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  1. #41
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    Ok so if i choose a spell and dont like it and i want to swap it out at the trainer, is there any other penalty/cost besides the 2500gp? Because if there isnt that 2500gp isnt that much when once you start
    doing tear of dakaahn and the
    pit and long quests like that you make on average 1k pp.

  2. #42
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    3 day wait until next change.

    Cost does increase.

    My 10 bard would have to pay 10k gold per spell level to swap one out.

  3. #43
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    Eh i guess thats kind of a lot but its better than it being a
    turbine item and having to pay real money for it, and it takes the pressure
    off of figuring out my spells
    cause atleast i can change
    them if i mess up, but im confident i wont have to, until i get reconstruct
    in which case ill switch out my
    other repair spell for something more usful

  4. #44
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    As a low level damage dealing sorcerer the only spell you should know before you get fireball is shocking grasp, no save and kills anything on normal in one hit with all the enhancements. You don't realize how much damage that 5D6 adds up to. Also, Sure it has a low range but any sorcerer worth his worth won't care about getting that close to kill because 1. they will be dead and 2. you either have high constitution or the ability to heal yourself.

    So enjoy Shocking everything to death =D

  5. #45
    Community Member malicia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Agrivail View Post
    As a low level damage dealing sorcerer the only spell you should know before you get fireball is shocking grasp, no save and kills anything on normal in one hit with all the enhancements. You don't realize how much damage that 5D6 adds up to. Also, Sure it has a low range but any sorcerer worth his worth won't care about getting that close to kill because 1. they will be dead and 2. you either have high constitution or the ability to heal yourself.

    So enjoy Shocking everything to death =D

    Can kill Xantilar in Stormcleave elite at level 8, solo, without killing anything else in the room, just use your max/emp shockin grasp. Spam it, He dies.

    Shocking grasp is full of win.
    Elementia : Aleksia : Ninetysix : Dumi - Utopia of Khyber

    “The light that burns twice as bright, burns half as long... and you have burned so very very brightly”

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Agrivail View Post
    So enjoy Shocking everything to death =D
    All I can think of is Peter Griffin proclaiming "I am Electric Man!"

  7. #47
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    Yeah i went with shocking grasp, so my spells right now, im lvl 5 atm, are shocking grasp, night shield, hypnotism, jump, repair moderate, and scorching ray. At lvl 6 ill grab the maximize feat so ill have extend, maximize, and empower.

  8. #48
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    I wrote a little Guide on the spells that my sorceror likes, and why, for the first 6 levels:

  9. #49
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    So im trying to decide if i want blur or wait till displacement, but displacement is only 1 minute, thoughts on which is worth it?

  10. #50
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    I use blur on the entire party, and use displacement when someone is getting beat on more than they can handle.

  11. #51
    Community Member gwlech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mumu720 View Post
    I have noticed that in a lot of guides people take maguc missle as their first dmg spell. But why not niacs cold ray? It does more damage. Can someone help me out. Or could someone point me in the direction of a good wf nuker guide?
    Master's touch bulls strength and rage. Just pick up the heftiest 2 hander you can get ahold of and go to town until you get wall of fire. This method is so easy it makes me want to cry seeing all the pansy elf sorc/wizards with under 60hp trying to niacs and burning hands **** they could easily beat down.

    In fact there is not an easier, faster way to level an arcane from 1-7(8) but to combine these buffs along with blur/displace, stoneskin, haste. If you feel that this is not enough, then you can use hypno/suggestion as needed tactically.
    Last edited by gwlech; 01-20-2010 at 07:53 AM.

  12. #52
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    I think the lvl1 damage spells are all pretty well balanced. Which one someone considers the best will depend on there skill and playstyle.

    Veteran/Skilled player able to go toe-to-toe with mobs and live: Shocking Grasp, as it's the highest damage one and has no save. Disadvantage is that it's a touch spell.
    Veteran player that lacks skill: Niacs, as it has potential to be very effective if you have the gear/tomes/feats to keep your DC maxxed out
    New average player: Burning Hands: Easy to aim aoe that is somewhat effective
    New bad player: Magic missle: Ultra easy to aim long range (ya cant miss), but ultimately ineffective spell.

  13. #53
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    Ok is there any gear that will help me with dc and sp and stuff
    that i can get at a low to mid lvl it will b awhile
    till im able to get stuff thats ml:18. So far this is what i have. Cape
    of plus two cha, scepter of wizardry II, scepter of spell pen II and improved potency II, necklace +2 con, boots +10% striding, nothing yet for bracers, gloves of +1 spell pen, +1 sarting docent, no tinket eaither. I should add im a lvl 6 wf sorc. Any ideas anyone?

