Because really I just want to be like wolverine.
In all seriousness. I do not even think about why things are in a game. I really just play to have fun, I do not care about backstory, lore, or where abilities come from. My original post was based purely on catering to my playstyle and that of a bunch of folks I play with. We call it zerg around these parts. Having to stop the zerg to use wholeness of I will just drink a potion.
I do get what you are saying, as far as focusing to heal.
Last edited by wiglin; 01-15-2010 at 04:22 PM.
Server: Ghallanda
Characters: Wigs (FvS) / Wigz (Acrobat/Ninja)
Guild: Ravensguard
FOL does not get you out of an uh oh moment when a nice burst could be the difference between party wipe and not. Monks have plenty of ways to maintain steady healing, and fol only works for light monks.
I do like Rimble's suggestion though. Allow monks to move when using it, jumping or fighting cancels it.
For the most parts monks should not be taking damage in a fight anyway, so it is not that big of a deal either way, but in its current form it is useless to me, as the people I play with are not going to wait around while I sit on the ground and gain hp's.
Server: Ghallanda
Characters: Wigs (FvS) / Wigz (Acrobat/Ninja)
Guild: Ravensguard
I personally run a halfling monk with least and lesser dragonmarks (cure light and cure serious wounds), plus one AP in extra dragonmark. I can cast cure serious wounds 3x per rest and cure light 5x. Those are my "poo hit the fan" heals for in combat, plus FoL. The cure light is really handy if I see someone drop unconscious and just need to stabilize em and get em on their feet. Cure serious has it's obviously greater use than cure light.
I’m going to have to respectfully question your choice of the dark path. The continuous self healing, light party healing, short duration blur, anti-stun, mana cost reduction, etc. of the light path just seems like a better deal. Even with the upcoming DPS enhancements for the dark path in the next update I still can’t justify in my mind the lost self-sufficiency and group utility.
I have only done a monk with the light path though, so perhaps your experience has proven that the dark path is equally beneficial. Without having actually tried it I cannot definitively say which, if any, is “better”.
Wholeness of Body = healing in between fights. Meditation heals the body, you can't meditate and run, you can't meditate and fight.
Potions/Clickies/Clerics = healing during fights for quick heals or uh-oh moments.
Simple as that.
There are many forms of meditation, some involve moving, walking, or running. A simple google search will return plenty of results.
That aside, you also cannot really cast fireballs from you hands. This is a fantasy game, and Turbine has used their own house rules plenty of time before, so I do not buy into the whole you can't do this or that because it doesn't make sense. Anything can be made to make sense in a fantasy world.
Server: Ghallanda
Characters: Wigs (FvS) / Wigz (Acrobat/Ninja)
Guild: Ravensguard
We're talking about Monk Meditation. Not new-age awareness. (Haven't you ever watched a kung-fu movie?)
Traditional meditation involves going in to a trance like state.
Aside from that, that's the type of meditation that monks do in DDO according to the "house rules" as you put it.
Yes that is the way it is implemented by Turbine. I do not see a reason however why it could not be adjusted to fit while running. I mean with backstories like this
"Horoth has been taking opera lessons. It is recommended that non-tanks find Boots of Anchoring"
All it would take is for Turbine to say.
"Monks have been taking lessens from this guy and can run while using wholeness of body, jumping and or attacking will cancel the effect."
This is turbine and some of the backstories used for their changes are a little ridiculous.
Last edited by wiglin; 01-15-2010 at 09:41 PM.
Server: Ghallanda
Characters: Wigs (FvS) / Wigz (Acrobat/Ninja)
Guild: Ravensguard
If they made it slow the monk down some, while running, then I don't think it would be overpowered at all. The thing I think they are trying to avoid is having a player running away from mobs while using it. The monk already has a very high survivability. No downsides to this skill would push it over the top.
Remember when Bards couldn't play songs and run at the same time back in the day?
on my monk, there are no oh **** moments, you plan, and know your limitations...ive soloed all of the amrath quests, (minus new invasion, only because i havent tried yet) and wholeness of body is all ive needed to get by with the help of maybe 20 cs pots
just saying,
/not signed, happy with what they gave us
I don't know why everyone's talking about meditation. The ability isn't supposed to be. It's supposed to be something akin to the same thing that gives them the ability to ignore poisons and non-magical diseases, the ability to shrug off damage.
The player's handbook fluff leaves something to be desired (there is none), but there is nothing to suggest that this should be a meditation. DDO's implementation, while perhaps flavorful, and occasionally useful, results in an ability that gets drastically under-utilized because it is asynchronous with nearly every other class/character in the game. Everyone else wants to keep moving while their buffs are running out and/or to just get through the quest faster.
I'd like to see some sort of LoH-like ability applied instead.
Useful links: A Guide to Using a Gamepad w/ DDO / All Caster Shroud, Hard Shroud, VoD, ToD Einhander, Elochka, Ferrumrym, Ferrumdermis, Ferrumshot, Ferrumblood, Ferrumender, Ferrumshadow, Ferrumschtik All proud officers of The Loreseekers. Except Bruucelee, he's a Sentinel!
According to d20
To me that sounds like an active skill, not a passive one. If a monk can heal per day, and can spread the healing out, there needs to be some sort of action taken. I think the meditation suits it well.Wholeness of Body (Su)
At 7th level or higher, a monk can heal her own wounds. She can heal a number of hit points of damage equal to twice her current monk level each day, and she can spread this healing out among several uses.
The description for LoH is almost identical. Should that be a meditative ability?
The description doesn't imply an action, though it has been ruled as a standard action on several occasions. That is totally not the equivalent of what we have in DDO, which would be basically fast healing over a minute or so.
See the Warshaper's (Complete Warrior) ability to heal itself for 10 HP as a standard (full-round?) action with a Concentration check for something much closer to the DDO monk's WB ability.
Useful links: A Guide to Using a Gamepad w/ DDO / All Caster Shroud, Hard Shroud, VoD, ToD Einhander, Elochka, Ferrumrym, Ferrumdermis, Ferrumshot, Ferrumblood, Ferrumender, Ferrumshadow, Ferrumschtik All proud officers of The Loreseekers. Except Bruucelee, he's a Sentinel!
Outside of ddo, I have always thought of it more akin to an at will ability, hence why I mentioned making it more like LoH.
NWN made it a round based ability if I remember correctly, but once the action took placed it was an instant heal that could be used in combat.
Turbine of course, went in a different direction.
Server: Ghallanda
Characters: Wigs (FvS) / Wigz (Acrobat/Ninja)
Guild: Ravensguard
Useful links: A Guide to Using a Gamepad w/ DDO / All Caster Shroud, Hard Shroud, VoD, ToD Einhander, Elochka, Ferrumrym, Ferrumdermis, Ferrumshot, Ferrumblood, Ferrumender, Ferrumshadow, Ferrumschtik All proud officers of The Loreseekers. Except Bruucelee, he's a Sentinel!