Ok I want the following:
PaleMaster II
Scorpion Wraith if possible
Trapsmith if possible
TN if possible(currently am and would like the new shield)
I have the following:
Icy Rainments with +1 alchemical
Head of good fortune
Seven fingered gloves
Reavers napkinx2
+4 insight Lit II rapier
chattering ring
ring of thelis
+3 cha skills/spell power goggles(never finished tier III, but I will)
45 hps/+5str skills/+1con skills Existential stalemate goggles
madstone boots
belt of brute strength
silver flame talisman tier III
ventilated bracersx2
dragontouched vestments greater pot vii, int skills +3, sr 22
chainshirt of crippling
gauntlets of eternity
bravos sword
titanic docent
madstone shield
deaths touch
2 w/p shortswords
access to girds/bloodstones/weapons/etc
could make any shroud item before TR
Still to acquire: TN shield from IQ, torc, tharnes goggles, Aspect of Dust, Water, Corrosive Salt rapiers, litany, bauble, epic items.
Original build plan 3 years ago was 17wiz/3rogue with itwf and AC. Changed this to get gtwf for 20 via 13wiz/6rogue/1fighter. Still 17 because I was working on other projects, I hit mid 60's AC currently self buffed because my dex is higher then my int.
I will TR twice and maybe more once we can. One option is going for gtwf again using good use of sneak attack once Scorpion wraith is released. Perhaps 12wiz/6rogue/2fighter or 12wiz/6fighter/2rogue. 12 wizard/6ranger/2monk doesn't work because it requires me to drop too much. Feats really get tight on this build trying to fit in the spell foci for Palemaster, gtwf, and AC. As much as wraith form sounds cool, I am going for Lich so dropped mental toughness. I am open to suggestions, but am liking the idea of more caster and less melee in the end.
As of right now I am looking at:
Drow TN 17wizard/2rogue/1fighter 32 point
[22/32]10str +4tome+7/9item+1litany+2rage+4madstone+2yugo
[32]16dex +4tome+6item+1litany+2enh+1enh+2yugo
[26/40]13con +4tome+6/8item+1litany+4lich+2yugo+8madstone
[42/48]20int +5levels+4tome+1litany+9ring+3enh+4lich+2yugo pot
extend, heighten, empower, maximize
combat expertise, twf, itwf, toughness, imp crit piercing, sf and gsf necro, power attack
10 base
4 deflection
5 icy with alchemical
3/4 natural tensers or madstone
3 chattering ring
5 expertise
8 bracers
4/9 shield spell or IQ sheild
1 haste
11 dex
4 insight
58 running self buffed, 63 s&b for tanking aoe spells, +1 for dps mode
6 aura
2 recitation
4 song
1 barkskin
2 blocking
78 raid buffed blocking, 81 max with favor pots
20 bab(Divine power clicky, Tensers, Madstone)
5 weapon
1 haste
4 greater heroism
6/11 strength
2 elf
-4 twf rapiers
34/39 self buffed
2 recitation
5 bard
41/46 raid
20 base
10 draconic vitality
45 shroud
30 gfl
22 toughness
20 minos legens
10 fighter toughness
20 Drow toughness
10 palemaster II
160 con
68 wizard
12 rogue
10 fighter
20 yugo pot
140 fully buffed con
Saves: 25fort/30reflex/24 will
2/0/0 fighter, 0/3/0 rogue, 5/5/10 wizard, 1/1/1 alchemical, 4/5/4 spells, 8/11/4 stats, 3/3/3 resist(equip a +5 for evasion and trap boxes), 2/2/2luck(fit into epic item somehow)
Necro dc in lich form:
Spell pen:
17levels+2item+4past life+3enh=26
max ranks=spot, disable, search, umd
As much as possible = balance, jump, hide, move silently, open
Almost a fully capable wizard, mainly losing out on the capstone and spell pen. We already know evasion and trap skills to be a fair balance for the capstone. For spell pen, I will get a imp shattermantle weapon for those times I have to bypass spell resistance. With the 2x TR adding +4 spell pen, I should be fine. Makes use of necrotic touch for free dps.
A fully capable trapsmith, being Drow and in lich form, able to hit higher search/disable then most rogues. Only weakness is lower reflex for certain trap boxes.
Able to go into dps mode, using power attack, itwf, and 32 strength. While not any where close to a real melee, quite capable of adding dps to portals, harry, sally, epic, etc.
Able to umd anything, including harm scrolls for Lich form healing. Also has stealth ability.
Enough Ac and hps in turtle mode to withstand a beating.
I am not breaking down enhancements or items, this changes to often. Just know you have to swap from casting weapons to dps weapons when going into dps mode. Someone doublecheck the hps, it seems way to high.