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  1. #1
    Community Member Ginetti's Avatar
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    Default Twitching... still worth it?

    Hi there.

    I've recently learned about twitching on my barb. I've been practicing on literally everything, and believe I can correctly twitch now without making a mistake (or, not often anyway).

    What I need to know is, is twitching still worth it?

    I've seen shade say that it is, i've seen others say no.

    When I twitch, i still see my glancing blow proc, which is good (it's about half of my base damage + some magical modifiers like those from frenzy and death frenzy).

    Any feedback would be great.



  2. #2


    key is how well buffed are you. i have a L19 TR barb with max ranks of WF and barb PA which puts me at a -11 to hit. now if you are looking at me fully raged and buff, i can get to a +40/50 ish. this is good for most of the mobs but against high AC stuff like kobold in shroud part 2, the constant moving lowers my to hit by another 4 (total neg = -15). this causes me to see noticeable misses

    of coz this is assuming that the healers/repairers in your party have no problems with you getting vicious damage. if they do, then without frenzy, the to hit is really a large problem. that said, in 1 mob situations ie boss fight, twitching is definately useful as you actually get faster swings, thou i'd put the figure at abt 8-12%. however, in situations where you have more mobs, ie sins (5-10 devils/orthons appearing at once), i dun even rely on glancing. i'd go to town with my DoD, sit in the middle and supreme cleave
    If you want to know why...

  3. #3
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aranticus View Post
    , the constant moving lowers my to hit by another 4 (total neg = -15). this causes me to see noticeable misses
    Twitch attacking done correctly poses no penalty to hit. All your attacks are however performed at +0, vs 0,0,5,10. The only place I find the +5/10 helpful is certain epic mobs, even on my WF barb who also has maxxed power attack.

    If your having trouble hitting. It's not your fighting style, it's your enhancement setup hurting your DPS. Spec out of some the WF Power attack until your gear can maintain the proper to hit rate.

    There are ofcourse a few situations where it's better not to use it:
    In huge encounters, vs 5+ mobs.
    Since you get 50% glancing blows versus 75%, stand and fight works better in the huge encounters (assuming your glancing blows get thru DR and are helping). Anything smaller like the average 2-3 mobs at a time you generally can get, it's worth it.

    In epic I tend not to use it for the first round to ensure my stunning blow lands with the nice +10 on it, when it lands I go to town and take the mob down. If i use it, it's a 6 second kill, if I don't, it breaks out and that's no good.

    figure at abt 8-12%
    You'd be putting out some straight wrong info then. I have videos up already clearly showing it's about +30%.

    Most of the people who will tell you it's not worth it simply can't perform it well. Done right it's worth using almost all of the time.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Can u pleasse briefly explain twitching?

  5. #5
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joneb1999 View Post
    Can u pleasse briefly explain twitching?
    Twitching - so easy a cat can do it. In his sleep, even.

    (Couldn't resist. I now return you to your normally scheduled twitching stuff....)

    Try this thread:
    Last edited by cdbd3rd; 01-19-2010 at 10:50 AM.
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  6. #6
    Community Member metalworker's Avatar
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    I managed to perfect twitching and the dps is a lot better. I usually find myself twitching for mobs less than 5, and even if there are a couple, I tend to move in a position where the angled twitch attack cuts about 3 monsters. I'm not sure if the angled attack procs glancing blows but I know the vertical twitch attack only hits 1 monster while the angled one hits about 3 or more in the right position.

    One problem with twitching that I have is against stationary bosses e.g. Arratrikos when there's tons of players around him. I sometimes can't see my animation or when there's a lag, I don't want to risk unboxing the boss. Then again, I'm playing fighter/barb with haste boosts that screws up the timing. I'm going back to FBIII. Fighter is pathetic dps lol.

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