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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Fire/Ice vs Elec/Acid (Newb)

    I have pretty new to DDO and have started a wizard on a team with some friends. I am trying to figure out my enchantment path (3rd lvl human).

    Is there a conventional wisdom about which path is better for damage augmentation: Fire/Ice vs. Elec/Acid?

    Thanks for any help.

  2. #2
    Community Member Visty's Avatar
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    fire/ice has a good lasting aoe (firewall) while elec/acid doesnt

    though with the new spells added last mods its up to personal taste which is better
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  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Well to enhance the almighty Firewall, Fire would be the path.., Cone of Cold is also extremely powerfull....
    So I prefer Fire/Cold...

  4. #4
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    Current game, fire/ice is supperior. Honestly, nothing can beat a proper firewall, and as a caster, soon enough you'll figure that out. But if you really think your play style is better, nothing is stopping you from respec'ing.

    Not to mention, polar ray (cold) has no save, firewall (fire) has no save, scorching ray (fire) has no save and stuff usually isnt alive long enough for acid to be usefull.

    Now, soon they are actually fixing chain lightining, and it will be god, but still nothing compaires to max/emp/etended crit firewall for 400-600 dmg a tick for a solid minute long (or soemthing like that, but close)

    Cool thing is, is nothing is stopping you to havning both
    Q&A is the business of pointing out others' failures. Optimists need not apply.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Maegin View Post
    Current game, fire/ice is supperior. Honestly, nothing can beat a proper firewall, and as a caster, soon enough you'll figure that out. But if you really think your play style is better, nothing is stopping you from respec'ing.

    Not to mention, polar ray (cold) has no save, firewall (fire) has no save, scorching ray (fire) has no save and stuff usually isnt alive long enough for acid to be usefull.

    Now, soon they are actually fixing chain lightining, and it will be god, but still nothing compaires to max/emp/etended crit firewall for 400-600 dmg a tick for a solid minute long (or soemthing like that, but close)

    Cool thing is, is nothing is stopping you to havning both
    depends on which endgame. epic sure, tod no
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  6. #6
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Fire and Ice have more raw power (a lot more) but more foes are immune to them too.

    Personally, I recommend fully speccing for Fire and Ice, and taking the 40% (or at least 30%) damage increase to Acid/Elec but not taking all of the crit chance and crit intensity enhancements for Acid/Elec.
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Fire and Ice have more raw power (a lot more) but more foes are immune to them too.

    Personally, I recommend fully speccing for Fire and Ice, and taking the 40% (or at least 30%) damage increase to Acid/Elec but not taking all of the crit chance and crit intensity enhancements for Acid/Elec.
    Q&A is the business of pointing out others' failures. Optimists need not apply.

  8. #8
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    I thought until you got up to firewall (L7), Acid/Web was a great CC option. So one might just max out Acid enhancements until then, and then alter enhancements accordingly later to switch to Fire/Cold as desired.

  9. #9
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    Talking art of the freezing flame

    I'm a fire/ice fan.
    Against harder enemies such as bosses or underbosses let a tank draw agro and don't hesitate to pop off an acid spell first thing. That will give it time to do damage while everyone is prepping there kill shots. Then while your tank(s) is/are pinning them in place, drop the baddest firewall you can on them. If you have frost lance use it as well.
    One thing to keep in mind, AOE ice spells sometimes can negate AOE fire spells. For example, sleet storm(I think) can put out firewall. Elec/acid spells don't have that issue.

    Always boost your wand enhancements and carry a "Sack O' Magic" for every other occasion.

    Sidenote, fire is good for eliminating web and obscurring mist spells.(Burning Hands)

    hope this helps

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