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  1. #61
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    I do ask this question to FvS, and yes I also ask it to clerics. I want to know what role you are playing so I can fill the rest of the group out with what I need.

    I am a lover of irony too but....the OP here is ranting about people communicating. ROFL.

    Its the people who FAIL to communicate that find out the hard way through party wipes exactly what their FvS or cleric is willing to do or not.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  2. #62
    Community Member taurean430's Avatar
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    Put frankly, I've yet to find a valid or logical reason that anyone would roll up a Cleric or Favored Soul and not heal. As a player, I absolutely hate being in any sort of healbot role. But I keep parties or raids going just fine. And manage to consistently use crowd control spells and melee for fun with my FvS. Just doesn't make any sense at all that someone would even try to join a party with a healing class that doesn't heal. That would be more of a solo build I would think. Yet you still see them... and they make me lol.

    If they ask, (which I freely admit is annoying as all getout), if you heal: take a breath and answer the question without ranting at them. Chances are the reason they are asking has very little to do with wanting a bot, and more to do with party composition/compatibility.

  3. #63
    Community Member Kalari's Avatar
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    Well im in the same boat as you I dont understand playing a divine class and not utilizing "all" of its potential. But I think I have a feeling why some people play the classes and do not use them to heal.

    And you touched upon the solo aspect I know that soloing with both my cleric and favored soul is far easier then it can be babysitting.

    But there are many ways to play a cleric/favored soul and healing is not the only way. I remember back playing pen and paper my cleric hardly ever healed didnt really need to and spent a lot more time fighting.

    Maybe people are trying to play that way I am not sure.
    Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic

  4. #64
    Community Member Slugnutty's Avatar
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    Just yesterday I had the group leave the quest - break and reform with out me because I did not heal and buff them the way the leader thought I should have.

    I wish I remembered the D-bags name to shame him here, but he said if I was not going to stay in the rear where I belong and heal him and his party then they did not need me.
    This was in a group of Lvl 16 -19 players...... so stupid does not necessarily stay at lower levels....

    WOW - just wow!

  5. #65
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    It's a valid complaint, something I'm sure you see alot. I myself set up a lot of groups and I usually always ask fvs: 'are you set up to main heal?' or 'can you main heal this quest on elite?' Then again, I also ask rogues if they can do traps, which might seem rather dumb on my part, but after going into deleras several times with a rogue and having them unable to find the trap doors on elite (this happened multiple times with multiple groups) I've gotten into the habit of asking them exactly what their search/DD # is. It's something that the group leader has a right to ask imo.

  6. #66
    Community Member azrael4h's Avatar
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    OP, be thankful that's all you're getting. I was with a pug a couple weeks ago, and the party's worthless lump of garbage rogue ran off two Clerics by cursing at them. The first was a good Cleric, a healer. The second left because he went off on a tirade about "reds", "Chinks", and "Jews" before we even entered a dungeon. The third he cursed at the entire time we were in Gwylan's. The kicker? That one was a good healer too, if a little lacking in conservation (kept healing the WF Wizard and Fighter, and the WF Wizard was handling their main healing at the time. We were actually somewhat heavy for healing, with 2 characters handled with the Wiz, the Monk having some self healing (Healing Curse), and me having limited healing and about 15 CMW wands that my guild keeps giving me).

    He also refused to scout for traps, forcing the party's Monk and myself into that role. And my Paladin has rather abysmal spot with just 14WIS and never putting points in it. And refused to get remotely near monsters to fight, even though as a Rogue he should have been able to do decent damage. He even refused to use a bow. Basically, he rode the party's coat tails, occasionally running up to disarm traps, and annoying us at the end of the quest as he wandered off with a couple quest items, leaving the last two crates undone. Not to mention, no UMD so no helping out with healing via wand/scroll whipping.

    There's a very good reason my Cleric and FvS never EVER play in Pugs. I get invites constantly on both, with the addition of "do you heal" on my FvS. It's part of the classes. Everybody wants a healer, whatever the reason. And some people have FvS which are not particularly good at healing, due to spell/feat/enhancement choice. My Cleric gets asked if she's a Battle Cleric, since she carries a long sword. Even though she's an Elf, and gets the feat for free (and I like swords better than maces, as I train in RL with a Long Sword).

  7. #67
    Community Member Trunk-Monkey's Avatar
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    I think most people expect that if you are a cleric or FVS then you will heal the party. If you dont, then you will make the Noob Thread.
    The Free Companions

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by azrael4h View Post
    There's a very good reason my Cleric and FvS never EVER play in Pugs.
    I try pugs occasionally, but i'm the kind of person that puts 'NO MORONS' in the LFM box and will not hesitate to boot unresponsive or inept players. That's not to say I don't help out new players, but people that don't communicate and people that refuse to learn are not the kind of players I like to play with.

  9. #69
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    Default fvs

    Heres the thing you have to remember about FVS.They can be built to be divine nukers not healers as to why when they TR thet get + to spell pen.So that is why the question comes up can you heal.Trading out area heals for area inflicts/heals for harms.So it is a very good question to ask im asked just about everyday.I simply reply im healer build.

