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Thread: Can it be done?

  1. #1
    Community Member Elixxer's Avatar
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    Default Can it be done?

    I'm sitting here wondering if I shouldn't have bought monk class (bought it from favor farming)
    I am pretty new to DDO been playing for awhile maybe 3 months.

    On almost all the monk builds I find on the forums are 32points or +3 tomes, and some are 32points and the +4 tomes, am I doomed to play a weak monk with no tomes and 28point build? Will my monk be bad for the party if he only masters 1-2 stances?

    I didn't fool around to much with the monk class (mainly for the reason of not wanting to do the korthos quests AGAIN without really knowing I won't delete my toon)

    So my question in short, Will I have a good mid game? and will I have a good end game? with only a 28point build? (I'm sure I'll find some tomes along the way) and I will reincarnate if I can (I don't know how it works)

    In advance THANKS.

  2. #2
    Community Member mediocresurgeon's Avatar
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    Monks are a very stat-intensive class. They do not require, but benefit greatly from, +3 and +4 tomes. They are also very gear-intensive--a badly geared monk will only hamper a team (this is why monks have such a bad reputation in general). I would not recommend build a 28-point monk.

    Early game, they do decent DPS. By mid-game, they start to suffer. At endgame, they can do fine, but only after you've done the high-end raids (Shroud, Tower, Vision, Abbot). Monks are a HUGE undertaking when you are going to build them correctly and give them decent gear.

    By level 20, you will want all of your stances, not just 1 or 2 of them. You will have plenty of action points to spend so that should not really be a problem.

    The nerfing will continue until morale improves!

  3. #3
    Community Member Elixxer's Avatar
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    I'm new to the monk class and I thought you needed 18 base in a stat (that's why I figured they used so many tomes)
    to "master" the stance, I know you can get them all at level 2 but to get them to the top don't you need 18 base stat?

  4. #4
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    Yes, you need an 18 base (including tomes) to unlock tier 4 of a stance.

    Don't forget you get 5 points to put in during leveling. 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20.

    The only one you really need to worry about maxing out is air, for GM wind stance. The others are fine at tier 2 or 3.

    Most people start with a 16 dex, and use a +2 tome, or put two points in to dex during leveling to get to an 18 base.

    All you have to do is decide whether you want a str monk, dex monk, or wis monk.

  5. #5
    Community Member Impatiens's Avatar
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    You can do a 28 point build monk, but it is true that monks probably benefit more from the extra stat points than any other class. There are some 28 point monk builds floating around the forums if you search. It's definitely worth playing and a lot of fun even if it's not optimal. My first character was a 28 point build monk, though I rerolled when I got access to 32 point builds and recently reincarnated the 28 point monk as a FVS/monk splash

    If you think you'll reincarnate the monk eventually anyway, just go for it and have fun.

  6. #6
    Community Member wiglin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cedwin View Post
    Yes, you need an 18 base (including tomes) to unlock tier 4 of a stance.

    Don't forget you get 5 points to put in during leveling. 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20.

    The only one you really need to worry about maxing out is air, for GM wind stance. The others are fine at tier 2 or 3.

    Most people start with a 16 dex, and use a +2 tome, or put two points in to dex during leveling to get to an 18 base.

    All you have to do is decide whether you want a str monk, dex monk, or wis monk.
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  7. #7
    Hero RequiemVampie's Avatar
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    A good place to start is by asking around on the forums or find a player who happens to be a monk that is online to ask for advice (if they are willing). I've had to do so many times since September.

    It is possible to build a 28-point monk, you just have to know where to point your points. On my monk I maxed out Dex and Wis at level 1. And I went with halfling for their Dragonmark. Yes, I know it seems like a waste of 3 feats, but with a high AC and the ability to self heal makes it worth the while. And the only stance she has mastered is the Wind stance.

