Currently every quest in the game is available on epic. Only ones unavailable are some raids.

Here is how you get in:
Complete the ques on Casual mode -the game considereds it a difficulty beyond epic so it unlocks everything. After completing the quest, repeat it and open the window, nothing will be unlocked, but just relog quick and try again and all difficulties will be available.

And some are infact complete or mostly complete even tho the devs don't want us to know about it. So I've been checking some out to see what's up. Anyone else seen any cool ones?

Mostly I think whats happening is the quest difficulty is simply set to Elite, then scaling is disabled (it is infact enabled on elite despite what devs had said).. And SOME monsters are scaled to epic, but not all.

What I've seen:
Gianthold Tor: 100% complete, with loot even implemented
New quests - most aren't done and oddly have most mobs replaced with epic kobolds which do not attack.. But some are partially done.
Acid Writ: The acidstone elementals interestingly are correctly scaled - CR30 and quite tough. Couldn't complete the quest solo due to this.
Mired in Kobolds: A single kobold shaman is correctly scaled, but every other kobold is bugged. The dragons are all kobolds, but despite that the quest can be completed. The skeletons which spawn for the bonus fight are fully scaled and very tough, was in a group so we did take them down, but there was no result for doing so.
Delirium: The beholders are all kobolds.. But since if you fail the drinking contest and kill the beholders, the quest advances,, killing the kobold has the same result here. So you get the key. Proceeding onwards, the tharaak hounds are fully scaled and seems like they added another 10! Quite nasty.. But all the other npc's are kobolds ,so the quest can't be progressed beyond that point.
Demons Den: Have't tried.

Old quests:
No kobolds replacements in any i've seen. But many are partially scaled.
Hiding in Plain Sight:
The Aurum and Defender Dogs are fully scaled and pretty tough - but everything else was the same as elite. The quest was completable.
Kobolds new Ringleader: Seems about the same as elite, no scaling happening.
Running with the Devils: Same as elite, nothing scaled
Runed Halls: Was thinking it was all the same as elite. Then I busted some barrels and some INSANE CR35+ slimes came out and devastated me.. I ran like hell thru the quest and nothing else seemed scaled so was an easy completion.
Madstone Crater: I was thinking this one might of been fully completed when I first started it, as the entrance field seemed almost fully scaled. All ogres, ogre magi and trolls have full epic stats. However further into the quest, the minotaurs and skeletons did not. Was able to complete the quest, tho it was quite hard.

I kinda like this bug.
I think they should actually keep it in the game in some form..
I mean take out the partially scaled quests as it's a bit odd to have some epic mobs and some not. But keep the difficulty setting in and call it True Elite. It would bascically work as Elite, without scaling and everything gets epic ward (so no stupid vorpalling)