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  1. #41
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbryan2 View Post
    Why was that in response to me?

    I'm just saying that just because a character is capable of soloing, doesn't mean he always wants to.
    You said: "What happens when good players group together."

    I was just giving an example. Sry. Didn't mean anything against your view point at all.
    Just inspired to answer that part of the question from my point of view.

    And also, many of those players I enjoy grouping with are quite capable of soloing many of those same quests. They just enjoy the company, and don't want to take the time it would take to solo, or maybe the resources.

    A RL friend of mine used to solo a lot of quests. But when we would do them together (2man) he would comment on how much easier it was.
    I wasn't good enough to solo the same quests he could, but together we could do many quests with ease. And he had no fear of getting held or some other deadly failing of a save.
    And we could use tactics that one person alone could not use.

    Anyway, sry...wasn't directed at you, as much as it was inspired by your words.
    Last edited by Talon_Moonshadow; 01-19-2010 at 07:41 AM.
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  2. #42
    Community Member cdemeritt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by malicia View Post
    People will die out in some Amrath quests if you dont use quicken, nothing like a few devils or orthons beating on you for failed concentration.
    Really? odd.. I've played out in amarath without clerics... People will die even if you do have quicken. People will die if they play bad, are bad players, or don't have the right equipment/spells.. People die.... yes a good cleric/battle cleric will keep this to a minimum, but it's going to happen.

    The thing about amarath to remember, is that it came out almost 2 years after the shroud and greensteel items. all of my shroud ready toons have multiple GS items, and my cleric that just finished flagging 2 days ago will have his tier 3 item done the next shroud run. Point being, they created amarth to be a challange for those who have 2 years worth of GS. If you don't have or in a underskilled/underprepared group, amarath may not be the best place to go. In a good group, with prepared players, even 2 or 3 gimps have no problem in amarath

    As for that Abomination called Mass Heal.... I tried it 2x, and removed it from my hotbar.... I can see 1 or 2 places it could be useful, but not enough to risk accidently hitting it at other times.
    (Say): Haywire says, '"Hey, I don't come into yer home and play with things."'

  3. #43
    Community Member Vengenance's Avatar
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    It's always amusing to see this same topic show up over and over again. A good cleric can melee/offensively cast and still keep the party alive, with the one exception of really bad players who need to be babyset. These players belong in your back-pack and are only to be taken out at rez shrines. They can either learn from their bad play or go back into the backpack.

    Just another note, I've played with some amazing battle clerics who can heal and do damage with the best of them. When in a group with these players, as a melee you need to take note of their play style and accomodate the best you can, so everyone is having fun. This means staying within healing range of mass heals so the cleric can heal himself along with everyone else.
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  4. #44
    Community Member Dylvish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Talamare2k4 View Post
    This is not a bash topic saying Battle Clerics are bad, It is an excellent build in the hands of many

    This is more of a bash of the 'ninja' battle clerics so to speak

    These are the players who keep quiet that they are battle clerics with zero intention of healing anyone but themselves, They join groups and stroll into dungeons, When the fight starts half the group dies and the clerics mana is still full and hes bashing with the front liners

    Let me be clear
    1 - Its fine to be a battle cleric, just make your group aware that you do not intend to heal
    2 - Especially make an effort If you are the only thing that comes close to a healer in your group
    3 - If a group is specifically looking for a Cleric/Favored Soul, then that group is looking for a healer, not a fighter in disguise
    Well said.

    If you want to step up and bang away next to me, and can still throw out the heals to keep the party alive, you have become my new favorite brother in arms! Next ale is on me.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoBoDaClown View Post

    It's practical to assume that someone who is asking for a cleric or fvs to round off the group wants a healer.

    When I see a grp asking for a bard/cleric/fvs to fill the last spot, I know my bard better be in a healing mood.

    Understand the difference. If a battle cleric or offensive casting cleric that has no intention of healing joins a group looking for a healer, then that is of course their fault. If as a group leader you aren't smart enough to ask someone if they are a healer before inviting them when you approached them, then that is entirely your fault and not amount of whining or babbling will change that. Period.

    As a cleric I get invites constantly without anyone ever asking me. I deny them, and then all of a sudden the tool sends me a tell discussing what is needed and I actually play healer almost all the time in a group. Sending invites blindly, or asking someone to join just because they have a cleric icon without telling them what role they are wanted to play is stupid and entirely the fault of the leader not the cleric.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vengenance View Post
    It's always amusing to see this same topic show up over and over again. A good cleric can melee/offensively cast and still keep the party alive, with the one exception of really bad players who need to be babyset. These players belong in your back-pack and are only to be taken out at rez shrines. They can either learn from their bad play or go back into the backpack.

    Just another note, I've played with some amazing battle clerics who can heal and do damage with the best of them. When in a group with these players, as a melee you need to take note of their play style and accomodate the best you can, so everyone is having fun. This means staying within healing range of mass heals so the cleric can heal himself along with everyone else.
    There are some battle clerics out there that refuse to heal, but most of this hate comes from terrible players who want to be baby sat through the entire game and a cleric that won't coddle them means they have to learn to play. Not carrying wands, scrolls, or potions for healing/curing makes a lazy player. Too many people want to be able to just hack and slash through everything without having to think, so they want all clerics to cater soley to them.

  7. #47
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    I'm a lazy player who likes to hack and slash without having to think - that's why I play characters with massive self healing... it's easier to hit "0" to regain full health rather than look at the map and figure out where the cleric is
    "I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phidius View Post
    I'm a lazy player who likes to hack and slash without having to think - that's why I play characters with massive self healing... it's easier to hit "0" to regain full health rather than look at the map and figure out where the cleric is
    But see then you are a character who is self sufficient and not constantly a drain on the cleric. I love players who are good enough that I rarely have to throw them a heal. I hate players like rogues who run in first then get beat down and drain out my sps, or casters who I spend more time healing during a run than anyone else in the group. The cleric though is always the one at fault though, it's never anyone else's fault.

  9. #49
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    if i wanted a cleric that didnt heal me and just agroed a bunch of monsters then leave me for dead id just grab a hireling

  10. #50
    Community Member Tumarek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdemeritt View Post

    As for that Abomination called Mass Heal.... I tried it 2x, and removed it from my hotbar.... I can see 1 or 2 places it could be useful, but not enough to risk accidently hitting it at other times.
    I use it all the time and it works wonders. You just need to anticipate the amount of incoming damage and start casting before the people are dying. With quicken it really aint that hard and fills a group's HP up without asking questions.

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