    Come Update 3, monks will have the first tier of all stances for free so it will free up some action points.
    *KHYBER* Yazool, Durrgin (Dwarf, Clr), Xarissa (Drow, Wiz), Reinei (Hafling, Monk), Cavatina (Human, FvS), Jinglethis Punk'Ass (Halfling, Bard/Fighter), Rahtchet (WF, Art)

  8. #8
    Community Member RhapsodieInBlue's Avatar
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    You say "free up" but you have to "waste" some action points as point spent prereqs are still there on all of the lower level enhancements you'd like in their place.

    However, when we get prestige enhancements we will likely be able to spend it on the less desirable enhancements such as Monk: Tumble or whatever they might say is a requirement.

  9. #9
    Community Member Elixxer's Avatar
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    Thanks all for the advice. I started a 18ranger/2monk build, it's working very nice with the AC. Its only level 5, when I get her to a higher level and if I'm still happy with her I will delete my other 12 ranger (shes chaotic good, I picked a path because it was my first time and I couldn't splash monk in with that alignment) and start a monk but my question is would a dwarf be better then a halfling? dwarfs don't lose STR and they get more CON they use charisma but I wouldn't be getting up UMD anyways.

  10. #10
    Hero RequiemVampie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elixxer View Post
    Thanks all for the advice. I started a 18ranger/2monk build, it's working very nice with the AC. Its only level 5, when I get her to a higher level and if I'm still happy with her I will delete my other 12 ranger (shes chaotic good, I picked a path because it was my first time and I couldn't splash monk in with that alignment) and start a monk but my question is would a dwarf be better then a halfling? dwarfs don't lose STR and they get more CON they use charisma but I wouldn't be getting up UMD anyways.
    The two main pure monk build are:
    1) STR and CON based for more dps, hit points, and Fire and Earth stances.
    2) DEX and WIS based for AC, TWF, Wind and Water stances.

    It usually boils down to what you want to be able to do with your build. Personally, I went with the 'I don't wanna be hit cause it hurts' AC build.

    I once went toe-to-toe with a STR-based build and got my ass handed to me. Meh, I generally don't go for PvP anyway and I don't build toons just to do so. I'll play what I want, when I want, and how I want. I like my monk just the way she is. As with any new toon I make, I'll send over 200 CSW potions so they have some in stock. By the time she was capped at 20, she had used a total of FIVE of those potions. I swear on it. I never had to buy her any type of healing potion, what so ever.
    *KHYBER* Yazool, Durrgin (Dwarf, Clr), Xarissa (Drow, Wiz), Reinei (Hafling, Monk), Cavatina (Human, FvS), Jinglethis Punk'Ass (Halfling, Bard/Fighter), Rahtchet (WF, Art)

  11. #11
    Community Member Elixxer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RequiemVampie View Post
    The two main pure monk build are:
    1) STR and CON based for more dps, hit points, and Fire and Earth stances.
    2) DEX and WIS based for AC, TWF, Wind and Water stances.

    It usually boils down to what you want to be able to do with your build. Personally, I went with the 'I don't wanna be hit cause it hurts' AC build.

    I once went toe-to-toe with a STR-based build and got my ass handed to me. Meh, I generally don't go for PvP anyway and I don't build toons just to do so. I'll play what I want, when I want, and how I want. I like my monk just the way she is. As with any new toon I make, I'll send over 200 CSW potions so they have some in stock. By the time she was capped at 20, she had used a total of FIVE of those potions. I swear on it. I never had to buy her any type of healing potion, what so ever.
    If your AC is so high how did you get pwnt If I take dex based should I get weapon finesse and what level should I get it at?

  12. #12
    Community Member TPICKRELL's Avatar
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    With Greater Reincarnate on the way (hopefully it will make it to the next update this time), you will have more options.

    A 28 PT Build is fine up until mid game, even early late game and is very good for solo or short groups runs. Late game, you "suddenly" have to have more hit points and more end boss damage, so things get tougher. The build that worked really well up until then suddenly is gimped and a 32 pt build makes a big difference in de-gimping.

