Why isin't there one that serves alcoholic beverages!

I mean, there's nothing better than for my point-grinding pally dwarf to go into a tavern, get a ale or three, and be smashed! Is it really that much trouble to put alcoholic beverages in northern Xen'drik? Is it really that inappropriate or useless? I mean, if you wanted to give them a purpose, they could be drinks that give powerful restorative properties, but like all alcoholic drinks, they usually have some sort of side effect. And if it really is inappropriate to have alcohol in this game, which I doubt is the case but you never know, then you gotta be kidding. Most people who play this game are mature enough to handle such a thing, and if they aren't...well, I cant help them.

But overall, why not try adding alcohol as serving options for taverns? Or having bartenders sell brewing ingrediants to make alcohol? Why not give it a try? As long as you put side effects in the alcohol(I.E.:Blurred vision, inability to cast spells, bad breath, bee breath, exc.) then ill believe it really is alcohol!