So let me get this right, I'm going to be limited on one pet from any source at a time? And the reason is "Lag Control?"
But its okay for me to have 5 hirelings running around? I know there is some difference between the two, but still I think this is ridiculous. If I spent the time and ings to craft a few trip earth item/weaps, pick up the drow/scorp clicky(also known as Bobo in certain circles), and summon a hezaru that is my business and for the most part we like to call that "tactics", well sometimes anyway. Granted I don't summon everything every quest, but sometimes its fun to have 6 pets running a muck.
Also if you are going to put in Pale master, where is the fun if you cant have a small army of undead to serve you?
Suggestion to Devs:
If you are going to adjust summons, do it at least in the spirit of the following:
1: Put a limit on the number of summons. Say one summon from a particular source, ie one GS, one Spell, one enhancement.
2:Put in DeCrafting. Some of us have made quite a few trip earth items for soloing/fun, and in one fell swoop they are now useless.
3:Possibly leave the GS items out of this particular rule. Doubtful but it had to be mentioned.
I may edit this at a later point, but atm I am really pi&*(d off about this change.