My question to Ulf is still simple your clearly state that you are using 12 ap for the DA as i read, and list all the wonderfull enhancement a dwarf get on top of that, tactical ones etc. But do you have more ap than the rest of us? because last time i checked my kensai i couldnt get all i wanted.
No one gets to take all the enhancements they want, if turbine gave more points, everyone would have enhancements they would love to add.
So please list what enhancements you see a dwarf taking inkluding the 12 ap to dwarven axe, else you are not making a fair comparison. If this was a feat starved class i would agree that the feat saved could be spend well else where, but on a fighter with a dps build i dont think using one feat to increase your dps is that bad.
You can easily take all kensai str enhancements and ftr str and dwf con and all dwf axe enhancements with points left over. It is simple fact. How I or anyone else individually spends them is their choice and will fit their build. You are trying to make it appear that it is not possible to take the enhancements, which is not true. While in the same breath you try and say feat means nothing. WF can spend AP on power attac enhancements, but by your logic thats a waste.
Also you keep saying that including buffs, raid gear etc is unfair, but yet you still use greensteel dwarven axes for your calculations, is only the raid gear you select ok for the calculation? should the discussion about dps comparionson not be done based on expected end game dps, but how your dps is while you get there?
I use same buffs presented by others, so I also use greensteel as others. I guess you would prefer if used max buffs but nongreensteel so as to artificually shift numbers to kopesh. I mean you want to have all the extra damage mods added in except leave out the increase in base damage of the actual weapon. Thats sounds fair.
The link i posted you are correct is not a 100% fair comparison sorry for not making that clear. But everything you take as Kensei. Power surge, weapon spec, greater weapon spec, the weapon spec enhancements etc etc helps rapier, scimater, heavy pick and khopesh more than it does dwarven axe.
Tha link you posted is x6 crit multiplier and 10%v20% crit range, both of those factors hugely favor kopesh and are not the numbers for a kensai. Not to mention the extra damage mods. Also everything you take as kensai does not favor other weapons. Take crit range, its a 50% increase in DA and Hvy pick crits, but its a 25% increase in kopesh crits. Again, you only mention things that favor kopesh and try to make it appear that s the whole story.
An easy way to compare weapon as someone else pointed out is their crit power, the more +dam you have the more this gets important. Khopesh has 19-20*3= power 4, rapier, scimi and heavy pick are power 3, and dwarven axe is power 2. So assuming roll 20 times and get the number from 1-20 then this is how many times you get that +dam extra. (double the power to include imp crit but thats irrelevant).
So as some of the posted graphs show its only a question about how +dam you have if it can offset the less base damage. As for hitting the mobs in epic, i find it funny that we are not to talk about raid gear fully buffed comparions, how do you run your epics?, with **** gear and only half buffed? :P I personaly do not expect my pure dps build to be the one with agro all the time, so often i would have that flanking boost to hit aswell
If this was me though i would go heavy pick, higher crit numbers = more fun hehe, and they look way cooler than pesh and DA
I should be fair in my comparison of crit power as its different for an kensai 3. Here weapons would rank like this
Khopesh: power 10
Heavy pick: power 9
Rapier/scimi: power 7
Dwarven axe: power 6
No to be fair you shold also add the base damage. 10 kopesh hits give 10d10 weap damage but 6 DA hits give 12d8+12. Again, you leave out those inconvient details. Guess what, they matter.
If we like you actaully consider non raid gear and then i would say also no greensteel weapons this means that as a dwarven fighter with +5 weapons, +6str items, etc you should do more damage with a heavy pick than a dwarven axe
This as mentioned posted and shown in graphs ofcourse depends on your +dam. But this should be pretty high as a pure fighter. Str (non raid gear) would be something like 18 +5levels +2tome +3ench +6item +8surge +2rage = 44
So you have +17dam +4feats +4ench +4more to critdam +seeker +song +gh or what ever buffs means you never run with less than +30dam and most of the time its 40 and more.
Once again you are falsely presenting the numbers, like crit dam and seeker only apply on crit, gh does not and a dam mod, what +4 from feats (3 spec feats +?). Your 40 and more is a lie. You numbers should be +17dam +3feats +4ench+9 song(max bard buff)=33(assuming you always have a bard)
So if we make a simple calculation on 20 hits with these asumings +2 from enhancements and no wf pa enhancements. we get this:
Scimi/rapier 3,5base 2.ench +40dam = 45,5 20 attacks (7crits*2)= 864.5 + 318,5 = 1183
DA 6.5base 2.ench +40dam = 48.5 20 attacks (3crits*3)= 921,5 + 291 = 1212,5
Heavy pick 3,5base 0.ench +40dam = 43,5 20 attacks (3crits*4)= 826,5 + 391,5 = 1218
Pesh 4,5base 0.ench +40dam = 44.5 20 attacks (5crits*3)= 845.5 + 445 = 1290,5
This means that vs non heavy fort and with non raid weapons a dwarv could do more dps buffed with a heavy pick and a pesh
No that means you used wrong dam mods and used no greensteel, which means totally unrealistic numbers. I used same mods for everyone, no preference given, thats a fair comparison.
It also means that on non fighter, elf with scimitar and drow with rapiers are potentialy better dps than a dwarf with da, on a kensai you need a really high bonus to damage to offset the low base damage.
No it doesn't. Even assuming no greensteel, your numbers are still giving +8 power surge and +4 enh, how does a non kensai get those bonuses? Again, you want to mix and match numbers that don't even apply, you are going out of your way to present false data.
If you do the math with greensteel its obvious that you need even higher bonus to damage to catch up on the higher base damage the dwarven axe has on the other hand vs trash mobs weapons like epic death have even higher crit power.
Also base damage doesnt look to change, but now you can get 6str from psionic, yogo pots etc etc, and the constant addition of things that increase the damage bonus per hit before crit multiplier will help rapier, scimitar, heavy pick and especially khopesh more than the dwarven axe.
Ofcourse this is all vs non heavey fort, but then again vs heavy fort its handwraps that rules :P
Oh and one last thing you dont like the barb comparison because its *6 crit or what ever. Do remember that barb crit only works on 19 and 20, so khopesh and warven axe gets the exact same increase in damage, as do anyother weapon in the game for that matter. Feel free to show me math that i am wrong. Its gives 3 crit multi on 19 and 20 no matter the weapon and privious multi, how can that be better on some than others? :P
So while a kensai gets 4feats, 4ench and 4on crits from enhancements all in favor of khopesh, picks etc please show what a barb gets that favors khopesh so much?