Hi all!
Although I've been playing MMOs for ages I'm new to DDO (well, I was in the betas, but that was a looong time ago). After returning to try it again I found out I actually quite like it and I'm thinking of going VIP in the near future. Now I'm looking for a friendly guild that can show me the ropes and help me allong the way as I learn the game. I prefer a guild with focus on casual playa nd social interaction more than a hardcore raid one. I'm located in Sweden/Europe so a guild with at least partly european (english speaking) player base would be nice (due to time zones).
I'm a friendly and helpfull player who prefers supporting roles. I also have a good sense of humor (although maybe a bit twisted).
Right now I'm a F2P player and have only reached lvl 2 so I can move to another server if needed without much loss (currently on Sarlona as Warpriest).
What I expect from a guild? Friendly advice and pointers, fairly regular groupings for quests and helpers that can forgive occational blunders from a noob I also hope for friendly banter and fun chats in lulls, stability and a strong community sense.
Think you could use me and that I could fit in with you, please let me know!