Problem solved.
Problem solved.
Eldun, Eldette, Eldunica, Elduminum, Eldookin, Eldojo, Eldeberries, DarkEldun, DrEldun, Kristinka, Woodpile
Officer of Pestilence. Looting's our business and business was good until the Dev's ruined the game by making everything exclusive, bound to account, and ridiculously trivial.
Heh, I might actually do ToD then. I've done it twice, once on each of 2 toons, for favor, never even bothered to flag any of my others.
*I am 0 for 24 or so on runs for blood. I've seen it drop once. That means for me the drop rate seems to be >1% for something that will be essential to run the raid anymore after they release the new mega-banish version. Not cool. I could afford to buy them, but not for less than exorbinent prices. Up until this point, I refuse to do so.
________________One of Two Kings_________________
Ironically, if Turbine had come up with this they would have been accused of trying to screw the players by making them buy Shared banks.
/signed...pours Jobu a refill in hopes it gets done
It's too hard...... Mommy will you buy me this and that so life will be easy for me...
The game is already too easy....... There are much better, less butt kiss to the lazy ways of solving the overly long grind of boot pieces.
While this solution would be workable... I'd bet your a 1000 plat that Turbine won't do it. For whatever reason, they seem to think that horrible amounts of grinding is "fun" and will encourage you to play the content.
Hmm, you just don't get it do you Lorien..... Grind is part of the game.. IT HAS TO BE.... Or maybe they could double or triple YOUR sub rate to pay for the insane amount of content they'd have to release.... Hey there's an idea $45 a month per account = no grind.
Too much grind is certainly a problem, and each person hgas their own definition of what that is... MOST if not all seem to agree that the boot grind is way too much....... But they will NEVER remove all the grind for the lazy, instant gratification, I want it now on a platter, always win folks in DDO...... Or maybe they will with the DDO store.... That's your only chance to win DDO in 1 day or less
Nah, it still solves the problem. Despite what Smatt may think, it leaves the essence of the grind there. Every class and every player type have an equal grind, and it's actually fair across the board.
No one minded a little grind to have access to the raid. It's just that it was much too much.
No I get it perfectly... The grind is too much...... You want NO grind... You want the game to be easy for you so you can win really really fast and pat yourself on the back. They've spent the last 6 months decreasing the grind game wide, and now you want it even easier? You don't to have to earn anything, you want to have everything on a nice plate... I get it...
Boots in the store... problem solved... That way the people that want to buy there way to uber the fast way can.
I guess I should have added my character is a cleric. Yes, I think that makes a difference.
So, pappa Smatt says it's too easy. And others will say it's too hard.
And then there's a nice medium of people that say it's just right.
That's just a stupid response. How does agreeing that grinding for one pair being a reasonable compromise is saying I want no grind? You are hearing what you want to hear, not what I said.
And I've argued against most of those changes. Honestly Smatt you are making **** up out of nowhere. Go fight with yourself, your arguments are based on nothing.
No Bobby it would completely remove the grind, which from many players stand point would be great. The problem is from the development stand point, it would greatly decrease the lifespan of content. If they went to more cookie cutter style quests like the last update sure.... Ya those are real fun aren't they? 5 minute stupidfests of lameness... Only reason to run them is for insanely fast XP to get to cap to then do what????