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Thread: You Emm Dee?

  1. #1
    Halfling Hero phalaeo's Avatar
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    Default You Emm Dee?

    Yeah, you heard me right. UMD.

    When I was levelling Pallai, a bunch of folks on the advice channel told me to never put ranks in it because it would be better spent elsewhere.... so I did not put any ranks into UMD for my pure class Cleric.

    In less than two weeks, I will be TR'ing Pallai. My current idea is for an eventual 18 Cleric/2 Monk, and all of my number crunching trusted guildies insist that I should have at least enough UMD to use a Dwarven Thrower and RR items... I've been told that "trust us, it will make your life much easier".

    Question being... what are your opinions on putting points in UMD for a Cleric 18/ Monk 2 build? There was a build on here that was listed as a good solo toon (although I don't plan on doing much soloing) that was Cleric 17/Monk 2/Rogue 1..... If I truly do want the UMD, should I take my first level as Rogue cause it's a class skill?

    I'm pretty confident that I know where I want to go with a 18/2 Clogue, but just not sure how to fit the UMD in there and if it's really worth it.

    ~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
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  2. #2
    Community Member Visty's Avatar
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    UMD is the most powerfull skill in the game
    for clerics its abit less powerful, sure, cause you can use raise scrolls anyway, but some arcane spells are nice to have too, esp teleport
    also it allows you to use race/aligment restricted items which otherwise you couldnt use

    my advice: take it
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  3. #3
    Halfling Hero phalaeo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Visty View Post
    UMD is the most powerfull skill in the game
    for clerics its abit less powerful, sure, cause you can use raise scrolls anyway, but some arcane spells are nice to have too, esp teleport
    also it allows you to use race/aligment restricted items which otherwise you couldnt use

    my advice: take it
    Thanks, Visty

    Do you have any advice on how to work it in? Can I put enough into it as an 18/2 Clogue to make it worthwhile, or should I splash one level of Rogue to get it as a class skill?

    I've heard that if any toon Splashes Rog., it should be done at first level- I'm assuming that I would take Rogue at 1, Cleric at 2, Monk at three, and then wait until after Blade Barrier to take another level of Monk. It seems as though the question is what I am willing to trade off by adding one level Rogue..... full skill points into UMD and put off Blade Barrier another level, or have to put "double" points into a cross class skill and get BB sooner....

    "Original" Idea:

    Here is the CLR/MON/ROG build I was looking at as an alternative option:
    ~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
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  4. #4
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Rogue at 1st level, with its extra multiple of skill points is a nearly universal given.

    Even for a splash rogue, the extra points fill in some of those skills you'd have to overlook otherwise.

    ....and yeah. CD luvs him some UMD.
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  5. #5
    Halfling Hero phalaeo's Avatar
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    Thanks again for the replies.

    Oh boy...well, this certainly gives me something to think about... Going from a classic healbot to a cleric with one level rogue and two levels monk! My whole idea behind this build was better AC and evasion (YES!!!!). I'm not trying to build a battle cleric- I still want my main focus to be on healing the party and being a strong (yet still supporting) offensive caster. Basically, I want any splash I take to enhance and strengthen my role as a Cleric. As long as splashes enhance the Clerical role and don't spread me too thin, I'm all for it.

    Any other tips or insight into this build would be greatly appreciated.
    ~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
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  6. #6
    Community Member biggin's Avatar
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    I actually TR'd my first 28 pt cleric into a 2 monk splash and it's one of the most fun clerics I have played in 3+ years. It was a bit more expensive at first because I took both monk levels to start so I had to supplement more with scrolls and wands, but it was definitely worth it. Now that I'm at 16, evasion is definitely paying off. Just make sure you put some points into dex and keep a +stat dex item on and fireballs, cometfalls, etc arent even a concern anymore. Run ahead and forget where a trap was? Not nearly as painful as it used to be. It may miss a few points in DC but it's definitely a very fun character to play.
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  7. #7
    Founder Guildmaster_Kadish's Avatar
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    Definitely take it. I've yet to make a character without it in about 4 years of playing, and I've never regreted it (including my own 18/2 Clr/Mnk).

    My best advice however, is this: Don't listen to the advice channel!
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  8. #8
    Halfling Hero phalaeo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Guildmaster_Kadish View Post

    My best advice however, is this: Don't listen to the advice channel!
    Roger that.

    What about the Rogue level, though?
    ~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
    ~Shipbuff, Sophalia, Northenstar ~
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  9. #9
    The Hatchery GeneralDiomedes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phalaeo View Post
    and all of my number crunching trusted guildies insist that I should have at least enough UMD to use a Dwarven Thrower and RR items...
    Just keep that in mind that the UMD DC of RR gear increases by 1 per level, which means if UMD is cross class and you aren't a CHA based class .. it is going to be very difficult to keep up.

    On the other hand .. if you want a reasonable chance at some useful Arcane buffs like Displacement or Fireshield, go for it.
    Last edited by GeneralDiomedes; 01-17-2010 at 05:15 AM.
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  10. #10
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    My sig has a link to a Clr17/Mnk2/Rog1 build that someone used to solo VoD on normal using only one mana pot. (It's not my build, and it's in the Cleric Build Catalogue).

    UMD lets you use pure good items while being neutral (so you can use Taint of Evil items too), and it lets you use Teleport scrolls for convenience as well as Waves of Exhaustion scrolls for boss debuffing when solo. (Waves you won't have 100% success on, but that's no problem, just keep casting it till one lands).

    Plus, with 17 cleric levels, you'll still have all the 9th level spells you need (Implosion and Energy Drain for speedrunning easy content, Mass Heal and True Rez for hard stuff).
    I don't have a zerging problem.

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  11. #11
    Founder Barumar's Avatar
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    UMD is awesome - even on a pure Cleric.

    Mine is 'only' lvl 19, but I have plenty of UMD to cast Teleport and Fire Shield on myself!

    I still don't even have the Head of Good Fortune after 20+ runs, or a GH clickie, and I still get by fine...

    Once I have both of those, I will have an even better chance.

    Now, I will admit that after maxing WIS, I did put some points into CHA as my original intent for my Cleric was to help be a DV'ing healer, and I have kept to that to support my Guildies when it is my turn to play the healer.

    The Shroud Mana +6 CHA Skills item made a big difference for me.

    Just wanted to throw out there that you don't have to have a level of Rogue to get decent UMD on your Cleric with steady .5/level and some decent gear at high level.


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