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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Mar 2009

    Default tempest rogue advice

    hey all, was looking to know if some1 could flesh out a build for me, i know that i want; warforged(max pa if poss), 6 ranger levels, 14 rogue levels, but not fussed on assassinate as dc will be low, and will use khopeshes(got lots of dps/stat dmg like woe etc)

    thanks in advance


  2. #2
    Community Member Demoyn's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Change the 14 levels of rogue to 13 levels of rogue and 1 level of barbarian and the build's already posted for you. It may be a halfling, can't remember, but it doesn't take much to swap out races.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Mar 2009


    where is this build posted? and thanks for the quick reply


  4. #4
    Community Member LAWPRE's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Body

    IF you are not going to sneak a lot, do not forget to take Adamantite Body or Mithril Body at creation. Each of these act like armor BUT add DR. With the DR enhancement chain, you get at least 8/- DR at 14 level. It is not THAT much but every little bit can help.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Mar 2009


    yeah, take mithral on all(9) of my wf toons, except my 2 casters who keep compostite

    any1 got stats for me?^^


  6. #6
    Community Member Emili's Avatar
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    A Baker's dozen in the Prophets of the New Republic and Fallen Heroes.
    Abaigeal(TrBd25), Ailiae(TrDrd2), Ambyre(Rgr25), Amilia(Pl20), Einin(TrRgr25), Emili(TrFgt25), Heathier(TrClc22), Kynah(TrMnk25), Meallach(Brb25), Misbehaven(TrArt22), Myara(Rog22), Rosewood(TrBd25) and Sgail(TrWiz20) little somethings with flavour 'n favour

  7. #7
    Time Bandit
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    Oct 2009


    Try looking at these builds, which use 13 rogue / 6 ranger / 1 something else.

    The reason for the 1 something else is that there's not much that you get from level 14 rogue, whereas you get a lot from level 13 rogue (extra feat, more sneak attack damage, enhancements like subtle backstabbing 4), so you might as well as spend that level on something else.

    Tasmanian Devil (halfling rogue 13 / ranger 6 / barbarian 1):

    Ravager (halfling rogue 13 / ranger 6 / monk 1):

    The Tasmanian Devil goes the acrobat 2 route (along with tempest 1), so with the barb level it runs around really quickly, plus is immune to knockdown and stuff, but the APs are really tight. If you're going warforged though you won't be spending the 20 AP on halfling cunning/guile so that frees up some APs to spend.

    The Ravager build uses a monk level for the wis AC, and goes into the tradeoffs of going assassin, going acrobat, or not doing any rogue prestige classes, so you can look at that too. But realize also that it also goes halfling so again puts points into halfling cunning/guile, so you may have some APs that you can put in that you'll have to work out. It does require monk though so if you don't have that, you won't be able to do it.

  8. #8
    Community Member lord_of_rage's Avatar
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    I have to agree the ravager build is sweet. Its probobly just what you are after. And if you really wanted the ac you could make it work.
    Toons are in a constant state of flux. Khyber server.

    Quote Originally Posted by Trillea View Post
    Maybe your forum name should be lord_of_halfling_rage then...

  9. #9
    Community Member
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    Mar 2009


    thanks every1, think i'll play about with the ravager and see what i'll use the extra points for

    not interested in having ac, will prolly just load him up with guards


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