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  1. #1
    Community Member Steampunkie's Avatar
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    Default Quest-Reward Blues

    I've got a gripe that's going to eat at me for at -least- a week.

    Relic of a Sovereign Past
    Emille ir'Vetal is a Fist of Dol Arrah, Paladin of the Sovereign Host, and devout and oft outspoken warrior of the light. On a whim I went into the Church of the Sovereign Host in the House Deneith Enclave, hoping to, perhaps, make an appropriate tithing since the Silver Flame apparently controls the rest of Stormreach. Whilst there I spoke with the head cleric and was asked to recover the lost sword Tesyus.

    Of course Emille would leap upon the chance to recover a holy artifact for her church after cleansing the undead for the past month or so in service to the Silver Flame (A different faith...)

    After a long battle hard-fought with only her close friend Polymnia, a fighter, Emille was triumphant and reclaimed the mighty blade from the hands of the evil duergar. It was then that I looked at my inventory and was stunned to learn I could equip the fine enchanted blade. A massive longsword, it was a vorpal holy longsword of pure good. Usable by any level 10 Paladin and only such a person (save those with a 20 UMD or better!). Sadly I was never able to use the marvelous blade, since all the Duergar were already long since deceased. And, upon further inspection, I learned that the blade would be destroyed upon mission completion.

    No matter! Surely a Paladin of the Sovereign Host working under the watchful gaze of the temple of the Sovereign Host would be duly rewarded for her service. Perhaps a holy or enchanted blade? A Paladin only armor or shield. Whatever trinket or artifact was rewarded surely it would be worth the incredible time and trouble set forth to the task.

    And yet, on delivering said magical blade to the clergy, Emille was thanked in the most impersonal method possible and given a randomized quest reward list including True-chaos weaponry, Mage-Robes, and Monk outfits to the exclusion of most anything else! In the end I claimed an item in disgust and immediately handed it off to Polymnia.

    Is there a reason that the Sovereign Host is such a paltry force within the city? Or perhaps a good reason that a quest which sings to Paladins of the Sovereign Host would NOT grant a specific paladin-unique item?

    Perhaps because, if one is lucky or willing to repeat the quest over and over one could receive +5 Adamantine Full Plate or a +5 Adamantine Longsword? I hardly find this a fitting reason as it requires the player to repeat one quest twice for a reward they should have received on the first attempt.

    When quests are so -blatantly- keyed to a specific class or at least Enhancement (Follower of the Sovereign Host and Unyielding Sovereignity) perhaps it would behoove the developers to attach class specific rewards to said quest.

    I, quite literally, felt cheated by the bait and switch of Tesyus and the quest itself.


  2. #2
    Community Member MystDragon's Avatar
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    When I ran relic we had a paladin in the party who was also thrilled by the sword - and of course everything was dead - and they pretty much felt the same way. I would have too.

  3. #3
    Founder adamkatt's Avatar
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    Random loot tables are well... random...
    Outatime Exodus-Cradle of Life:Thelanis
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  4. #4
    Community Member Steampunkie's Avatar
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    I realize they are random... But shouldn't there be unique quest rewards for quests like that? Especially since it's one of a handful of quests which actually allow you to work with or around the Sovereign Host. Everything else is the Silver Flame.

    Which, by the way, I despise as a group. After they drove all lycanthropes to extinction (including inquisition-like torture of good-aligned lycanthropes to locate their packs) they deserve no respect in my eyes. They're "Deity" is actually the combined consciousnesses of a demon, a Paladin, and a Couatl. And -noone- knows which of the three is speaking at any given time. So a Demon could hand down the order to slaughter every person in Bumblyville Village in the tumbledown vale where only good-aligned pacifistic farmers and their children live... And the followers of the Flame would bend over backwards to slaughter them all.


  5. #5
    Founder adamkatt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steampunkie View Post
    I realize they are random... But shouldn't there be unique quest rewards for quests like that? Especially since it's one of a handful of quests which actually allow you to work with or around the Sovereign Host. Everything else is the Silver Flame.

    Which, by the way, I despise as a group. After they drove all lycanthropes to extinction (including inquisition-like torture of good-aligned lycanthropes to locate their packs) they deserve no respect in my eyes. They're "Deity" is actually the combined consciousnesses of a demon, a Paladin, and a Couatl. And -noone- knows which of the three is speaking at any given time. So a Demon could hand down the order to slaughter every person in Bumblyville Village in the tumbledown vale where only good-aligned pacifistic farmers and their children live... And the followers of the Flame would bend over backwards to slaughter them all.

