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  1. #21
    Community Member Nick_RC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmy99993493930333 View Post
    sorry for the delay spells as followed

    Alot of these spells could probly use a swap just never felt a need for the others so never swapped them. and when i TR im thinking of 2 more int. ill most likely pick up intim from what math i gather i can pull off a 45 intim which should be enough for most mobs leaving mostly raid bosses to real tanks.
    I'd definately reccomend the intim. I have on mine and ATM I'm at 50 intimwith competence and love's trash mob intim and with sp regen items it's godly. I would switch shield of faith for obs mist(ur only concealment bonus) and drop the summon monster 9 for true res. I see u have res but havingboth can be nice when everything turns pear shaped. That or drop res.


    GROAN-1 (Melee/Casting Horc FVS)

  2. #22
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    I could prolly do alot to change my spells around i have alot of redundent spells but it doesnt bother me as have yet to find a reason to alter them. though your insight is helpful if i feel im lacking something i may try that.

  3. #23
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    I just have one question I thought the whole point or one of the major points of going true neutral was for weapons and such, without UMD is it still worth it?

  4. #24
    Community Member Therigar's Avatar
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    Thank you for this build.

    While I did not follow it exactly, I am finding it to be a lot of fun. I'm a melee oriented player but recognize that heals are often needed more than melee. This gives a battle cleric without any of the negative associations.

    I wondered about the adamantine body feat at first but am finding that it is very useful at low levels. I'm presuming it remains useful later as well.

    It is always nice to see a build that has worked for another player. It is even nicer to see other players making positive comments.

  5. #25
    Community Member Muldamai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Therigar View Post
    Thank you for this build.

    While I did not follow it exactly, I am finding it to be a lot of fun. I'm a melee oriented player but recognize that heals are often needed more than melee. This gives a battle cleric without any of the negative associations.

    I wondered about the adamantine body feat at first but am finding that it is very useful at low levels. I'm presuming it remains useful later as well.

    It is always nice to see a build that has worked for another player. It is even nicer to see other players making positive comments.
    It is a good build. I have seen other builds similar to this, and they change out Admantine Armor for something else when they get closer to 20, usually Maximize, because most people don't notice much difference in 2 DR, but thats a personal preference.

    Edit: I should also say, I really don't see use for Maximize with this exact build, Quickness maybe, but not Maximize.
    Last edited by Muldamai; 07-19-2010 at 12:51 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Heronous View Post
    The clam can not be ransacked.

  6. #26
    Community Member Therigar's Avatar
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    Well, in early levels the 2 DR clearly is useful as is the higher AC. At higher levels the build isn't going to be getting anywhere near enough AC when soloing for that to matter much. But, the DR will still always be there so it could make good sense.

    An alternate would be to go with more conventional FvS stats and splash in 2 levels of monk. But, that loses some spell casting and the capstone -- which is really where the build seems to be gaining its strength. What you'd end with is a high AC build and you could then do without the 2 DR as you'd be getting hit much less often on many of the quests.

    That, of course, might mean nothing at all once you hit top end content -- which I gather this build is able to solo as it is. Relying on AC there might be a mistake. Which brings us around again to the DR maybe making good sense....

    I could see Quicken if the build is using spells a lot. Otherwise, if played smart, it is buff and go rather than needing to cast in the middle of the encounter.

    I'm looking forward to playing it a lot more over the next few days.

  7. #27
    Community Member Muldamai's Avatar
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    The only reason I think Quicken is you can drop a Heal in when you want, and won't have it interrupted. The only offensive spell is Blade Barrier, which will be saved against, but still can be useful with large piles of mobs. Just play it up and make your own decisions, that usually works best
    Quote Originally Posted by Heronous View Post
    The clam can not be ransacked.

  8. #28
    Community Member Khayvan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Muldamai View Post
    It is a good build. I have seen other builds similar to this, and they change out Admantine Armor for something else when they get closer to 20, usually Maximize, because most people don't notice much difference in 2 DR, but thats a personal preference.

    Edit: I should also say, I really don't see use for Maximize with this exact build, Quickness maybe, but not Maximize.
    At 17, I just did an LR on mine (similar to this but not exact) and swapped Adamantine Body for Empower Heal. I have Maximize too. IMO the boost to Heal and, when I get it, Mass Heal is much more valuable than the 2 pts of DR.

    Maximize is useful, both for Blade Barrier and for boosting my Mass Cures. You could probably get by without it, but I can't think of anything that would benefit me more.

    I use Quicken all the time. I'm always in the thick of it so it's vital that my Heals and Mass Cures not get interrupted. I would't trade it for anything.

  9. #29
    Community Member Therigar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khayvan View Post
    I use Quicken all the time. I'm always in the thick of it so it's vital that my Heals and Mass Cures not get interrupted. I would't trade it for anything.
    A reasonable perspective and worth considering.

  10. #30
    Community Member Therigar's Avatar
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    Well, I'm still playing the character and it is still fun. I have noticed a couple of things and have a question.

    Right now Improved Trip is a problem. I tried to resolve that by dropping back to composite plate but then the AC and DR were too low. So, how did you overcome that problem?

    I have managed to not die yet, I think it may be the first time I've run a character to L6 without dying at least a few times. I have mostly soloed and it is really a lot easier than I'd thought it would be.

    My question is, you mention DR 15. I assume that this is at or near L20 but have no idea what is needed to get there. The enhancements will only get me to DR 5. Where did the other 10 points of DR come from? I can't imagine it is blocking DR because the thread suggests that you are actively meleeing.

    Did you give up THF and switch to a shield? Or, is there some item or inherent ability that I don't know about? I have to admit that I've not done anything with DR on any character before and I really know very little about favored soul as a class.

    Edit: I found references in the forums to the WF FvS capstone giving DR 15/adamantine. Is that still the case? The original post was made in January and it is now July. There have been a variety of updates in that period.
    Last edited by Therigar; 07-21-2010 at 02:33 PM.

  11. #31
    Community Member Khayvan's Avatar
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    Favored Souls get DR 10 at lv. 20. What bypasses it depends on the chosen faith, and in the case of Lord of Blades it is adamantine. This stacks with a WF's existing DR, for a possible 15 at level 20. WF is the only one whose DR stacks, and is a big reason you see most WF FvS stay pure.

  12. #32
    Community Member Therigar's Avatar
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    Thank you very much for the answer. It makes sense now.

  13. #33
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    Hey just wanted to say. I got bored and so I tried this build and I really like it. It's really good at lower levels, since it seems like there's less and less parties at lower levels and you can practically solo any mission on elite. There's some that I got a hireling just for back up healing and what not. But good build. Thanks for posting it.

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