    I find a monk to be a blast to play, but to be effective, you have to do a lot of keyboard twitching. As mentioned earlier in the thread, a monk HAS TO HAVE and HAS TO USE really good equipment. The definition of good changes throughout the game, but expect to invest a lot of gold in AH equipment, and expect to farm quests like the Necropolis - Shadow Crypt for specialized equipment (you really need the character bound Devout Handwraps from here before you get to Shroud) .

    If your play style can handle the keyboard twitchyness and you are willing to put in the time to equip the monk properly then... My advice is to go ahead and build a 28 pt monk and give it a try. I'd stick with either halfing or human for your first go round. And expect to do a Greater Reincarnate some time in the level 17-20 range to switch to a 32 pt build and to restructure your feats and stat allocations based on what you have learned. You will probably want the experience of running some of the high level quests (Amrath, Reavers Refuge...) before you make your final Reincarnate decisions...

    For F2P another consideration is what adventures do you have or are willing to purchase. It is likely that you will need to invest in the Necropolis Adventures in order to get some key equipment, and those adventures are often on the list of least liked adventure packs.
    Last edited by TPICKRELL; 01-18-2010 at 10:39 AM.
    Khyber -- Grubbby, Grubonon, Gralak, and all the gang of *grubs* in the Homeboys of Stormreach.

  13. #13
    Community Member AMDarkwolf's Avatar
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    Just don't get how people say 28pt monks can't make it.

    I made one. he FLEW to 20 and 1900 favor inside 2 months(was like 1 month + a week maybe)

    I then decided to try the same thing as a 32 build, and yes it was easier and i was able to grab earth IV as well, but really it wasn't like comparing a -5 crappy broken club of crappiness vs a +15 supervorpal lightsaber of greatereverything bane.

    BUild a 28 pt build and u will find u lack in afew areas, but its not like your gonna 'totally' fail if u spend any time bothering getting your gear/build right. (but then a 32 pt will fail if the person doesn't build right either, right?)

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cedwin View Post
    The only one you really need to worry about maxing out is air, for GM wind stance. The others are fine at tier 2 or 3.
    Come Mod12, this is not longer an absolute.

    Only a Dark Monk would deal in absolutes

  15. #15
    Community Member Elixxer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Greydeath View Post
    Come Mod12, this is not longer an absolute.

    Only a Dark Monk would deal in absolutes
    Yeah, I read they can deal 500 damage at level 9 if they get 50ki O_o.

  16. #16
    Community Member Elixxer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TPICKRELL View Post
    With Greater Reincarnate on the way (hopefully it will make it to the next update this time), you will have more options.

    A 28 PT Build is fine up until mid game, even early late game and is very good for solo or short groups runs. Late game, you "suddenly" have to have more hit points and more end boss damage, so things get tougher. The build that worked really well up until then suddenly is gimped and a 32 pt build makes a big difference in de-gimping.

    I find a monk to be a blast to play, but to be effective, you have to do a lot of keyboard twitching. As mentioned earlier in the thread, a monk HAS TO HAVE and HAS TO USE really good equipment. The definition of good changes throughout the game, but expect to invest a lot of gold in AH equipment, and expect to farm quests like the Necropolis - Shadow Crypt for specialized equipment (you really need the character bound Devout Handwraps from here before you get to Shroud) .

    If your play style can handle the keyboard twitchyness and you are willing to put in the time to equip the monk properly then... My advice is to go ahead and build a 28 pt monk and give it a try. I'd stick with either halfing or human for your first go round. And expect to do a Greater Reincarnate some time in the level 17-20 range to switch to a 32 pt build and to restructure your feats and stat allocations based on what you have learned. You will probably want the experience of running some of the high level quests (Amrath, Reavers Refuge...) before you make your final Reincarnate decisions...

    For F2P another consideration is what adventures do you have or are willing to purchase. It is likely that you will need to invest in the Necropolis Adventures in order to get some key equipment, and those adventures are often on the list of least liked adventure packs.
    so you can reincarnate before level 20? I've never read anything about it much but I thought you needed to be level 20, Or maybe it's just recommended for something better, I have bought no adventure packs but I am saving up for a few.