  14. #54
    Community Member Mindspat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by richieelias View Post
    Other races cannot heal themselves with anywhere near the effectiveness and speed that a WF can as an arcane caster. That's just a simple fact.

    I have a Drow sorcerer that works just fine in end game content, but to say that taking that same character and making it WF wouldnt open up a huge amount of higher risk tactics would be a flat out lie.
    Appologies if anyone thought I was saying the arcane Warforged cannot heal themselves very well. It's just that other races can also heal themselves but to a lesser degree.

    The effectiveness of spending spell points with a dmg/cc based character on repairs could be debatable but the speed they can do it is most deffintely fast. The big difference is that Repair simply replaces the use of Heal scrolls on other races which also require a 39 UMD; it is a big advantage to overcome.
    "Nuke 'm or Die!"

  15. #55


    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    Veteran/Skilled player able to go toe-to-toe with mobs and live: Shocking Grasp, as it's the highest damage one and has no save. Disadvantage is that it's a touch spell.
    Veteran player that lacks skill: Niacs, as it has potential to be very effective if you have the gear/tomes/feats to keep your DC maxxed out
    Vets who lack of game knowledge to maximize spell DC, and need a toughness feat in L1 to have enough HP to survive also take Shocking Grasp. timer tracker, completions tracker, search engine, puzzle solver, xp table
    My toons on Argo: Salade TR2 Wiz20, Speedo ESoS Fighter, MangoSalade TR2 Wiz18/Mnk2, EvaHealer Clr18/Mnk2

  16. #56
    Community Member Arctigis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ddoer View Post
    Vets who lack of game knowledge to maximize spell DC, and need a toughness feat in L1 to have enough HP to survive also take Shocking Grasp.
    Doesn't matter what the DC is, if a spell has a save it has a save. Niac's does great damage and I'd recommend
    picking it up on a Human or Drow sorc. On a WF (the only race to play IMO anyway!), shocking grasp + acid spray
    + acid blast at L6 and you are good to go. Take acid/electric enhancement tiers until L8 when you should re-spec to
    favour WoF.
    Currently lvl'ing a Human Sorc and it's interesting what content becomes difficult which was absolutely trivial on
    a WF.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by ddoer View Post
    Vets who lack of game knowledge to maximize spell DC, and need a toughness feat in L1 to have enough HP to survive also take Shocking Grasp.
    I like how you're constantly going on about how there are several different ways to build and play sorcs, and then proceed to call the shocking grasp route "lacking in game knowledge".

    I would choose shocking grasp over Niacs + a worthless feat that I will have to blow my one free respec respec-ing out of it later any day. Honestly, you spend at most 3 hours playing the level 1 (4 if veteran) to 6 range. It is NOT worth the short term conjuration focus.

    Plan your builds ultimately for end game, and try to make sure you dont struggle mid-game. Any gimp build can blow through level 1-6.
    Last edited by richieelias; 01-21-2010 at 09:13 PM.

  18. #58


    Quote Originally Posted by richieelias View Post
    I like how you're constantly going on about how there are several different ways to build and play sorcs, and then proceed to call the shocking grasp route "lacking in game knowledge".
    you get it wrong. I meant, those without knowledge should go for shocking grasp, but i don't mean all sorc who take shocking grasp are lack of knowledge. There is a logical difference. if you don't know how to maximize your spell DC, u won't be able to use Niac effectively, and you should not consider Niac, and Shocking grasp is the best choice.

    it just like, Shade never said all sorc who use Niacs are lack of skill, he only mean vet who lack of skill should take Niacs. And I have no comment to his point. timer tracker, completions tracker, search engine, puzzle solver, xp table
    My toons on Argo: Salade TR2 Wiz20, Speedo ESoS Fighter, MangoSalade TR2 Wiz18/Mnk2, EvaHealer Clr18/Mnk2

  19. #59
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    Actually, I wouldnt reccomend an unskilled player take shocking grasp at all, and definitely not an unskilled non-warforged.

    Not that it takes a "veteran" player to use, but the targeting mechanism of touch ranged spells is fairly unforgiving and if you dont know how to use it you're going to see "you must be facing your target" quite a bit.

    For a Drow, sure take niacs. Go nuts with your huge early CHA bonus. But on a WF? No way. It takes way too much investment to make the spell effective on a good 75% of the low level content (Kobolds).

    However, this particular thread is concerning WF, so my stance here is shocking grasp all the way. Any other race (except dwarf), I would say go with niacs.
    Last edited by richieelias; 01-23-2010 at 05:55 AM.

  20. #60
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    How the hell are you supposed to kill elite named ogres with shocking grasp? Btw ogres have low reflex. And of course those mostly one shot people so someone want to take em down fast.

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