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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Talking New and looking for a virtual home

    Hi all!
    Although I've been playing MMOs for ages I'm new to DDO (well, I was in the betas, but that was a looong time ago). After returning to try it again I found out I actually quite like it and I'm thinking of going VIP in the near future. Now I'm looking for a friendly guild that can show me the ropes and help me allong the way as I learn the game. I prefer a guild with focus on casual playa nd social interaction more than a hardcore raid one. I'm located in Sweden/Europe so a guild with at least partly european (english speaking) player base would be nice (due to time zones).
    I'm a friendly and helpfull player who prefers supporting roles. I also have a good sense of humor (although maybe a bit twisted).
    Right now I'm a F2P player and have only reached lvl 2 so I can move to another server if needed without much loss (currently on Sarlona as Warpriest).
    What I expect from a guild? Friendly advice and pointers, fairly regular groupings for quests and helpers that can forgive occational blunders from a noob I also hope for friendly banter and fun chats in lulls, stability and a strong community sense.

    Think you could use me and that I could fit in with you, please let me know!

  2. #2
    Community Member JustWinBaby's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Good afternoon (to me atleast ). I'm the leader of The Seekers on the Ghallanda server. We have about 27ish people right now, as far as I know, most are in the States but across all time zones. My toons are Deltree and Oslanod. The highest level in the guild is 11 and the lowest is 1-2. You are more than welcome to join us. If you can't find me on, contact Kreaton, Golgarath, Llewndyn, or Mrreg, those are the officers in the guild who can also invite you.

  3. #3
    Community Member nerdychaz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default EU/AUS/USA guild

    Are you brand or relatively new to DDO?

    Are you a mature adult 21 or over who can use voice chat?

    Do you like lite RP?

    Are you excited about having a whole new and unknown world to explore?

    Would you like to learn the game along with other new players rather then have a veteran show you everything?

    Are you here to play D&D and not WoW?

    When in an instance. Do you go EXTREMELY and EXCRUCIATINGLY SLOWLY?

    Do you like to soak up and savor every single little bit of content?

    If one missions takes an hour or more to complete. Is that fine with you?

    Do you like to play the game stealthily?

    Do you prefer using cunning and guile over brute force?

    Are you a team player?

    Do you want to part of a group that works together? Rather then be in a party of soloists?

    Do you share with others?

    If you find or have an item that you don't need and you know someone else does. Would you give it to that person rather then sell it to them?

    If you said “yes” to ALL of the questions above. Then we'd really like to hear form you.

    The Doom Brigade, an anti-zerging, lite RP, Dungeons & Dragons Online guild that dwells on Cannith (US) server. You can be F2P or P2P. Clueless newbs preferred but we won't turn down a vet. If you're interested please reply to this thread or this thread with character name, and time zone. Then we can figure out how best to get in contact with each other.

    The guild was originally the idea of Izztyrr and although the name is different what brought us together was the way he envisioned this guild. He is currently absent and so a group of us decided to start things rolling for him as we wait because we share his ideas. Upon his return we've decide to name him Leader and crown him with his rightful title. If further changes are required upon his return we'll deal with them when the time comes.

    Current Leader Crysanea, Officer Ranks filled by Lorthar, Aeirin, and Seiren. Feel free to add our names to your friends list and contact us for guild invite.

    Original recruitment post:
    Member of The Guild of Calamitous Intent
    Cannith Server
    Main Toons: Skarro and Usko
    I maximize my strengths and buy bane weapons for my weaknesses.

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