This isn't nam Smokey, this is DDO, there are rules. You mark that DA a Yellow, and you're entering a world of pain
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  20. #20
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    I started playing after dungeon alert was implemented. I've never had a problem with it.

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