I know that 1-lvl of monk gives some bonus to armor. What enchancment from monk I must take for this bonus? Or it isn't enchancement? Does it some stance? How much AC I will recieve?
I know that 1-lvl of monk gives some bonus to armor. What enchancment from monk I must take for this bonus? Or it isn't enchancement? Does it some stance? How much AC I will recieve?
It adds your wisdom mod to your AC. It's a granted feat, you don't need to take any enhancments.
Does some of other 1lvl enhancement of monk useful for ranger? I tryed to use some stance, but recieve "unbalanced" message (because I've light armor equipped?). Does monks strikes work with weapons, like khopesh f.e.?
To get the wisdom bouns you need to be in robes and unless you use monk wepons you will be unbalanced
Unless said weapons.are encumbering you they do not affect your ac bonus. The only exception to that is of you are in wind stance and switch to a non centered weapon. It will take you out of the stance and essentially remove 1 point of ac
Edit: make that wind or water stance not just wind
I'm getting confused here. Monk AC bonus description states I need to use monk weapons (kama, kukri, handwraps I assume) is that still holds true?
What would happen if I were in robes dual-wielding a pair of Dwarven Axes? Would I still get AC bonus from my Wisdom stat?
Yes. You need to be unencumbered and wearing robes/outfits for the Wis AC bonus. You do not, however, need to be centered so you can use non monk weapons and still get the bonus.
For example I have a melee based elf FVS with monk splash. She dual-wields scimitars which are clearly not monk weapons. She wears robes and keeps her load light to avoid encumbrance. I get the wisdom bonus to AC on this character.
Last edited by Impatiens; 01-21-2010 at 03:04 PM.
What you originally replied to wasn't talking about losing a stance due to not being centered, but about losing AC. As in if you are in wind or water stance, both of which increase your AC, and you become uncentered you lose AC because you go out of said stance and lose the dex/wis bonus from them.