  10. #70
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    I usually play forged, but have been leveling a fleshie healer. My original reason for making him was that I was finding lots of groups that didn't need another arcane or another rogue, etc. and figured "hey, everyone appreciates a cleric".

    I've been going through the stages of the Path to Enlightenment ( ... I like to believe I'm on 5 or 6 but I may still be around 3. Bought FVS the other day and had some early experiences with "do you heal".

    Korthos: "Do you heal?" ... sure ... if you can catch me, I'm the dude clearing the quest.
    STK: "Do you heal?" ... sure ... if you can catch me, I'm the dude clearing the quest.
    Waterworks: "Do you heal?" ... sure ... if you can catch me, I'm the dude clearing the quest.

    I'm loving the FVS, and finding that with a decently-equipped and built FVS it can be less about "can you heal the party" and more about "do they actually need healing"? If I'm out front killing everyone, you don't take damage and don't need heals.

    Party healing though, I will say, I find is more difficult on the FVS just due to the lack of available spell slots and the cool-down on the healing. I've tried to switch to heal-party mode, but those cool-down timers make it difficult. I imagine when I get the FVS up to 12-ish that mass-curing on the melee will be great.

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by nicro View Post
    is It Acceptable For The Healer To Ask Everyone Else If They Have The Right Dps Equipment?
    That's Right Man!!!!
    I'll Ask This From Now On!

  12. #72
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    Sometimes I'll heal the party. But honestly, pugging my way to 14ish I'm better than they are and they're just there to:
    1. clear things behind me so I dont get Dungeon Alert
    2. do the optionals and break boxes so I get more xp.

  13. #73
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    well i heal most time in a group.
    But this funny story here
    We have a barbarian warforged i was not leader of party at time I did say hate them ,he did not have repair potion
    he got him self killed at gate closed down for him me cleric went out of sp I did buy sp potion(ddo store) I wanted to
    complete the dungeon but next time will be warforged barbarian whit no repair potion A. will get him tossed out of party ,if not tossed see b b.not heal him if b see c c. leave party in dungeon and know they will fail.
    Last edited by haclya; 09-07-2010 at 06:58 PM.

  14. #74
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    I cannot wait for OP to get declined due to a myDDOing.

    By the way OP, are you a healing FvS?

    /sorry had to ask!

  15. #75
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    how about ppl simplifying the question? how about:

    "can you b our healer mr?" *puppy eyes waiting for the so desired "yes!"

    that way, there is no misunderstanding.

    But srsly, there should b no need for ranting over it, after all, most party leaders, if they are not in search for a healer, they wont do as much as asking u if u heal... know y? because if the group doesnt need a healer, he doesnt give a **** if you heal, as long as u pull ur own weight, pretty simple isnt it?

    But, if the party has no healer and the name of the group says "need healer", or only has the cleric/fvs symbol on the wanted classes, obviously, they expect that smart cleric/fvs joining them, is willing to heal their butts after some kicking, the same way that if the fvs is not a healer, y the heck will he join a group in need of one healer and that is doing as much as saying so?

    i tred my fvs into a WF wizard, so i dont care for heals, for i have the hability to reconstruct and use scrolls for it, but if i am on a group with ppl not as self sufficient as my arcane robot, that says need healer, and someone pops up with a fvs/cleric, to in the middle of the quest say " i dont heal, i beat stuff", i swear to god i will shove both him(for not reading the needs of the group he was joining, or reading and joining anyways gimping the group) and the leader(for not asking beforehand because i like carefull leaders) so deep in my black list that whenever i join a group with them on it i will just quit, because i expect players not to b super geniuses, but to have some good sense

  16. #76
    Community Member Entelech's Avatar
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    I've seen a level 20 FvS die four times in the Shroud. On part 1.

    Yes. I'm not kidding. On Part 1. Four times. I ressed her.

    Apparently at least a few of them cannot heal at all.

    And "are you a healer" is a far more polite question than "are you a complete ninny?"

  17. #77
    Community Member AylinIsAwesome's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Entelech View Post
    I've seen a level 20 FvS die four times in the Shroud. On part 1.

    Yes. I'm not kidding. On Part 1. Four times. I ressed her.

    Apparently at least a few of them cannot heal at all.

    And "are you a healer" is a far more polite question than "are you a complete ninny?"
    People who die in part 1 only get raises for hilarity's sake.

    Otherwise they stay dead, with the soul stone left where they died.

  18. #78
    Community Member Sanguine_J3S3's Avatar
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    Every self respecting fvs should either be a wisdom or strength based build, thus be either an offensive caster or a dps. Charisma based fvs is a trash build in my opinion(being a healbot and losing all offensive powers just for + 150~200 sp? no ty). And yes every fvs whether they are wis or str or cha build can solo most raid heals.
    A fvs that knows this game should be either an offensive caster or a melee in addition to a healer. So i suggest you to ask a fvs "do you heal?" if it is a cha based newb that dont know how to build a character...(the so called healer fvs builds, that cant do anything but healing and not better then a properly built str or wis build)
    Last edited by Sanguine_J3S3; 09-15-2010 at 06:27 PM.

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