    There are, collect the ore and turn it in...
    Outatime Exodus-Cradle of Life:Thelanis
    This character is dedicated to a once great game destroyed by a greedy corperation.. Goodbye Star Wars Galaxays!

  6. #6
    Community Member Steampunkie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adamkatt View Post
    There are, collect the ore and turn it in...
    To Self-Quote from my original post...

    Perhaps because, if one is lucky or willing to repeat the quest over and over one could receive +5 Adamantine Full Plate or a +5 Adamantine Longsword? I hardly find this a fitting reason as it requires the player to repeat one quest twice for a reward they should have received on the first attempt.

    Not good enough.


  7. #7
    Community Member ArloOne's Avatar
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    Cool I understand...

    It would be nice if that were the case. But , alas, it is not.
    Have you seen the Greataxe in Thrashek Arena.
    Yowser's, but at least there are some mobs left to swing it around a bit.

    On a side note: You do realize that pallys get that nice little holy weapon thingy that avoids them having to craft GS. So, perhaps if you look at this quest as a stepping stone to reach that, you might see it in a different light.

    Good Luck!
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  8. #8
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    The quest doesnt force you to do the adamantine corridor before the end room. If you go get the sword, then go hunting for ore, you still have a few dozen heads to lop off.

    Personally I think the fix to your issue is to make the sword sucktacular. Its a holy relic, it doesnt need to be awesome. If it was a plain +3 holy burst longsword, nobody would care or cry that it wouldn't be used or kept. I've heard similar stories of suspected plat farmers holding up a von1 group for 20mins because they were trying to figure out how to keep the sword and sell it on the auction house.

    That being said, I don't think that any time should be spent changing the two quests where temporary items exist and make greedy players drool, just so they don't throw a tantrum when they realize that they don't get to keep it.
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  9. #9
    Community Member honkuimushi's Avatar
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    There was discussion by the devs about a year ago about putting in a quest where Paladins could pick up a Holy Avenger with abilities linked to the percentage of Paladin in their build, but I haven't heard anything recently.

    By the way, have had a chance to do Purging the Heretics? I think you might like that quest.

  10. #10
    Community Member Steampunkie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lithic View Post
    The quest doesnt force you to do the adamantine corridor before the end room. If you go get the sword, then go hunting for ore, you still have a few dozen heads to lop off.

    Personally I think the fix to your issue is to make the sword sucktacular. Its a holy relic, it doesnt need to be awesome. If it was a plain +3 holy burst longsword, nobody would care or cry that it wouldn't be used or kept. I've heard similar stories of suspected plat farmers holding up a von1 group for 20mins because they were trying to figure out how to keep the sword and sell it on the auction house.

    That being said, I don't think that any time should be spent changing the two quests where temporary items exist and make greedy players drool, just so they don't throw a tantrum when they realize that they don't get to keep it.
    Greedy... player...?

    Apparently you've read but do not understand what I've typed. More's the pity...

    My issue is that I, as a Paladin of the Sovereign Host, have completed a quest, for the Temple of the Sovereign Host, to recover a lost weapon, Wielded by a paladin of the Sovereign Host, and was basically fobbed off with a randomized loot list.

    Does that situation not -scream- to you of being a quest of significant import to a character such as mine? And then! The end of the quest offers up a fine and special awesome item that would make most paladins squeal on sight that you don't get to keep. I -understand- that I'm not going to get to keep Tesyus, a relic of a temple, for my own purposes. I'm -fine- with that.

    But being left with a randomized loot list which has nothing to do with my alignment, class, race, or enhancements on a quest of such obvious significance for the character is intensely frustrating.

    I'd be happy with a trinket which does next to nothing but shows that I've completed a quest for my patron deity. I'd be happy with a sword which, as a special ability, allows me to utilize an emote to kneel and pray. And of course ANYONE would be happy to receive an item of great intrinsic value.

    But no decent quest-related rewards whatsoever? Bad form.


  11. #11
    Community Member Steampunkie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by honkuimushi View Post
    There was discussion by the devs about a year ago about putting in a quest where Paladins could pick up a Holy Avenger with abilities linked to the percentage of Paladin in their build, but I haven't heard anything recently.

    By the way, have had a chance to do Purging the Heretics? I think you might like that quest.
    I have, as a matter of fact, had the opportunity to do that quest. Yet another reason I hate the Silver Flame.


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