Alright, so my first bard was a strange attempt. It was a drow Virtuoso. Focused on CC mostly, healing as a secondary, Combat tetriary.
STR 12
DEX 14
CON 14
INT 14
CHA 16
Weapon finesse was taken just so I could hit with melee. and I just... I dont quite like how it turned out. I think I put too much intelligence. I need Perform, UMD, Concentration, and Haggle. Maybe diplomacy. I guess I dont NEED spot and search, I can leave that to others. I'm not going to be a Bard Rogue.
So help me out, Should I stay Drow, or should I go halfling.
what I WANT, is to be an offensive bard with nice songs. CC issue right now. the only good CC that bards get is ottos and glitterdust. those dont turn out to be great at end game, even with heighten.
Smacking a single enemy with Ottos and beating them down with a weapon seem cool though, but would I be better served just upping str and smacking them with cold hard steel instead?
I LOVE the CC of the virtuoso, but...Groups aren't patient enough for it. Warchanters seem to be desired most because of this.
So help me out here. with all your bardy wisdom, what kind of character would be good for me? Some kind of Drow Warchanter, or does Human fare better for this...halfling?