I asked you a few questions where you claim i was wrong, now when I ask you to back up those claims you refuse to? Kinda makes it hard to have a real discussion with you
barb FB not equal to Ftr kensai, why you don't understand that is beyond me. I can not say it more plainly.
Even if there where a few mobs in the epic quests where you miss, that does not make the dwarven axe better overall dps or just as good as the khopesh. Also your assumption is the dwarf has spend 6ap on the tohit, that the ac is not so high that PA has to be turned off for both to be able to hit, none of these things have to be the case.
Again, I never tried to claim DA is better overall. And last time I looked it was the player that chose what enhancements to employ on their chars, not you. So because you said it doesn't happen means jack.
Sure in the case that the mob has an excatly high enough ac for the da to be able to hit with pa on a 2, and the khopesh to miss on 2-3 or perhaps 2-5, because the dwarf has spend the 6 ap and perhaps wf ench, the mobs dies faster than it gets debuffed, you start your attack chain on +0 and it dies, and you dont have enough damage on khopesh to catch up on the later attack chains etc etc then the dwarven axe is better dps. Are you really using this as an reason to why the dwarven axe is just as good dps? There are so many assumptions there that most likely will never be the case in an epic quest, that this will only be true for a small amount of the time.
Its not when mob has exactly enough AC to have kopesh miss on 2/3. If mob AC has kopesh miss on 2-10, DA will only miss on 2-5 (2-8 if niether using PA). I stated misses on 2/3 to point out the MINIMUM that would swing the balance, more misses, means more favor to DA. As to assumptions, I am not the one that keeps demanding that you must assume max gear and max buffs, exactly oppsite of what the OP asked. You are the one wanting to make the assumptions and slant everything in favor of the kopesh, reguardless of what was asked.
The fact is if you look at what people are doing at level 20 (this is the question from op) they dont spend their time grinding quests on elite. They grind them on normal same goes for quests. So for 90% of things he is doing khopesh is better even by your own word. Sure if he decides to go epic there might be some cases where he could have the same or slightly better dps with a dwarven axe. Assuming he burns 6ap on +2 tohit that almost no people do on a pure kensai, and even you dont seem to be taking on your dwarf. If you are taking these posts your enhancements we at least can see what you are leaving out to get these.
Again, my personal decesions for enhancements on a ftr are irrelavant. Fact is you can take all dps related enhancements and DA enhancements with AP left over. How someone spends those AP is choice (hp, saves, tactics, etc...). What people do at 20 is there choice. I have clearly stated more than a dozen times, if that is running on normal kopeah will win. You keep implying that I have said something contrary to that, again I point out that is an out and out lie. Please stop misrepresenting what I say.
Funny thing is that if you had end game gear shown in the post with a seeker item you calculate 325 damage, this means the he could just turn off pa and still do more damage than the khopesh. Assuming that the ac might be so high the da also misses on low rolls then it would be even higher difference hehe. This is ofcourse requirering full buffs and raid loot, but vs those mobs i think its fair to assume that else you wouldnt hit them at all
Turn off PA and DA looses 5 dmg and gains 5 to Hit, while WF kopesh looses 5-8 dng and gains 5-8 to Hit. PA off might make both hit on all but 1s, but guess what, lowering the dmg mod causes the kopesh to fall back to DA dmg even when no misses. So, med-high AC still favors DA.
Being the best dps weapon is not about being the best vs every single mob in the game, no one is claiming this! Its about being the best total dps against everything you face. Since khopesh is higher dps against the majority of things you will be killing at level 20, then over all it is higher dps. If you look at what the OP is expected to do, even more so. And when he does get all the raid gear etc and do epics, it will still be
Are there cases where DA is better sure but no one is arguing this.
Again, I have repeatedly said, if no misses and no fort, kopesh will definetly win. You ARE trying to argue kopesh is best dps v every mob. You want to claim its best for any level of content. You ignore the OP request and keep trying to throw in anything that would help your claims.