  17. #17
    Community Member TPICKRELL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elixxer View Post
    so you can reincarnate before level 20? I've never read anything about it much but I thought you needed to be level 20, Or maybe it's just recommended for something better, I have bought no adventure packs but I am saving up for a few.
    With Greater/Lesser Reincarnate (not yet available except on Lamania test server) you can do it at any point. But it is different than True Reincarnation, you are not starting over, just re-doing certain aspects of your current character. You end up at the same level you were at, butcan change change stat allocations, feats, enhancements and from 1 to 3 levels of character class level ups.
    Khyber -- Grubbby, Grubonon, Gralak, and all the gang of *grubs* in the Homeboys of Stormreach.

  18. #18
    Community Member Elixxer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TPICKRELL View Post
    With Greater/Lesser Reincarnate (not yet available except on Lamania test server) you can do it at any point. But it is different than True Reincarnation, you are not starting over, just re-doing certain aspects of your current character. You end up at the same level you were at, butcan change change stat allocations, feats, enhancements and from 1 to 3 levels of character class level ups.
    Awesome! This can really help if I ever make a mistake on a build, so it's not up in ddo yet? just the test servers, anyone know when they wont be test servers anymore?

  19. #19
    Community Member z0mbyjr's Avatar
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    Well, Lesser/Greater (+1-3) Reincarnations are supposedly coming in Update 3... which is hopefully really, really, really, really, really soon.

    It is also coming along a few monk updates...
    New Dark Side stuff, and first tier stances/strikes and FoL/FoD are free.

  20. #20
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    I play as a 28 point halfling monk. It's an extremely fun class/race combo, and able to do almost anything I wanted it to. Soloing missions and wilderness areas was perfect for him, and I haven't felt like a drag on group runs during either normal quests or raids. I'll Greater Reincarnate him to bring him to 32 points as soon as it's available.

    Key Feats:
    Weapon Finesse
    Power Attack
    Two Weapon Fighting (normal, improved, and greater - each gives you one extra attack per round for handwraps)
    Stunning Fist (Not stunning blow - you want the WIS based DC)
    Improved Critical: bludgeoning (your hands and feet are blunt weapons)
    Philosophy: Path of Harmonious Balance (Fist of Light is vital to soloability, and Aligning the Heavens makes friends of the casters)

    Key Enhancements
    Grand Master Air, 10 AP (main battle stance for this build, and not much will resist lightning attacks)
    Grand Master Water, 10 AP (stance helps with saves, 4th water strike is great for fire vulnerable mobs)
    Halfling Cunning/Guile, 20 AP (extra 8 damage per hit adds up very quickly)
    Animal Path, 10 AP (pick your flavour, I like monkey for the stacking elemental resists)
    Fists of Light, 1 AP (for the healing curse as well as unlocking the combos)
    Unbalancing Strike, 1 AP (great DPS increase for you and all other sneak attackers)
    Dex and Wis increases, 2 ranks each, 12 AP. If you can spare 6 more AP to even out your wis, get the third rank.
    Capstone, 2 AP

    66 total AP for these. Spread the others around as you like, healing amp, saves, racial fortitude. We don't have enough AP to get everything though.

    I personally don't have, and don't miss, fire or earth stance on my monk. I never used them, and it saves AP and hotbar space. You need a minimum of 13 STR (Power Attack), 18 WIS (GM Water), and 18 DEX (GM Air, 17 for TWF feats) for this rough outline.

    Finally, you won't have many people complaining about your damage output if you make yourself useful in other ways. We won't out DPS most builds, but we hit faster than any of them. So if you come prepared with handwraps that have weakening, maladroit, banishing, smiting, paralyzing, etc properties on them, and disable the pack of mobs, the dungeon runs smooth and people don't die as easy.

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